Joe Biden on Omicron: “For the Unvaccinated, We Are Looking at a Winter of Severe Illness and Death” (VIDEO)


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Well should I just go ahead and jump off a bridge? Based on what Joe said I will not make it through the winter.

By Cristina Laila
Published December 16, 2021 at 6:03pm

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Thursday held a meeting with the White House Covid response team to discuss the Omicron variant.
CDC COVID-19 Response Team published a weekly report last Friday where a vast majority of the patients infected with the Omicron variant identified in the US so far were fully vaccinated individuals.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variants, 34 people were fully vaccinated. Of those fully vaccinated, 14 people had received their booster shots but five of those received their additional shots less than 14 days.
Only 8 people were unvaccinated who got infected with the Omicron variants and 1 person has status unknown.
TRENDING: Doctor on CNN: Please Wear Your Mask at Christmas with Your Family Regardless of Vaccination Status (VIDEO)
Despite this report from the CDC showing that fully vaxxed people are getting infected with Omicron, Joe Biden claimed it is the unvaxxed who are at risk of severe illness from Omicron.
“For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death – for the unvaccinated,” Biden said adding that the unvaxxed are going to overwhelm hospitals.
He continued, “But there’s good news: If you are vaccinated and you have your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death. Booster shots work!”
The first two shots didn’t work but this third one will (until Pfizer needs another boost for its stock price).

Joe Biden struggled to read his notecards during Thursday’s meeting so Dr. Fauci had to chime in and help.
80,000 people like you died in the last two months because they listened to people like you. No need to call Terminix
LOL!! are sure as hell scared of a flu like virus that has a 99+ natural recovery rate. I have never gotten a flu shot or the covid shot. I am not hiding in the house either. I am playing tennis all winter and doing what I do including going to the gym and feel great. Now tell me how many booster shots you have had? For the record, I do take vit D3, C, K, zinc daily along with other supplements.

Now I do not take nugenix, but she still likes it too! LOL!!
LOL!! are sure as hell scared of a flu like virus that has a 99+ natural recovery rate. I have never gotten a flu shot or the covid shot. I am not hiding in the house either. I am playing tennis all winter and doing what I do including going to the gym and feel great. Now tell me how many booster shots you have had? For the record, I do take vit D3, C, K, zinc daily along with other supplements.

Now I do not take nugenix, but she still likes it too! LOL!!
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Well should I just go ahead and jump off a bridge? Based on what Joe said I will not make it through the winter.

By Cristina Laila
Published December 16, 2021 at 6:03pm

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Thursday held a meeting with the White House Covid response team to discuss the Omicron variant.
CDC COVID-19 Response Team published a weekly report last Friday where a vast majority of the patients infected with the Omicron variant identified in the US so far were fully vaccinated individuals.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variants, 34 people were fully vaccinated. Of those fully vaccinated, 14 people had received their booster shots but five of those received their additional shots less than 14 days.
Only 8 people were unvaccinated who got infected with the Omicron variants and 1 person has status unknown.
TRENDING: Doctor on CNN: Please Wear Your Mask at Christmas with Your Family Regardless of Vaccination Status (VIDEO)
Despite this report from the CDC showing that fully vaxxed people are getting infected with Omicron, Joe Biden claimed it is the unvaxxed who are at risk of severe illness from Omicron.
“For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death – for the unvaccinated,” Biden said adding that the unvaxxed are going to overwhelm hospitals.
He continued, “But there’s good news: If you are vaccinated and you have your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death. Booster shots work!”
The first two shots didn’t work but this third one will (until Pfizer needs another boost for its stock price).

Joe Biden struggled to read his notecards during Thursday’s meeting so Dr. Fauci had to chime in and help.
Ole Joe has to beat the fear drum.
Yeah..... because a person's political party is on their death certificate.

BS graph if there was ever one.
Tell John Hopkins and MIT that you don't approve, but as far as the point - you missed it.
Biden with 3 vaccines and several therapeutic treatments has overseen 400,000 more deaths than the previous year/president. Mask mandates are returning, stocks are tanking, sports are being cancelled again and schools are closing.

"I will shut down the virus." -Joe "You ain't black if you don't vote for me" Biden

He's killing it though.....literally
Let’s just disregard that there are several treatment options for covid that have proven to be effective...Just get the vax or you’re 100% gonna die!
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Let’s just disregard that there are several treatment options for covid that have proven to be effective...Just get the vax or you’re 100% gonna die!
Let's just disregard the fact that you first have to catch it and get sick, while likely spreading it before you charge the government $3000 for your monoclonal antibody treatment when you could have prevented it by getting a shot that costs them $19.50. Brilliant!
Let's just disregard the fact that you first have to catch it and get sick, while likely spreading it before you charge the government $3000 for your monoclonal antibody treatment when you could have prevented it by getting a shot that costs them $19.50. Brilliant!
Lmao you are aware vaccinated people spread the virus too, right? Welcome to life on earth, where us humans have been getting and spreading viruses for a while, it’s crazy as shit

I treated my covid at home with Quercetin and zinc and knocked it out in a couple days. Was great. I know many others who have done the same, several who are morbidly obese. No monoclonal antibodies here!
Lmao you are aware vaccinated people spread the virus too, right? Welcome to life on earth, where us humans have been getting and spreading viruses for a while, it’s crazy as shit.

Studies have shown that vaccinated individuals spread the virus at roughly the same rate as unvaccinated people once a breakthrough infection occurs. However, viral load decreases more rapidly in vaccinated individuals. Thus, the timeframe for the spread is reduced.

Studies also show that it is more difficult to get infected in the first place if you are vaccinated. So while what you are saying is true, you are basically only telling half of the story.

Let's just disregard the fact that you first have to catch it and get sick, while likely spreading it before you charge the government $3000 for your monoclonal antibody treatment when you could have prevented it by getting a shot that costs them $19.50. Brilliant!
Hello hcq and ivermectin which both work and are cheaper than the jab not to mention work better.
Yeah..... because a person's political party is on their death certificate.

BS graph if there was ever one.
Yeah, Id love to see their data collection for that. I guarantee all they did was just pull data from areas with higher repub voting vs areas with higher dem voting. You know it is complete crap. Another example of "the science" at work.
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Curious as to your thoughts on what he should be saying given the information at hand?
Assuming we don't have enough data to make absolte determinations as to the impact of the omicon varriant, how about something a little closer to what the data we do have shows. Would that be freaking reasonable?!?!?!

What limited data I have seen seems to indicate symptoms from the omicrom variant are mild - much milder than the prior versions. So what is Biden's response? “For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death – for the unvaccinated,” Again, they talk all about following the science when what they say and do ignores the science a large portion of the time. His statement was completely the opposite of what the initial information seems to indicate about the virus.
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Assuming we don't have enough data to make absolte determinations as to the impact of the omicon varriant, how about something a little closer to what the data we do have shows. Would that be freaking reasonable?!?!?!

What limited data I have seen seems to indicate symptoms from the omicrom variant are mild - much milder than the prior versions. So what is Biden's response? “For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death – for the unvaccinated,” Again, they talk all about following the science when what they say and do ignores the science a large portion of the time. His statement was completely the opposite of what the initial information seems to indicate about the virus.
I’m not saying he’s handling this well (I don’t think he is)….but for the life of me I cannot imagine what should be said in his position. And I’m not hearing anyone provide that answer.
Yeah, Id love to see their data collection for that. I guarantee all they did was just pull data from areas with higher repub voting vs areas with higher dem voting. You know it is complete crap. Another example of "the science" at work.
And you're telling me there wouldn't be a difference? Even if that was all they did, why would anyone be surprised by that result? LMAO
Assuming we don't have enough data to make absolte determinations as to the impact of the omicon varriant, how about something a little closer to what the data we do have shows. Would that be freaking reasonable?!?!?!

What limited data I have seen seems to indicate symptoms from the omicrom variant are mild - much milder than the prior versions. So what is Biden's response? “For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death – for the unvaccinated,” Again, they talk all about following the science when what they say and do ignores the science a large portion of the time. His statement was completely the opposite of what the initial information seems to indicate about the virus.
Do you really think you have access to better data than he does? He's just making sh*t up to annoy you?

"Nationwide, hospitalizations increased by about 3 percent and deaths rose by about 7 percent over the past week. But some regions are seeing a much steeper rise.
Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have reported increases of more than 5 percent in new covid-19 admissions at hospitals in the past week. D.C. leads the nation with a 39 percent increase in hospitalizations. Connecticut’s covid-19 admissions have risen by 24 percent in the past week. New Jersey, Illinois, South Carolina, Alabama and Georgia each reported an increase of 11 percent or more."

And you're telling me there wouldn't be a difference? Even if that was all they did, why would anyone be surprised by that result? LMAO
I am saying the way the information is presented in that chart is dishonest and false. I would be willing to bet they don't know the political preference of any of the individuals that died.
Do you really think you have access to better data than he does? He's just making sh*t up to annoy you?

"Nationwide, hospitalizations increased by about 3 percent and deaths rose by about 7 percent over the past week. But some regions are seeing a much steeper rise.
Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have reported increases of more than 5 percent in new covid-19 admissions at hospitals in the past week. D.C. leads the nation with a 39 percent increase in hospitalizations. Connecticut’s covid-19 admissions have risen by 24 percent in the past week. New Jersey, Illinois, South Carolina, Alabama and Georgia each reported an increase of 11 percent or more."

A couple of points. First, if you are surprised cases and deaths increased a few weeks after everyone traveled and gathered all over the country for thanksgiving, you are simply not very intelligent. Second, the stats you just stated are not specific to the omicron virus(which is what Biden was addressing).
Lastly, Biden does not annoy me. I really don't pay much attention to what he says/reads off the teleprompter.
Do you really think you have access to better data than he does? He's just making sh*t up to annoy you?

"Nationwide, hospitalizations increased by about 3 percent and deaths rose by about 7 percent over the past week. But some regions are seeing a much steeper rise.
Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have reported increases of more than 5 percent in new covid-19 admissions at hospitals in the past week. D.C. leads the nation with a 39 percent increase in hospitalizations. Connecticut’s covid-19 admissions have risen by 24 percent in the past week. New Jersey, Illinois, South Carolina, Alabama and Georgia each reported an increase of 11 percent or more."

They are making shit up and that is correct to perpetuate the scamdemic into the future. They must have mass mail in voting or will be obliterated in the midterms.
I am saying the way the information is presented in that chart is dishonest and false. I would be willing to bet they don't know the political preference of any of the individuals that died.

They certainly don't know how people voted. But it's likely they know the person's political party. Generally speaking, that's public record on the voter file and can be ascertained by paying a small fee to access the voter file through the county clerk or a secretary of states office in any given state.
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I am saying the way the information is presented in that chart is dishonest and false. I would be willing to bet they don't know the political preference of any of the individuals that died.
I don't know what data they used but it was likely the percentage of vote by county. There are a lot of studies that show the exact same thing.

A couple of points. First, if you are surprised cases and deaths increased a few weeks after everyone traveled and gathered all over the country for thanksgiving, you are simply not very intelligent. Second, the stats you just stated are not specific to the omicron virus(which is what Biden was addressing).
Lastly, Biden does not annoy me. I really don't pay much attention to what he says/reads off the teleprompter.
Omicron cases are doubling every 1.5 to 3 days - that's an insane level of exponential spread that has little to do with Thanksgiving. Omicron "may" be milder but that's still speculative. Seems like his teleprompter knew what it was talking about.
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They certainly don't know how people voted. But it's likely they know the person's political party. Generally speaking, that's public record on the voter file and can be ascertained by paying a small fee to access the voter file through the county clerk or a secretary of states office in any given state.
I'd be surprised if they even did that. See the post above where they compared death rates in different counties. I would bet they did something like that.
I don't know what data they used but it was likely the percentage of vote by county. There are a lot of studies that show the exact same thing.

I imagine you are correct in what data they were using(although I do not know for sure). HOWEVER, that is NOT what the chart said. There were clearly misstating the information they were presenting.
Omicron cases are doubling every 1.5 to 3 days - that's an insanely exponential spread that has little to do with Thanksgiving. Omicron "may" be milder but that's still speculative. Seems like his teleprompter knew what it was talking about.
Based on what? You just stated the omicron symptoms may be milder. Most indications are they are much much milder than prior variants (the original and the delta) - how does that translate to a likelihood of "sever illness and death" for people that get the omicron variant?
Edit to point out that the article you posted says overall covid increased hospitalizations increased 3% and deaths 7%. I think those type increases could easily be attributed to thanksgiving, that is not some massive increase. Also, if cases are increasing 230+% to 460+% a week and hospitalizations and deaths are increasing 3% and 7%, I think even you can figure out that predicting severe illness and death for those who get omicron is ridiculous based on current data.
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Based on what? You just stated the omicron symptoms may be milder. Most indications are they are much much milder than prior variants (the original and the delta) - how does that translate to a likelihood of "sever illness and death" for people that get the omicron variant?
It doesn't portend severe illness for everyone who gets the Omicron variant but it may portend illness for many. Because math
It doesn't portend severe illness for everyone who gets the Omicron variant but it may portend illness for many. Because math
He didn't portend illness, he portended "severe illness and death" with the underlying implication it would be rampant.
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