Just to summarize the behavior of Republicans


Valles Marineris
Gold Member
Dec 14, 2014
Tell their supporters the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump.

Help the leaders of the January 6 riot plan their attack, including giving the insurrectionists tours of the Capitol the previous day.

Amplify conspiracy theories, encourage armed and violent protests and rally the Trump supporters before the attack, telling them to "kick ass" and that they need to "have trial by combat."

During the attack, as Members are forced to hide out in close proximity, congressional Republicans refuse to wear masks, which has already resulted in three Members testing positive for COVID, including a 75-year old woman who just completed cancer treatment.

During the attack, President Trump watched on TV in "delight" and refuses to take desperate calls from Congressional leaders of both parties. His DOD stonewalls requests to allow deployment of the National Guard for hours.

After the attack, over 2/3 of House Republicans still vote to perpetuate the Big Lie and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.

After a Capitol Police officer is killed by Trump-supporting insurrectionists, the president refuses to call his family (as both Pelosi and Biden do) or to fly the White House flag at half-staff.

Tonight, in response to the House installing the same kind of metal detectors that our kids have to go through to get into school ever day, several House Republicans throw temper tantrums and shove aside Capitol Police simply trying to enforce long-stated Capitol rules.
Tell their supporters the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump.

Help the leaders of the January 6 riot plan their attack, including giving the insurrectionists tours of the Capitol the previous day.

Amplify conspiracy theories, encourage armed and violent protests and rally the Trump supporters before the attack, telling them to "kick ass" and that they need to "have trial by combat."

During the attack, as Members are forced to hide out in close proximity, congressional Republicans refuse to wear masks, which has already resulted in three Members testing positive for COVID, including a 75-year old woman who just completed cancer treatment.

During the attack, President Trump watched on TV in "delight" and refuses to take desperate calls from Congressional leaders of both parties. His DOD stonewalls requests to allow deployment of the National Guard for hours.

After the attack, over 2/3 of House Republicans still vote to perpetuate the Big Lie and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.

After a Capitol Police officer is killed by Trump-supporting insurrectionists, the president refuses to call his family (as both Pelosi and Biden do) or to fly the White House flag at half-staff.

Tonight, in response to the House installing the same kind of metal detectors that our kids have to go through to get into school ever day, several House Republicans throw temper tantrums and shove aside Capitol Police simply trying to enforce long-stated Capitol rules.

I sense panic.
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OP - speaking of big lies, wanted get your thoughts on this. You guys have seemed unwilling to own this but very quick to freak out on the right for peddling fantasies and weaponizing conspiracy theories to whip up the dipshits. Let’s get your thoughts....

Oh this should be the biggest scandal in the history of this country. But since CNN, MSDNC, and all the three letter networks were in on the ‘big lie’ and were the propaganda tool the Dems used to push it... well, there you go. John Brennan in his own redacted notes said that Hillary came to him back in 2016 and said they needed to hatch up this Russian collusion hoax against Trump, and they and the media rode that lie for 3.5 years. Why didn’t Twitter and FB and google censor libs and people in the Dem party for spreading this big lie for all those years? Hmm

But the same media, and the same libs in the Dem party are telling anyone that questioned this election that THEY are part of some big lie. It really would make an amazing movie, unfortunately for this country this isn’t a movie, and the inmates are about to be running the prison.
So whataboutism...

Not really. Wrong is wrong. I just think the irony of screeching about listening to fake news and the dangers of journalists and politicians pushing conspiracy theories on an ignorant subset of the populace is pretty rich and not very constructive. Are there conservative outlets that deserve examination and blame for shoddy journalism? Absolutely. I will readily admit that. But, saying certain conservative media outlets are predatory peddlers of conspiracy while being unwilling to acknowledge that much of the left biased media pumped 4 years of the Russia collusion bullshit isn’t really whataboutism as much as it’s pointing out absurd hypocrisy. Whataboutism is simply lazy and intellectually dishonest deflection.

Saw the article and thought it was pretty interesting coming from the source it came from.
Not really. Wrong is wrong. I just think the irony of screeching about listening to fake news and the dangers of journalists and politicians pushing conspiracy theories on an ignorant subset of the populace is pretty rich and not very constructive. Are there conservative outlets that deserve examination and blame for shoddy journalism? Absolutely. I will readily admit that. But, saying certain conservative media outlets are predatory peddlers of conspiracy while being unwilling to acknowledge that much of the left biased media pumped 4 years of the Russia collusion bullshit isn’t really whataboutism as much as it’s pointing out absurd hypocrisy. Whataboutism is simply lazy and intellectually dishonest deflection.

Saw the article and thought it was pretty interesting coming from the source it came from.

Speaking of conservative outlets, it's pretty interesting that CNN now has surged to historic levels while Fox News has sagged due to people looking for reliable information about the pandemic, the presidential transition and the terror threat. When truth matters, they don't seem to trust the REAL fake news outlets. CNN is now #1; Ahead of Broadcast and Cable News Networks in Total Viewers, Demo 25-54 and Younger Viewers

Speaking of conservative outlets, it's pretty interesting that CNN now has surged to historic levels while Fox News has sagged due to people looking for reliable information about the pandemic, the presidential transition and the terror threat. When truth matters, they don't seem to trust the REAL fake news outlets. CNN is now #1; Ahead of Broadcast and Cable News Networks in Total Viewers, Demo 25-54 and Younger Viewers

I mean the product and talent is pretty terrible. I’ll watch Carlson every now and then. Outside of him, it’s basically unwatchable. CNN isn’t all that great either, but slightly more news with slightly less shouting. I’ll watch bbc world news and CNBC or fox business. That’s pretty much it for actual news. Can’t stand to watch commentary/panelist discussion type shows. I’d rather take a staple gun to my scrotum.
Tell their supporters the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump.

Help the leaders of the January 6 riot plan their attack, including giving the insurrectionists tours of the Capitol the previous day.

Amplify conspiracy theories, encourage armed and violent protests and rally the Trump supporters before the attack, telling them to "kick ass" and that they need to "have trial by combat."

During the attack, as Members are forced to hide out in close proximity, congressional Republicans refuse to wear masks, which has already resulted in three Members testing positive for COVID, including a 75-year old woman who just completed cancer treatment.

During the attack, President Trump watched on TV in "delight" and refuses to take desperate calls from Congressional leaders of both parties. His DOD stonewalls requests to allow deployment of the National Guard for hours.

After the attack, over 2/3 of House Republicans still vote to perpetuate the Big Lie and overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.

After a Capitol Police officer is killed by Trump-supporting insurrectionists, the president refuses to call his family (as both Pelosi and Biden do) or to fly the White House flag at half-staff.

Tonight, in response to the House installing the same kind of metal detectors that our kids have to go through to get into school ever day, several House Republicans throw temper tantrums and shove aside Capitol Police simply trying to enforce long-stated Capitol rules.
Still on vacation?