It's official


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Jan 20, 2004
Pickens, SC
President Biden, Congress and special interest groups have no regard or concern for average American. Gas prices up 40 cents a gallon in upstate SC compared to 2 weeks ago. 2.54 a gallon higher than when Biden first took office. Or should I say took over the orifice to crap over average American. Oil companies recording record profits but doing nothing to increase refinery output to lower these prices.
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President Biden, Congress and special interest groups have no regard or concern for average American. Gas prices up 40 cents a gallon in upstate SC compared to 2 weeks ago. 2.54 a gallon higher than when Biden first took office. Or should I say took over the orifice to crap over average American. Oil companies recording record profits but doing nothing to increase refinery output to lower these prices.
We’re in Third Seal of The Tribulation, Which is the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, Which is The Rider on the Black Horse, Which is Hyper-Inflation.

Next Up is The Dreaded Rider On The Pale Horse, Which was Given Authority Over 1/4 Of The Earth To Kill With The Sword, Famine, Pestilence & Wild Beast Of The Earth. This is The Opening Of The New World Order Takeover, Which Is Called “Putting The Ring On The Finger.” It’s Also Called, “The Great Reset!”

I Go Into Great Detail On How This Fourth Seal Is Rolled Out, Under The Threads, “With Gas Prices Reaching An All Time High” & under the Thread Conspiracy Theories dating back to 2020.

The Fourth Seal Involves The Fleecing Of Our Funds Out Of Our Accounts…. An EMP Attack, A Handful Of Our Cities Hit With Tactical Nukes… Martial Law… Re-Education @ The FEMA Camps…. The Implementation Of The Mark Of The Beast… Worship Of The Beast/Antichrist (Pope Francis) …. Beheadings By Guillotines
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We’re in Third Seal of The Tribulation, Which is the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse, Which is The Rider on the Black Horse, Which is Hyper-Inflation.

Next Up is The Dreaded Rider On The Pale Horse, Which was Given Authority Over 1/4 Of The Earth To Kill With The Sword, Famine, Pestilence & Wild Beast Of The Earth. This is The Opening Of The New World Order Takeover, Which Is Called “Putting The Ring On The Finger.” It’s Also Called, “The Great Reset!”

I Go Into Great Detail On How This Fourth Seal Is Rolled Out, Under The Threads, “With Gas Prices Reaching An All Time High” & under the Thread Conspiracy Theories dating back to 2020.

The Fourth Seal Involves The Fleecing Of Our Funds Out Of Our Accounts…. An EMP Attack, A Handful Of Our Cities Hit With Tactical Nukes… Martial Law… Re-Education @ The FEMA Camps…. The Implementation Of The Mark Of The Beast… Worship Of The Beast/Antichrist (Pope Francis) …. Beheadings By Guillotines
That’s a much more literal interpretation than I’d take but I definitely believe we are in the final days and His return is imminent. What do you think of the guy who heads the World Economic Forum? Anti-Christ? He certainly fits the bill. Wonder if you listened to any of his speech the other day. All carefully worded but chilling none the less. These people are devoted to one world totalitarian government and anyone who can be objective would have zero doubt of this.
The amount of drought and famine around the world is staggering. geologists are saying this is a 12,000 year drought event. This coupled with a shortage of fertilizer at exponentially higher prices means food shortages and sky high prices like we’ve never seen in the modern age. China is hoarding grain and stopped exports of fertilizer months ago. More than half the US is in severe drought. There are multiple hydroelectric dams that are close to shutting down if water levels continue to drop. I’m buying a tri-fuel generator and storing gas as this summer is going to be terrible as they’re are already close to rolling blackouts in some states and we’re not even in summer yet. The murder and violent assault rates have doubled the last two years in the US! Over 100,000 fentynal deaths a year now, up over 400% from just five years ago. Biden is desperately trying to drop Title 42 and open the border to let in over 2,000,000 illegals a year! which would decimate our cities, completely overwhelm our government welfare programs and hospitals and hugely increase crime. How people can ignore all this is beyond me, it’s like they are all under a spell of ignorance.
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That’s a much more literal interpretation than I’d take but I definitely believe we are in the final days and His return is imminent. What do you think of the guy who heads the World Economic Forum? Anti-Christ? He certainly fits the bill. Wonder if you listened to any of his speech the other day. All carefully worded but chilling none the less. These people are devoted to one world totalitarian government and anyone who can be objective would have zero doubt of this.
The amount of drought and famine around the world is staggering. geologists are saying this is a 12,000 year drought event. This coupled with a shortage of fertilizer at exponentially higher prices means food shortages and sky high prices like we’ve never seen in the modern age. China is hoarding grain and stopped exports of fertilizer months ago. More than half the US is in severe drought. There are multiple hydroelectric dams that are close to shutting down if water levels continue to drop. I’m buying a tri-fuel generator and storing gas as this summer is going to be terrible as they’re are already close to rolling blackouts in some states and we’re not even in summer yet. The murder and violent assault rates have doubled the last two years in the US! Over 100,000 fentynal deaths a year now, up over 400% from just five years ago. Biden is desperately trying to drop Title 42 and open the border to let in over 2,000,000 illegals a year! which would decimate our cities, completely overwhelm our government welfare programs and hospitals and hugely increase crime. How people can ignore all this is beyond me, it’s like they are all under a spell of ignorance.
I did not listen to him but I believe the Beast/Antichrist is Pope Francis for numerous reasons. First of all, according to Saint Malachi, Jorge Bergoglio is the 112th & Final Pope in his prophecy dating back to 1139 AD. Saint Malachi said the 112th & Final Pope would be a Destroyer, He Would Be The Only Pope To NOT Take A Symbol. He Would Be Called Peter The Roman. Well, Jorge Bergoglio is the 112th & Final Pope. He’s The Only Pope To Not Take A Symbol, Just Like GOD Told Saint Malachi. He Took The Name Saint Francis Of Assisi. Saint Francis Of Assisi Was A Patriach In The Catholic Church, Who Founded The Franciscans But His Real Name Was Petri De Bernardone, Which Translates To Peter The Roman.

Also, The Word Pope Means Vicar Of Christ. Vicar Of CHRIST Translates To Replacement Of CHRIST On Earth.

In The Middle Of September, 2019, Pope Francis Urged All Global Leaders To “Sign A Pact For A New Humanism.” Two Months Later Covid Was Released.

Revelation 13 Tells Us That The Dragon Gave The Beast His Seat & Great Authority. Pope Francis Speaks In Front Of The UN Regularly.

There’s An Observatory On Mount Graham In AZ. There Are 3 Huge Telescopes There. One Is Owned By The United States, One Is Owned By The Vatican & One Is Owned By Germany.

When Tom Horn & Chris Putnam Wrote The Book, Petrus Romanus, They Spent 14 Hours With Guy Cosmonolgo, The Chief Astronomer For The Vatican. Guy Told Horn & Putnam, “Through This Infrared Telescope Owned By Germany, We See Aliens (Demons) All The Time. The Name Of The German Telescope Is Called “Lucifer.”

Of Read Daniel 11, Starting With, I Believe It’s Verse 37, The Beast/Antichrist Is Assisted By A “Foreign god” Called “The GOD Of Forces.” I Believe This Is An Alien/Demon Who Helps The Beast/Antichrist Overthrow Many Nations. I Believe The Purpose For The Observatory & The Three Huge Telescopes Is To Identify & Locate This “Alien/Demon Foreign god”

The Vatican & The Catholic Church Own Most Of The Holy Sites In Jerusalem. So, It’s Easy To See The Beast/Antichrist Who Stands In Solomon’s Rebuilt Temple Could Very Well Be Pope Francis. He Puts An End To Daily Sacrifice, Blasphemes GOD & Claims To Be GOD Himself.

Mystery Babylon & The Whore Who Sits On Many Waters Is Papal Rome & The Catholic Church. One Cannot Go To A City Or Town In The World That Doesn’t Have a Catholic Church, School Or University.

Revelation 12 & 13 Describe The Beast As Being Scarlet In Color & Wear Scarlet & Purple Colors. These Two Colors Are Popular With The Catholic Priests.

It Also Says In Revelation 17 That She Holds A Golden Chalice In Her Hand. If You’ve Ever Been To A Catholic Mass, The Priest Holds A Golden Chalice In His Hand.

It Also Says The Beast Is Drunk With The Saints & The Martyrs Of JESUS. Papal Rome & The Catholic Church Killed Between 60 & 100 Million Christians During The “Dark Ages.” These Were Called Crusades.

The Beast Is Described In Daniel 7, Revelation 12, 13 & 17 as Having 7 Heads & Ten Horns. The Seven Heads Represent The 7 Mountains On Which Papal Rome & The Vatican Sit. The Ten Horns Represent 10 Global Leaders Who Will Reign With The Beast/Antichrist For A Short Time. The New World Order Has Divided The Land Up Into 10 Regions With A Global Leader Over Each Region.

Papal Rome Never Gave Up It’s Power. It Did Receive A Deadly Wound Though But The Deadly Wound Was Healed.

In 476, Emperor Augustus Handed His Power Over To Pope Simplistic Because Rome Was Getting Ready To Be Sacked By One Of Three German Tribes, Who Would Occupy Rome From 476 AD To 538 AD.
All Three German Tribes Allowed Papal Rome & The Catholic Church To Thrive During Each One Of Their Occupations From 476 AD To 538 AD. They Made The Fatal Mistake Of Failing To Understand Papal Rome & The Catholic Church Are Really A Government Disguised As A Religion.

The Bible Tells Us One Of The Heads Of The Beast Received A Deadly Wound But His Deadly Wound Was Healed.

In 1798, Napoleon Sent One Of His Generals To Arrest The Pope & Throw Him In Prison. This Was The Deadly Wound One Of The Heads Received.

The Deadly Wound Was Healed In 1929 When Mussolini Gave The Power Back To The Pope. Interestingly Enough, The Vatican Was Built In 1929.

Sometimes The Bible Refers To The Beast As The Beast System & Other Times, The Bible Refers To The Beast As The Beast/Antichrist.

The Deadly Wound Could Very Well Have A Double Meaning. The Bible Also Refers To The Beast/Antichrist As Having A Deadly Wound. The Bible Tells Us His Deadly Wound Was Healed. Pope Francis’s Clone Could Be Used To Replace Him.

There Are Cloning Centers Deep In Underground Military Bases. They Have Been Cloning People Since The 1940’s.

Much Of Our Weather Is Manipulated By The NWO’s HAARP Technology & Chemtrail Program. HAARP Had The Ability To Create Drought, Flooding, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes & Other Weather Phenomenon.

They’ve Been Spraying Us With Chemtrails Since the 1930’s. They Send Up 1000 Planes Per Day Globally. Weekly, No Matter Where One Lives In The World, People Are Being Sprayed With Refined Metals & Chemicals.

The Idea Is To Heat The World Climate Up So They Can Say, “We Have A “Climate Change Crisis.” And Because We Have This Climate Change Crisis, Which Is Blamed On Humanity & Fossil Fuels, We Need To Roll Out Agenda 21, Which Was Signed Into Law By George Bush SR In 1992. NWO Authorities Will Confiscate Citizens Property & Tell Them Where They Can & Can’t Live & Visit. Citizens Will Learn This As Part Of The Re-Education In The FEMA Camps.

Those Who Receive The RFID Chip & Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Forced To Live In 500 Square Foot Apartments In Metropolitan Cities.

Because Of The Damage Done By Chemtrails, All Of Florida, The East & West Coasts Of The United States & The States Along The Mississippi River Will Be Underwater By 2026. This is NOT Me Speaking, This Is The US Navy Maps Showing This. This Is Consistent With The Seas & Waves Roaring JESUS Describes In Luke 21.
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Just a small comment, from a small mind.

Jesus is not coming back, initially, as some indicate.
His 1st almost visit is the Rapture (a word nowhere used in the Bible).
Saints (not by most people's understanding, but 'only' meaning believers) will meet Him in the air, then on to Heaven.

When Jesus comes back to Earth, it's with all those and more; and it's the final Armegedon battle.
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I don’t see how it will happen this way but I haven’t really been researching it from this perspective. From what I’ve been reading the GEF and it’s great reset will attempt to usher in a global government but how the Pope and Catholic Church are part of this I don’t know. Some of the things this pope says are truly telling though, he’s obviously far left on the political spectrum. As for chem trails and controlling the weather, well you lost me there. A few planes sprinkling some dust to me doesn’t change 3 billion cubic miles of earth’s atmosphere much. Kinda like man adding one part per million CO2 per year/ drop in a bucket.
Too Many people would have to know about this and not say a word to anyone, kinda like the 9-11 attack and fake moon landing theories. I’m more of the belief that God is ordering events in conjunction with the Elites scheming.
At any rate I agree there are many things transpiring most of the world is oblivious to. I was here in 2020 telling everyone that Covid was a scam and was disbelieved at first almost universally, but now many more have figured out to some extent this was not as it was represented by media and government. More will figure some of this out but it will be far too late to stop it. When the global famine hits potentially in 3-6 months I’m looking for another global government takeover. There will potentially be mass looting of stores as the poor, middle class and unprepared in general are going to become desperate enough for food to simply start walking out of stores without paying. I think you’ll see controlled shopping with very long lines and security at all food stores to limit theft and head off mass looting if possible. There will be rationing of most items as costs skyrocket and shortages get worse with the global grain and fertilizer shortage and severe droughts in many countries affecting nearly all food production and prices. I’m seeing ridiculous prices on many items in Home centers already.
In my field, Hvac, the wholesale prices are rising over 25% a year for the last two years with no end in sight. In 2024 prices will be DOUBLE what they were in 2020 - or more. I think food will be worse than this, potentially much worse. There will also be rolling blackouts this summer and if the drought continues there are some large hydroelectric plants like Hoover and others that will shut down due to low reservoir levels. We’re coming up on the most chaotic time in modern history, even more so than the government inflicted economic suicide of lockdowns. Even from a purely secular perspective it will be surreal. I’m preparing myself as much as I can. It’s going to be rough even for those who live in good neighborhoods and have prepared for the worst.
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