I found a clear connection between Oswald, Israel, the CIA and it’s MKUltra Program
The newly unredacted JFK files reveal a conversation involving Senator Baker, Mr. Angleton, and others, discussing espionage allegations tied to Israel and mentioning someone identified as “Sidney X”.
“Sidney X” later identified as Sidney Gottlieb (in other declass).
The highlighted section references Gottlieb, was a source linked to (unredacted) “a scientist, plutonium, atomic energy,” and the CIA’s Technical Services Division, hinting at covert operations unbeknownst to many.
The unredacted text suggests deeper CIA involvement in international espionage, involving Israel, and highlights Gottlieb’s role in “sensitive operations”.
I did some digging on Sidney Gottlieb’s… and holy cow!
Sidney was an American chemist and head of the CIA’s Technical Services Division, who led the MKUltra program (1953–1973), which explored mind control using LSD and other methods on unwitting subjects.
Sydney was Known as the “Black Sorcerer,” he developed tools and poisons for covert ops.
Sydney Gottlieb, who operated the MKULTRA program between 53-73 — worked out of Atsugi, JAPAN, a known CIA hub, used for U-2 flights and drug experiments.
Sound familiar?
Oswald was THERE during the same period these MKUktra experiments were being conducted…
Yesterday, I uncovered newly unredacted JFK files showing that Oswald’s Commander went on Record to state that Oswald was in-fact Recruited by the CIA while IN JAPAN
(This is the second document provided)
• This declassified CIA cable from 1996 provides compelling evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was, in fact, a CIA ASSET, according to his Commander at the time.
• The cable’s very existence—marked “SECRET” and addressing a specific media inquiry about Oswald’s CIA ties in Japan—reveals an agency on high alert, carefully managing a narrative that threatens to expose a long-buried secret: Oswald’s recruitment by the CIA during his time at the Atsugi Naval Air Facility in the late 1950s.
Consider the context… Oswald was stationed at Atsugi, a known CIA hub for covert operations, including U-2 spy plane missions, from 1957 to 1958.
AND NOW, we add Sidney Gottlieb to the equation, “The Black Sorcerer”, who was actively AT THAT TIME (1953–1973) in charge of the MKUltra program, actively running experiments out of the same location Oswald was.. BOOM…
The cable confirms that as late as 1996, a credible UPI reporter was pursuing a story that Oswald was recruited by the CIA during this period, per Oswald’s commanding officer.
The CIA’s response—refusing to comment, redirecting the reporter to declassified records, and suggesting they pursue official channels—appears less like a dismissal and more like a calculated deflection.
If Oswald had no connection to the CIA, why would the agency need to coordinate such a high-level, internal response to a journalist’s inquiry more than 30 years after the assassination?
The answer lies in what the CIA isn’t saying: Oswald was THEIR man, and they were likely performing MKUltra experiments on him.