I actually listened to him, as I do all vets. And I'm going to disagree strongly here. Furthermore, the actual lawsuit vs Pence has been filed, so the Republicans are going all out on this one. This shows just how far off the rails the Republican Party has gone. So the Republican party (the one that I used to belong to anyway), believed in smaller government and state's rights. But now they are just the party of Trump.
Here's what they seem to be doing. They are asserting that the VP (in this case, Mike Pence), doesn't actually just approve the electoral college votes. He approves "legal ones". And who determines the legal ones? Well, certainly not the court system, which has repeatedly thrown out fraud allegations. Not even the SCOTUS, which has done likewise. So who determines which electoral college votes are legal? Well, the VP of course!! So Republicans are saying that the votes of Americans count for NOTHING IF the VP decides that they aren't "legal". So essentially the VP picks the next President. And OP is 100% on board with that as are Republicans across the land.