Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample in Arizona Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Joe Biden – Larger Audit Granted


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Cristina Laila
Published December 2, 2020 at 9:08pm
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Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.
Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.
The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.
The Arizona GOP on Wednesday announced the findings from their investigation of 100 duplicate ballots, in which TWO votes were discovered to have been altered and removed from President Trump’s total.
TRENDING: MASSIVE CROWD! -- STOP THE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Schedule Presser Wednesday at 2:05 PM in Alpharetta, GA --LIVE STREAM RSBN VIDEO HERE
In the name of transparency, a judge decided to order a review of 100 random ballots to see if there was fraud in Arizona.
One ballot was changed from Trump to Biden and another ballot was completely taken away from President Trump.
This is a 3% margin of fraud in Biden’s favor (2 votes taken away from Trump and one added to Biden).

President Trump reacted to the news.
“In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the State. Now we were granted a much larger sample to work with. Wow!” Trump said.

A larger audit was granted.
“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
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By Cristina Laila
Published December 2, 2020 at 9:08pm
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Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.
Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.
The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.
The Arizona GOP on Wednesday announced the findings from their investigation of 100 duplicate ballots, in which TWO votes were discovered to have been altered and removed from President Trump’s total.
TRENDING: MASSIVE CROWD! -- STOP THE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Schedule Presser Wednesday at 2:05 PM in Alpharetta, GA --LIVE STREAM RSBN VIDEO HERE
In the name of transparency, a judge decided to order a review of 100 random ballots to see if there was fraud in Arizona.
One ballot was changed from Trump to Biden and another ballot was completely taken away from President Trump.
This is a 3% margin of fraud in Biden’s favor (2 votes taken away from Trump and one added to Biden).

President Trump reacted to the news.
“In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the State. Now we were granted a much larger sample to work with. Wow!” Trump said.

A larger audit was granted.
“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.

So bring it to court, wait, we can't do that because then we would be seen for the morons and shysters that we really are. 1-40 in Court.
I don’t. But what do you think will happen if it makes it to the SCOTUS? I know you want to deny it’s possible but just entertain the idea for a minute

Honestly I have some confidence that Supreme Court justices have some integrity and will rule based on law. I also don't see anything in any of these suits that come close to something that the Supreme Court will want to touch.
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Honestly I have some confidence that Supreme Court justices have some integrity and will rule based on law. I also don't see anything in any of these suits that come close to something that the Supreme Court will want to touch.
There was was mass law breaking going on so thanks for answering my question
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I don’t. But what do you think will happen if it makes it to the SCOTUS? I know you want to deny it’s possible but just entertain the idea for a minute

I think that they will behave like all of the other judges have up to this point, and find that there is LITTLE TO NO EVIDENCE of widespread voter fraud. The appeal will then be dismissed or rejected, just like almost all of the others.
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I think that they will behave like all of the other judges have up to this point, and find that there is LITTLE TO NO EVIDENCE of widespread voter fraud. The appeal will then be dismissed or rejected, just like almost all of the others.
I’m sorry I thought this thread is based on evidence. Is it not?

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Exactly what we’re doing. We’re just following along & letting it play out. Y’all the ones barking about no evidence this no evidence that while it’s steady pouring in

Or...I take the time to point out when litigation is still pending, as I did here.

If this turns out to be something, I'll give it attention. Until then, I'll be dubious given the tremendously long list of failed suits that have preceded this one.
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you know things have gotten off the rails when Newt Gingrich is pleading with Ga voters to ignore Sidney Powell and her sidekick. The GOP wants it both ways: The president was cheated but all of the other GOP victories were legit ... and 'please vote early in Ga runoffs despite what we said about mail-in ballot fraud.' It would all be laughable if it weren't so dangerous to democracy. But I suspect there will be quite a number of TI members plastering Trump 2024 stickers on their bumpers within days.
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you know things have gotten off the rails when Newt Gingrich is pleading with Ga voters to ignore Sidney Powell and her sidekick. The GOP wants it both ways: The president was cheated but all of the other GOP victories were legit ... and 'please vote early in Ga runoffs despite what we said about mail-in ballot fraud.' It would all be laughable if it weren't so dangerous to democracy. But I suspect there will be quite a number of TI members plastering Trump 2024 stickers on their bumpers within days.
Probably saying ignore them because Lin Wood was telling people to boycott the Dominion voting machines being used. In other words boycott the runoff. Pretty reckless
Probably saying ignore them because Lin Wood was telling people to boycott the Dominion voting machines being used. In other words boycott the runoff. Pretty reckless
yeah, as if everything else they have said hasn't been reckless!

Algorithms! HA!
Exactly what we’re doing. We’re just following along & letting it play out. Y’all the ones barking about no evidence this no evidence that while it’s steady pouring in

You still need to understand that this isn't evidence. This is rhetoric and claims. Until it is presented in an actual court of law where there are penalties for lying or exaggerating, it doesn't constitute evidence.

And if there was so much "evidence" pouring in one would think that the record in court would be better than 1-40. You would also think that they would present some of these amazing tales of evildoing,fraud,and international scandal in a court of law where we could stop this heinous act. Instead,they are presenting none of this stuff,not actually claiming fraud in court, and being laughed out of courtrooms by republican nominated judges.
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