Just heard that the Flu is down..90% in November.

Lowest its been in 30 years. You cant convince me that there is a correlation between that and very high covid #s. Its just not possible. Something is wrong here.

Covid is the flu. Duh.

It's just the normal sheep that believe otherwise and follow their masters to shut everything down. As soon as numbnutts takes over, they will call off the scam and ISIS will start chopping off heads again and every damn South American socialist that wants a free ride will be given free housing somewhere in Minnesota.
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Lowest its been in 30 years. You cant convince me that there is a correlation between that and very high covid #s. Its just not possible. Something is wrong here.
It’s crazy you say thay

we had a group Get together(without masks), a few were nurses and they all said not a single case of the flu has been reported. That’s 3 different cities and hospitals
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This board really does have more crazy conspiracy theorist folks than any board I’ve seen.

I bet our Q supporter percentage is at least 20%
Thats not a conspiracy...i quoted actual numbers. Never have the CDC seen this.
I suspect that it has to do with masks, hand washing and social distance measures. Big brother is going to be after you to wear masks all the time.

yesh sure. Tell that to the county in Colorado which is listing 40% of”COVID” deaths with gunshot wound as a co-morbidity.

lying shamelessly.
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Lowest its been in 30 years. You cant convince me that there is a correlation between that and very high covid #s. Its just not possible. Something is wrong here.

Everything is always a frikkin conspiracy with some of you guys. Ever think there might be a reasonable explanation like people following COVID protocols and millions of people getting early flu shots this year? There is also a theory called viral intervention that posits that you can't be co-infected with both viruses at the same time. Its not always about Communist NWO overlords trying to take away your rights. Please be rational people, this sh*t is getting ridiculous.
I’m sure OP is right.... but he forgot to tell me who to blame for it. Republicans or democrats? Samsung or Apple? Taste great or less feeling? C’mon, don’t leave me hanging bro!!!
Masks and social distancing are quite effective in stopping the spread of flu. They do not appear to be equally as effective in stopping the spread of covid.
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Lowest its been in 30 years. You cant convince me that there is a correlation between that and very high covid #s. Its just not possible. Something is wrong here.
Hey, dipsh%^, flu season doesn't really crank up until December. Plus, where do you think most of the flu cases spread so rapidly? At schools...and MOST schools are going a few days max. so the kids are isolated. Plus a large portion of people (at least those with brains) are wearing masks. So, do you see where the numbers might be down?

Here's some more info if you need it from a source: COVID-19 Is Surging but Flu Cases Are Down: Here's Why (
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Everything is always a frikkin conspiracy with some of you guys. Ever think there might be a reasonable explanation like people following COVID protocols and millions of people getting early flu shots this year? There is also a theory called viral intervention that posits that you can't be co-infected with both viruses at the same time. Its not always about Communist NWO overlords trying to take away your rights. Please be rational people, this sh*t is getting ridiculous.
The main factor is that docs are ordering Covid tests instead of flu tests.

The more you test, the more positives you find. Then combine that with people staying at home instead of of going to work/school with fevers, and there you go. Pretty simple.
50% more people have had the seasonal flu vaccine administered in 2020 than 2019. More info here:

The main factor is that docs are ordering Covid tests instead of flu tests.

The more you test, the more positives you find.

Sure, but we're talking about the flu. So if you test negative for COVID, they will then test for the flu, so they know which virus is causing their symptoms. It's not like every hospital in America is in on the plan to under-report the flu.
50% more people have had the seasonal flu vaccine administered in 2020 than 2019. More info here:

I think flu vaccines are up 12%, but still a solid increase.
Sure, but we're talking about the flu. So if you test negative for COVID, they will then test for the flu, so they know which virus is causing their symptoms. It's not like every hospital in America is in on the plan to under-report the flu.
No, but your everyday "doctors care" are doing mainly Covid tests. In our office, we've had staff members have multiple Covid tests come back negative so that they could return to work after having "colds". Nobody was also tested for the flu as a follow up 2 days later.

It's certainly not an agenda or anything.
Covid is the flu. Duh.

It's just the normal sheep that believe otherwise and follow their masters to shut everything down. As soon as numbnutts takes over, they will call off the scam and ISIS will start chopping off heads again and every damn South American socialist that wants a free ride will be given free housing somewhere in Minnesota.

just the normal flu that is killing 3,500 people a day
Masks and social distancing are quite effective in stopping the spread of flu. They do not appear to be equally as effective in stopping the spread of covid.

sure they do, it’s just we have 40% of the country who are anti-science assholes who would prefer to make a political point than protect their communities.

  • A study of an outbreak aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, an environment notable for congregate living quarters and close working environments, found that use of face coverings on-board was associated with a 70% reduced risk.
  • A retrospective case-control study from Thailand documented that, among more than 1,000 persons interviewed as part of contact tracing investigations, those who reported having always worn a mask during high-risk exposures experienced a greater than 70% reduced risk of acquiring infection compared with persons who did not wear masks under these circumstances.
  • An investigation of a high-exposure event, in which 2 symptomatically ill hair stylists interacted for an average of 15 minutes with each of 139 clients during an 8-day period, found that none of the 67 clients who subsequently consented to an interview and testing developed infection. The stylists and all clients universally wore masks in the salon as required by local ordinance and company policy at the time.
I think flu vaccines are up 12%, but still a solid increase.
The article states the following, but I might have missed something.

The CDC reported that as of Nov. 21, 44.5 million flu vaccines had been administered in adults in pharmacies so far this year, compared to 30.4 million at the same time in 2019.
The article states the following, but I might have missed something.

The CDC reported that as of Nov. 21, 44.5 million flu vaccines had been administered in adults in pharmacies so far this year, compared to 30.4 million at the same time in 2019.

It also said this, which is contradictory but impressive if true.

"Over 188 million doses of flu vaccine have been distributed so far this year.

That’s a sharp increase from the 169 million doses that had been sent out at this time last year, and 163 million doses that were distributed at this point in 2018.

Schaffner believes most of these doses have been inoculated into people."
The article states the following, but I might have missed something.

The CDC reported that as of Nov. 21, 44.5 million flu vaccines had been administered in adults in pharmacies so far this year, compared to 30.4 million at the same time in 2019.
188 mill up from 169 mill. The numbers you gave are the pharmacy numbers.

Still a solid increase though.
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yesh sure. Tell that to the county in Colorado which is listing 40% of”COVID” deaths with gunshot wound as a co-morbidity.

lying shamelessly.
think about what you just said. 40%. that would be corruption and people risking medical licenses in almost every facility in the county. does that make sense to you? do you think that's reasonable? do you think at all?
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It’s Trump fault
now you're figuring it out. well done.

eliminating the pandemic response team was a mistake. refusing to treat a pandemic like a real thing saying it would 'go away' and be 'gone' in days or weeks was a mistake. not pushing for enough production and stockpiling PPE in January was a mistake. trying to make the masks political was a mistake. there were so many chances for him to not be completely retarded, but alas here we are.

probably would have won him the election too. such a shame
yesh sure. Tell that to the county in Colorado which is listing 40% of”COVID” deaths with gunshot wound as a co-morbidity.

lying shamelessly.

This is absurd on its face, but it took me all of 30 seconds of googling to debunk it.

Trump’s CDC requires counties to report two things:

-Deaths DUE to COVID
-Deaths among people with COVID (including people who have COVID but die from other causes)

a big fat TWO of Grand County’s 5 gunshot victims were classified as the second, as required by the CDC.

they were NOT classified as dying from COVID or included in the daily COVID deaths stats.

you are lying shamelessly

Everything is always a frikkin conspiracy with some of you guys. Ever think there might be a reasonable explanation like people following COVID protocols and millions of people getting early flu shots this year? There is also a theory called viral intervention that posits that you can't be co-infected with both viruses at the same time. Its not always about Communist NWO overlords trying to take away your rights. Please be rational people, this sh*t is getting ridiculous.

So you admit sometimes Communist NWO overlords are trying to take away my rights. I freakin knew it.
So you admit sometimes Communist NWO overlords are trying to take away my rights. I freakin knew it.

Correct but they're sneaky so you must be vigilant! I've heard they can steal your rights via 5G so be careful and don't use your phone!
I broke my smart phone in half and added a hinge because I heard that flip phones are safer and more secure.

Did you notice the chem-trail wisps when you broke it? That was the NWO worker drones evaporating....
Did you notice the chem-trail wisps when you broke it? That was the NWO worker drones evaporating....

Is that what that was? I thought my wife had put a voodoo curse on the phone and the demons had been released. Anyway I feel better now and can take off my tin-foil lined armadillo hat that I wear when outside. I surely don't hear voices anymore.
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