Justice System Compromised


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
This is insane and I bet these little bits of reported corruption are just the tip of the iceberg.

The JUSTICE SYSTEM IN CRISIS - THIS IS NOT FROM A MOB MOVIE: MINNEAPOLIS: A juror in a major fraud trial has just been dismissed after disclosing she received a bag with $120,000 cash to vote for the acquittal of seven defendants charged with embezzling over $40 million from a pandemic-era child nutrition program. Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Thompson condemned the bribe as “outrageous” and likened it to scenes from mob movies.

NOTE: The 23-year-old juror said she immediately turned over the bag of cash to police, adding that a woman left it with her father-in-law Sunday with the message that she’d get another bag of cash if she voted to acquit, according to a report in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

NOTE: ABC News writes, “These seven are the first of 70 defendants expected to go to trial in a conspiracy that cost taxpayers $250 million. Eighteen others have pleaded guilty, and authorities said they recovered about $50 million in one of the nation's largest pandemic-related fraud cases. Prosecutors say just a fraction of the money went to feed low-income kids, while the rest was spent on luxury cars, jewelry, travel and property.”

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