I'm literally in the middle of rioting/looting in West Philly

Do folks rioting realize they are rioting against justified actions and just don't care because it's a means to an ends? Or are they grossly under-informed and believe there is some sort of injustice when a cop shoots a non-compliant armed person that is threatening them? It's gotta be one of those options, right?
Do folks rioting realize they are rioting against justified actions and just don't care because it's a means to an ends? Or are they grossly under-informed and believe there is some sort of injustice when a cop shoots a non-compliant armed person that is threatening them? It's gotta be one of those options, right?
Opportunity to get some free things
Revolution eats its children. They are staring into the abyss and don't even register the barbarism they are looking at. Barbarism drags everyone along. Rule of law is a lot kinder way to live and let live and progress, and yes even overcome injustice in a way that keeps it gone. Big choice in front of this society.
Do folks rioting realize they are rioting against justified actions and just don't care because it's a means to an ends? Or are they grossly under-informed and believe there is some sort of injustice when a cop shoots a non-compliant armed person that is threatening them? It's gotta be one of those options, right?
Not saying the cops weren't justified in shooting him, but there's a difference between firing a shot and emptying your clip into a guy.
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What part of deadly force do you not understand?

He doesn’t even understand a “clip” of it.

Last year, as one example (this stuff happens ALL the time, unfortunately), a man ran at two Officers with a knife. The first Officer shot him 7 times, and he hit the ground. He then got back up, as the first Officer was transitioning to his Taser (bad move), ran to the second Officer and SLIT HIS THROAT. The first Officer then shot him again and he stopped trying to kill them both.

The common person just has absolutely zero idea what the human body is capable of in those kinds of circumstances. In many instances, I’d rather be shot than hit with a medium-large sized knife, whether slashed or stabbed. They do tremendous damage.
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Not saying the cops weren't justified in shooting him, but there's a difference between firing a shot and emptying your clip into a guy.

If you decide a threat warrants the use of deadly force and you pull your weapon, you eliminate the threat. That is basic training. It is sad any time a life is lost when it could have been prevented, but there is no such thing as shooting to injure.
Not saying the cops weren't justified in shooting him, but there's a difference between firing a shot and emptying your clip into a guy.
It doesnt sound like you have ever shot anything. If that’s the case, it doesn’t really work that way. You could shoot a 300 lb defensive lineman once and he dies or you may shoot a 150 lb meth head 10 times and he keeps coming. The “shoot him in the leg” or don’t empty your magazine theory just doesn’t make sense in the heat of the moment. If you come at the cops with a deadly weapon, you should fully expect them to shoot until you atop moving.

Unfortunately that young man was looking for trouble and he found it. I hate it for his family.
Do folks rioting realize they are rioting against justified actions and just don't care because it's a means to an ends? Or are they grossly under-informed and believe there is some sort of injustice when a cop shoots a non-compliant armed person that is threatening them? It's gotta be one of those options, right?
Or, they're just animals and don't give a crap about anything.
A young man was shot to death not too far from where I live in West Philly...Im on 52nd st now, and its one thing to see it on TV, another in person.. This shit is crazy
At least 30 police officers were injured overnight after tensions following the incident boiled over across West Philadelphia.

Officials said one officer was admitted to the hospital with a broken leg and other injuries after being struck by a pick-up truck near 52nd and Walnut Streets around 12:45 a.m.

Police said an additional 29 officers sought treatment at area hospitals for injuries, most from being struck by debris. Those officers have all reportedly been treated and released.

——didn’t you post a thread asking about buying a gun a while back? Hope you’re well protected!
Many cities throughout the USA were going through major revitalization over the past few decades but this one year, 2020, will set them back decades between covid pandemic and constant rioting. Who wants to live or even work in a major city right now?
If you decide a threat warrants the use of deadly force and you pull your weapon, you eliminate the threat. That is basic training. It is sad any time a life is lost when it could have been prevented, but there is no such thing as shooting to injure.

All of these “why no warning shots” or “he was shot X times” comments are so moronic. As you said, once that decision has been made, the clip is unloaded at center of mass. That’s how they’re taught. People commenting about the number of shots or “why didn’t you shoot him non-lethally in the leg” are crazy.
Hope you and your family are safe OP. Simple to obey authority and take what charges you have coming to you.
Thank you bro, I'm not crazy.. I do street photography and I was literally just recording(maybe that makes me crazy lol).. I wasn't arguing with nobody, especially cops.. I'm born and raised in Philly so I'm street smart... I never really felt in danger at the scene of the looting..The most danger I felt was like 6 blocks away from the looting, it was a shootout across from my where my girl lives smh
Do folks rioting realize they are rioting against justified actions and just don't care because it's a means to an ends? Or are they grossly under-informed and believe there is some sort of injustice when a cop shoots a non-compliant armed person that is threatening them? It's gotta be one of those options, right?
Not in the minds of those behind driving the actions of these people.
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Do folks rioting realize they are rioting against justified actions and just don't care because it's a means to an ends? Or are they grossly under-informed and believe there is some sort of injustice when a cop shoots a non-compliant armed person that is threatening them? It's gotta be one of those options, right?
Marxists look for any opportunity to create discord. Whites v/s Blacks, Gays v/s Straight, Citizen v/s Cops, Global Warming, LED lightbulbs...literally anything. They are trying to create this discord so that the "have nots", as they see themselves (Proletariat) can topple the "haves" (Bourgeois), destroy Capitalism and create a new Socialist/ Communist Government where there is "wealth distribution" to create a level playing field where the wealthy "pay their fair share", even though they pay far more than anyone else... Sound familiar?

The Democrats have become the "coalition of the disenfranchised", here's their problem...most people aren't disenfranchised! You have White Liberals who are mad at African Americans who are not mad at White Conservatives, who are (allegedly) their oppressors! You have White Liberals who expect African Americans to vote Democrats BECAUSE they are "African Americans" ("or you ain't black!")... Sound familiar?

They want the end of the Church since the Church says endure this present age and those who are faithful to Christ will inherit the Kingdom of God. Marxist are atheistic and don't believe in the afterlife, they don't believe in religion ("the opiate of the masses" -Marx) want change now and violence (riots) is their means. They know others won't come willingly.

They want an end to the family unit and wants the new government to be their father figure. So they want family-unfriendly policies. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an example...disregard the counsel and teachings of your parents and buy into the idea that ALL WHITES ARE RACIST...(white privilege). You are white, you are privileged and that is something to be sorry for.

This is the new enemy of the American Dream. It's already here, based on existing Democratic comments and platforms, this election is critical in putting it off as long as possible and establishing laws that will protect Americans from it.

This article is from this yesterday, granted it is from the right wing media, but it cites actual Leftist text, tweets and quotes.
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Do folks rioting realize they are rioting against justified actions and just don't care because it's a means to an ends? Or are they grossly under-informed and believe there is some sort of injustice when a cop shoots a non-compliant armed person that is threatening them? It's gotta be one of those options, right?

Come on man! All cops and white people are racist.....This is deserved after the years of being held down and oppressed and it is glorified in the liberal news channels for all to see. Not to mention the rioters don’t have to get up in the morning and go to work and earn a wage so they have a shitload of free time to destroy a country which allows them to sit on their asses and milk the system.

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