Is it weird the object shot down today is ...

Clemson Goat

Dec 11, 2004
The Valley
Being called a unidentified object ? 2nd) The balloon shot down off the coast of S.C. was identified as a Chinese Spy Balloon before it even reached US soil ... yet no country has been blamed for today's object.
Being called a unidentified object ? 2nd) The balloon shot down off the coast of S.C. was identified as a Chinese Spy Balloon before it even reached US soil ... yet no country has been blamed for today's object.
Perhaps they were sure of one and not the other. Are you Tiger Growls implying something???
Would not surprise me if this turned out to be a choreographed dog and pony show in an attempt to make China Joe look good which is not easy btw.

I had rather it be this than not have good enough technology to detect balloons flying over US soil . It still doesn't make sense the Pentagon did not inform the WH about past balloons. I find it weird this so called mystery object has not been identified. What the hell was it a balloon , flying saucer, drone, or a giant bird.
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I had rather it be this than not have good enough technology to detect balloons flying over US soil . It still doesn't make sense the Pentagon did not inform the WH about past balloons. I find it weird this so called mystery object has not been identified. What the hell was it a balloon , flying saucer, drone, or a giant bird.
Heard last night it was cylindrical in shape, about the size of a car.
Heard last night it was cylindrical in shape, about the size of a car.

Imagine the tens of thousands of bush flights happening in Alaska every day along with weather balloons and other balloons used

Unless it looks suspicious and flies on fown to tge US usually stuff that slow moving and small are ignored
Imagine the tens of thousands of bush flights happening in Alaska every day along with weather balloons and other balloons used

Unless it looks suspicious and flies on fown to tge US usually stuff that slow moving and small are ignored
It was at 40,000 ft., unannounced and unidentified, and could interfere with commercial aircraft at that altitude. (from Biden admin. for what that's worth)
after the news yesterday, I could t help but think of @areeves
Operation Blue Beam is absolutely real. They’re going to use Holograms to pull it off. Same technology used in the 9/11 so called attacks. They’ll use the same technology with “The Fake Coming Of JESUS.” This is why JESUS said in Mathew 24, “If they say I’m in the desert or in the inner chambers, don’t believe them.”
Operation Blue Beam is absolutely real. They’re going to use Holograms to pull it off. Same technology used in the 9/11 so called attacks. They’ll use the same technology with “The Fake Coming Of JESUS.” This is why JESUS said in Mathew 24, “If they say I’m in the desert or in the inner chambers, don’t believe them.”

given your family's prominence, i might keep the 9/11 denialism stuff to myeslf...
Let's keep our mind sharp during any of what may come out of this. I am not saying this is my opinion but I am saying that I would not rule it out.

The Chinese or any other country doesn’t need a “Spy Balloon” to collect intelligence. We have plenty of politicians & Generals & even our own President who would gladly share any intelligence they need or ask for. The NWO is on the verge of a full scale takeover.

I’ve said many times, we’re in the Third Seal of Revelation 6, which is the Rider on The Black Horse, which is Hyper-Inflation. Shortly after China invaded Taiwan, Hyper-Inflation will be @ its pinnacle.

China & other NWO entities are buying our farmland. This is so the NWO can control our food. Farmland is being confiscated globally or bought up globally, not just in America.

Remember, All Governments & their militaries are working together. The Ukraine provides a large portion of the grain for the world, or @ least they did.

Every military move globally, every crisis has been planned out & executed by the NWO.

Goal #11 of The NWO…. “To keep everyone from reaching their destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises.”

Here’s what’s on the horizon…. Manufactured food shortages, more pandemics, including the Ebola Virus, a full takeover by the NWO with the help of China & Russia.

Tactical Nukes…. Tactical Nukes Will be used on a handful of our cities, including D.C. China & or Russia will shoulder the blame but it will be with the consent of our NWO government.

An EMP Attack…. Our NWO Government launched a shuttle full of enriched Plutonium on December 13th, 2012. I met & had dinner with a Special Ops guy who told me about it. His Seal killed Pablo Escobar on top of the roof in Columbia. He said “The Cartel has a hit out on us till this day.” He specializes in Counter Terrorism, Hand To Hand Combat & Demolition. He confirmed what those of us who have studied 9/11 have concluded. 9/11 was an inside job. He said, “I’m a Demolition Expert, buildings don’t fall straight down, especially buildings as tall as the towers unless the are DEMOLITIONED. He asked me if I knew about 9/11. I told him, “No.” He said, “Building 7 fell 7 hours after the towers fell.” He said, “Marvin Bush, George Bush’s brother was responsible for the security of all three buildings.” He said, “Two days before 9/11, the guy who owned building 7, a forty-Seven story structure, the guy took out a 7 Billion Dollar policy out on the building.” He said, “The dump trucks who collected to steal from the towers 24/7 were placed on a barge, headed for China. The barge sunk before it got to China. This was done so an independent investigation could not have been done. Had the steel from the building been tested, residue from the explosives would have been found.”

FEMA Camps… There are over 800 FEMA Camps in America. This is where the Mark of the Beast & Worship of the Beast/Antichrist will be administered.

More to come later

given your family's prominence, i might keep the 9/11 denialism stuff to myeslf...
One day in the not too distant future, I expect to check out of here by a NWO bullet. Believe me, I’m Not being dramatic. Revelation 13, speaking of the implementation of the The Mark of the Beast & Worship of the Beast/Antichrist, “Whoever Lives By The Sword Must Die By The Sword.”
One day in the not too distant future, I expect to check out of here by a NWO bullet. Believe me, I’m Not being dramatic. Revelation 13, speaking of the implementation of the The Mark of the Beast & Worship of the Beast/Antichrist, “Whoever Lives By The Sword Must Die By The Sword.”

The first claiming to be Christ will actually be the Antichrist. Christ will come 5 months later.
The first claiming to be Christ will actually be the Antichrist. Christ will come 5 months later.
I respectfully disagree with you on CHRIST coming 5 months after the Beast/Antichrist claims to be CHRIST.

Here’s why….We’re currently in the Third Seal right now, which is Hyper Inflation, which is The Third Horseman Of The Apocalypse, which is the Rider On The Black Horse. Hyper Inflation will reach its pinnacle not long after China invades Taiwan. Taiwan provides 66% of the computer chips for the world. This has been planned out by the NWO for a long time as was Putin invading Ukraine, who supplies a large portion of grain to the world.

On deck is The Rider On The Pale Horse, which represents Death, in fact, the Rider of the Fourth Horse, which is the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse is named Death. The Rider on the Pale Horse was given Authority over 1/4 part of the earth, that’s roughly 2 Billion people. He’s given authority to kill with the Sword (weapons, Guillotines, etc) Famine (NWO Elite are buying up Farmland globally… No Farms, No Food) Pestilence (Covid-19, Aides, The coming Ebola Virus & other pestilences)
Wild Beasts of the Earth (People Will flee into the wilderness to prevent being detained in a FEMA Camp & in doing so, people will encounter bears, mountain lions, wolves, tigers & other dangerous animals)

FEMA Camps will be where “The Re-Education” takes place & “The Great Reset” ….. people are being lied to about what The Re-Education Really is & what “The Great Reset” Really means. People are being told the Great Reset & The Re-Education is about Equality & Teaching White People How To Treat Black People.
There are white people who need to learn how to treat black people but unfortunately, this is NOT what this is about.

The REAL RE-Education & The Great Reset is about the Beast/Antichrist, False Prophet & NWO Authorities Giving Humanity A Choice…. Agree To Be RE- Educated, Agree To Have The Mark Of The Beast (RFID Chip) Inserted In One’s Hand Or Forehead (Those Who Refuse Won’t Be Able To Buy Or Sell … Revelation 13) & Worship The Beast/Antichrist (Those Who Refuse Will Be Terminated … Revelation 13) ….. Those Who Receive The RFID Chip in Their Hand or Forehead & or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be The Recipient Of One Or More Of 16 Judgements From GOD, Starting With The 6th Seal in Revelation 6. Once One Perishes Who Has Received The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worships The Beast/Antichrist Will Spend Eternity In The Lake Of Fire. (Revelation 14)

The Gentiles will be asked To Worship The Beast/Antichrist First. I believe what’s described here happens Before 2026. Why? Because there are over 800 FEMA Camps in America, including 3 in Florida. NWO Authorities have spent a considerable amount of money maintaining these FEMA Camps over the years. If one looks @ The US Navy Maps for 2020-2025, Florida is underwater, the East & West Coasts & The States Along The Mississippi River & Hoover Dam Are Partially Underwater due to the NWO’s Chemtrail Program & HAARP Weather Technology (High Frequency Arial Active Research Program) purposely heating up the Climate & melting the Ice Caps & Glaciers. I believe they’ll plan the “Great Reset” Before The Flooding Takes Place. Also, the fact we’re in the 3rd Seal in Revelation 6.

The 5th Seal In Revelation 6 says, “I Saw The Souls Who Were Killed For Their Witness For CHRIST. This also speaks to The Great Reset happening during the Fourth Seal.

Revelation 20:4 also speaks to The Mark Of The Beast & Worship Of The Beast/Antichrist being part of the Fourth Seal. “I saw those who were BEHEADED For Their Witness For CHRIST, They Did Not Receive The Mark Of The Beast In Their Hand Or Forehead, Nor Did They Worship The Beast. These Will Reign With CHRIST For One Thousand Years. The Rest Of The Dead Were Not Raised Until The Thousand Years Are Expired.

I believe the Beast/Antichrist will Stand In Solomon’s Rebuilt Temple Sometime In 2029. I Say This Because NASA Scientists Are Saying WormWood Will Hit The Earth In 2029. Revelation 8 Tells Us Wormwood Will Hit a Large Body Of Fresh Water, Turning The Waters Bitter & Many Die Due To The Poisoned Water. This Is The 10th Judgement In Revelation, Which Happens To Be The 3rd Trumpet.

The Last 3.5 Years Of The Tribulation Is Called “The Great Tribulation.” It’s Called This Because There Are Many Judgements That Are Crammed Into The Great Tribulation. In This Case, I Believe There Are 11 Judgements Crammed Into The Great Tribulation. I say 2029 Because If One Adds 3.5 Years Onto 2029, You Get 2033. Most Theologians Believe JESUS’s Crucifixion & Resurrection Occurred When JESUS Was 33 Years Old, Which Obviously Was 33 A.D. From The Time Of Adam Until 2033 is 6000 Years. I Don’t Claim To Know The Day Or Hour But JESUS Said, When You See All These Things (False Christs & False Prophets, Wars & Rumors Of Wars, Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Nation Rising Against Nation & Kingdom Against Kingdom, People Being Offended, Fearful
Events, Waves & Seas Roaring, Christians Martyred, The Parable Of The Fig Tree (Israel Recognized As A Nation By The UN) Lift Up Your Heads Because Redemption Draws Nigh.” JESUS Said, “This Generation Will NOT Pass Away Until All These Things Have Taken Place.” That Includes HIS Return @ The End Of The Tribulation In Revelation 19 When JESUS Destroys The Armies Of The World, Who Have Gathered @ Megeddo Against Israel & Jerusalem, Which Is Armageddon.

In Daniel 7, It Says, The Beast Will Stand In The Holy Place & Put An End To Daily Sacrifice, Blaspheme GOD & Claim To Be GOD Himself. When This Happens, It Says He Has Times, Time & The Dividing Of Time To Reign. Times Is Two Years, Time Is One Year & 1/2 Time is 1/2 A Year. That’s 3.5 Years. It Talks About The Beasts 3.5 Year Reign in Daniel & Revelation.

JESUS Comes Back AFTER This 3.5 Year Period. Revelation 19 Tells Us The Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet Are Thrown Alive Into The Lake Of Fire. This happens immediately after JESUS Destroys 82% Of The NWO’s Armies. Revelation 19 says, “It Takes 7 Months To Bury The Dead & 7 Years To Dispose Of The Military Armament.
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One day in the not too distant future, I expect to check out of here by a NWO bullet. Believe me, I’m Not being dramatic. Revelation 13, speaking of the implementation of the The Mark of the Beast & Worship of the Beast/Antichrist, “Whoever Lives By The Sword Must Die By The Sword.”
Doubt it. I gotta be honest man... If I was the NWO and you were on TI trying to out me and prove to everyone I exist, I'd consider you an asset, because you sound NUTS to me and more than a few on here. I doubt I could pay anyone to type more unbelievable stuff.

Just a question, are you out there shooting people too? B/c otherwise, how do you explain your live by the sword, die by the sword prediction. Otherwise, you seem to equate posting on TI with getting shot.
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Doubt it. I gotta be honest man... If I was the NWO and you were on TI trying to out me and prove to everyone I exist, I'd consider you an asset, because you sound NUTS to me and more than a few on here. I doubt I could pay anyone to type more unbelievable stuff.

Just a question, are you out there shooting people too? B/c otherwise, how do you explain your live by the sword, die by the sword prediction. Otherwise, you seem to equate posting on TI with getting shot.
Everything I’ve said is in the Bible & we’re in the Tribulation as we speak. If you don’t believe the Bible, I don’t know what to tell you. I encourage you to read Daniel 7, Mathew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 6-22
I'm not drinkin' nothin. But you'd believe anything trump fed you!!
Everything I’ve said is in the Bible & we’re in the Tribulation as we speak. If you don’t believe the Bible, I don’t know what to tell you. I encourage you to read Daniel 7, Mathew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 6-22
I believe the bible just fine... I think that YOUR version of what it means is just pure crap. But we are going to see. You've been pontificating for a few years now about what's coming and finally you gave us a hard date... Something most nut cases like yourself are reluctant to do:

Florida is going to be underwater (a most odd prediction by someone who doesn't believe in climate change) by 2026 and shortly after that we are going to have FEMA camps with guillotines that will kill anyone that doesn't worship the devil. It says so in the Bible. Got it... I'm keeping track... We've still got a couple of years, but the water level so far is holding just fine.
the ufo's that can travel light years but cant evade an
9/11 holograms are referenced in the Bible?
No, but the technology the NWO will use to fake the 2nd Coming Of JESUS is the Same Technology used in 9/11 & the same that will be used for Operation Blue Beam & The False Prophet performing “Lying Signs & Wonders” To Deceive The Nations.
No, but the technology the NWO will use to fake the 2nd Coming Of JESUS is the Same Technology used in 9/11 & the same that will be used for Operation Blue Beam & The False Prophet performing “Lying Signs & Wonders” To Deceive The Nations.
This is the 2nd time I’ve seen you reference 9/11 and imply that it was “fake”. Can you elaborate?
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@areeves Please Explain how the Government (NWO) will gather up citizens and force them into FEMA camps. This is interesting to me due to my beliefs in the Bible.
Tactical Nuke attack & an EMP Attack blamed on China/Russia but with our government’s consent. Citizens Will get a knock on their door. Authorities Will tell citizens, “We were hit with Tactical Nukes & an EMP by China/Russia. It’s mandatory you & your family come with us. You will be taken to a FEMA Camp/Facility where you & your family will receive food, shelter, protection & other provisions. When it’s safe to return home, you’ll be transported back to your home.”
The FEMA Camps will be where “The Great Reset” & The Re-Education takes Place.
Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, “Here’s the real reason why you’re here, we’re the NWO. You have two choices, agree to be Re-Educated Or Be Terminated. The Re-Education includes Receiving The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast… Revelation 13) In Your Hand Or Forehead. Without The RFID Chip Inserted In Your Hand Or Forehead, You Will NOT Be Able To Buy Or Sell. ALSO, You Must Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those NOT Willing To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Terminated (Revelation 13) This Is Part Of The Fourth & Fifth Seals.

Please read Revelation 13, 14 & Revelation 20:4
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Tactical Nuke attack & an EMP Attack blamed on China/Russia but with our government’s consent. Citizens Will get a knock on their door. Authorities Will tell citizens, “We were hit with Tactical Nukes & an EMP by China/Russia. It’s mandatory you & your family come with us. You will be taken to a FEMA Camp/Facility where you & your family will receive food, shelter, protection & other provisions. When it’s safe to return home, you’ll be transported back to your home.”
The FEMA Camps will be where “The Great Reset” & The Re-Education takes Place.
Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, “Here’s the real reason why you’re here, we’re the NWO. You have two choices, agree to be Re-Educated Or Be Terminated. The Re-Education includes Receiving The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast… Revelation 13) In Your Hand Or Forehead. Without The RFID Chip Inserted In Your Hand Or Forehead, You Will NOT Be Able To Buy Or Sell. ALSO, You Must Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those NOT Willing To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Terminated (Revelation 13) This Is Part Of The Fourth & Fifth Seals.

Please read Revelation 13, 14 & Revelation 20:4

I will be terminated.
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