Interesting Study about Fake News

All one has to do is look back at recent history; mainly the last 3.5 years. Look at what was propagated by various news organizations vs what turned out to be true.
The reality is, fake news is really organized propaganda, and propaganda works. The question is who is directing the propaganda and setting the agenda.
There is a big difference between fake news and lazy news. Many are guilty of both. And both are bad.

things like the Covington kid in the MAGA hat was plain lazy that evolved into fake news. People saw some white kid that and a native american and couldnt help themselves. Get clicks be first to report such an egregious act. But then find out they were way off.

the key all should aim for is being the first to be right. Unless they dont care to be right and just want to report something to fit their agenda who cares about accuracy. And that is BS as well.

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