now the real question; are random people on twitter good sources of information. on the one hand they're responsible for all of the election fraud evidence. on the other hand they're suggesting trump and his family may not be totally honest.
now the real question; are random people on twitter good sources of information. on the one hand they're responsible for all of the election fraud evidence. on the other hand they're suggesting trump and his family may not be totally honest.
Here’s the story itself
EXCLUSIVE: Jared Kushner helped create a Trump campaign shell company that secretly paid the president's family members and spent $617 million in reelection cash, a source tells Insider
Kushner directed Lara Trump, the vice president's nephew John Pence, and Trump campaign CFO Sean Dollman to serve on its board, a person familiar with the operation told
wow. AndTrump’s emails that ask for donations for his election defense fund say that 75% will be donated to his campaign debt obligations. I thought he was just paying himself by charging his campaign rent at his properties. I didn’t realize he was literally just paying himself. And don’t forget that most of his family was on the legit campaign payroll, so they were even double dipping.
I know the normal maga mouth breathers will dismiss this as fake news. But imagine some bigger donors are going to lose their shit. Expect more lawsuits against the trumps
If true, then I hope he shares a cell with Hunter and the rest of the Bidens. Make an example out of both of them
and exactly what evidence of criminality do you have for “the rest of the Biden’s?”
Anyone who has committed crimes should go to jail.
Everyone in DE has always known that Hunter was the problem child in that family. So it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some fire to that smoke. But given that this is a Bill Bar investigation, it also wouldn’t surprise me if it’s total bullshit.
Either way, there isn’t even a wig of wrongdoing by Joe, Jill, or Ashley.
Meanwhile there is copious evidence of crimes by Don, Don Jr., Eric, Ivan’s, and Jerad.
there’s no both sides bullshit here
If true, then I hope he shares a cell with Hunter and the rest of the Bidens. Make an example out of both of them
If Hunter committed a crime, he's an adult and he can pay for it. I always find it interesting that Trump supporters know what a piece of shit he is, but ignore it and/or try to paint a false equivalency with one of Joe's kids, like that's somehow the same thing. Besides, if you supported Trump for four years, you already decided that corruption, criminality and bad behavior aren't a deal breaker for you. His supporters have forever lost the moral high ground and no amount of whataboutism will ever change that.
Pretty sure that's not what I've maintained on here and also sure my post said they should share a jail cell, so I'm not really giving any pardons here to either side.
You see, I bought into the whole public service thing when I signed my life away and went to war on behalf of the country for a paltry $12k a year. When you use the office for personal gain, I have a problem with it and I don't care which party you affiliate yourself with. The reason I have a problem with it is my tax dollars pay their salaries as do yours. If Trump is found to be guilty of diverting funds for personal gain under the guise of the presidency, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest extent.
All of that said, I feel the same about Biden. The media and the DOJ suppressed the Hunter investigations at a time when it might have been pretty prudent to put the facts out there and run a proper investigation with public results so the people can decide if he's worthy of the office. For media and the DOJ to come out with reports timed with Biden's electoral college nod is a farce. You know that as do the rest of the liberal mafia on this board.
The truth is, I don't even like Trump but I hate when people aren't treated fair and equal. The constant rhetoric regarding how corrupt he and his children are but the lack of commitment to how corrupt the Biden's are is just a laughable joke and you know just won't admit it.
If Hunter Biden is corrupt I hope he is jailed, He certainly seems like the black sheep of that family. I would also point out that it is the long standing policy of the Justice Department not to release any information of an investigation during election time if it may influence the election. That wasn't really done to favor Biden.
I would also say that comparing Donald Trump to Biden as for who is most pretty laughable. Donald Trump has a lot of reasons to be very concerned post election and that's why he is considering pardoning himself. At his core Donald Trump has always been a glorified Slum Lord with zero empathy or conscience.
Pretty sure that's not what I've maintained on here and also sure my post said they should share a jail cell, so I'm not really giving any pardons here to either side.
You see, I bought into the whole public service thing when I signed my life away and went to war on behalf of the country for a paltry $12k a year. When you use the office for personal gain, I have a problem with it and I don't care which party you affiliate yourself with. The reason I have a problem with it is my tax dollars pay their salaries as do yours. If Trump is found to be guilty of diverting funds for personal gain under the guise of the presidency, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest extent.
All of that said, I feel the same about Biden. The media and the DOJ suppressed the Hunter investigations at a time when it might have been pretty prudent to put the facts out there and run a proper investigation with public results so the people can decide if he's worthy of the office. For media and the DOJ to come out with reports timed with Biden's electoral college nod is a farce. You know that as do the rest of the liberal mafia on this board.
The truth is, I don't even like Trump but I hate when people aren't treated fair and equal. The constant rhetoric regarding how corrupt he and his children are but the lack of commitment to how corrupt the Biden's are is just a laughable joke and you know just won't admit it.
It's not a contest to see who is more corrupt, it's the admitting that Biden might be corrupt that seems to be more of the challenge for many. Hunter absolutely has committed some form of a crime, possibly many but the question still remains.......was his Dad involved? His uncle certainly was. The amount of shell companies is indicative of money laundering and tax avoidance. It becomes overly challenging to trace money if it flows through multiple entities and shells. I'm sure the Trump kids have also benefited somehow and they'll likely have their day in court post office. Certainly seems plenty are ramping up to go after them.
That long standing policy of the justice department doesn't solve for the suppression by the media. You'll note that the Russia thing was not suppressed, in fact it was used as an excuse not to run the Biden story.
If 55% (or whatever amount voted for Biden) of Americans want Trump gone at all costs and prosecuted on the way out then fine but you have to be open to applying the same constant abuse and tactics to Biden during his time in office IF he's done something wrong.
I have a question, is there proof somewhere that “the media” suppressed this story? It seems you cannot be mad at both. You are angry that Trump’s DOJ suppressed the fact that hunter biden was under investigation. You are also mad at the media for not reporting a story that was being suppressed from them.
Pretty sure that's not what I've maintained on here and also sure my post said they should share a jail cell, so I'm not really giving any pardons here to either side.
You see, I bought into the whole public service thing when I signed my life away and went to war on behalf of the country for a paltry $12k a year. When you use the office for personal gain, I have a problem with it and I don't care which party you affiliate yourself with. The reason I have a problem with it is my tax dollars pay their salaries as do yours. If Trump is found to be guilty of diverting funds for personal gain under the guise of the presidency, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest extent.
All of that said, I feel the same about Biden. The media and the DOJ suppressed the Hunter investigations at a time when it might have been pretty prudent to put the facts out there and run a proper investigation with public results so the people can decide if he's worthy of the office. For media and the DOJ to come out with reports timed with Biden's electoral college nod is a farce. You know that as do the rest of the liberal mafia on this board.
The truth is, I don't even like Trump but I hate when people aren't treated fair and equal. The constant rhetoric regarding how corrupt he and his children are but the lack of commitment to how corrupt the Biden's are is just a laughable joke and you know just won't admit it.
Is there proof? Facebook admitted to it in a senate hearing as did Twitter. Investigative reporting requires investigation and the media refused to do that regardless of where the DOJ stood.
And I don't love the policy that an investigation won't be made public when a president (or any other seat) is running for office. All information should be presented so the American public can decide if they find the candidate suitable for the highest office in the land. That is the level of scrutiny you sign up for when you run for public office.
If 55% (or whatever amount voted for Biden) of Americans want Trump gone at all costs and prosecuted on the way out then fine but you have to be open to applying the same constant abuse and tactics to Biden during his time in office IF he's done something wrong.
None of us have a problem with this because it is inevitable. It happens to every president. Literally every president is subject to constant legal scrutiny and harassment by the other party. Ask Bill Clinton about that. Hell ask Hilary about it. She wasnt even president, she was only Sec of State and the republicans went after her relentlessly. 11 hearings on Benghazi? Remember how that ended? I do. Gowdy got in front of mic and said "after 11 hearings we cant prove anything but we know she did something wrong." All that carried over into the election if you remember.
To say that this treatment is unique to Trump is a joke.
So what was the media supposed to report when Trump's DOJ paused on the "trumped up" Hunter investigation? What is there to say about it other than there is no news to report on the investigation that "insinuates" there "may" be something shady to look at if we ignore facts and keep digging? It's been obvious since Trump tried to get Ukraine to start a fake investigation that he was desperate to find something, anything, that might look Biden look bad. He knew that there would be many voters of conscience that wouldn't be able to pull the lever for him because of his immorality, so he needed to create a moral equivalency with Biden so voters could tell themselves they were voting for the lesser of two evils. He didn't care if there were any facts to support it, he just needed to plant the seed. By any measure, Biden is a man of high integrity and good character so Trumpers will go to any length to imply that there is something dirty about him because they "want" there to be something. There just has to be right? Hunter may have done something nefarious but there has never been any proof and certainly nothing at all that implicates Joe. Just because you want something to be true, doesn't make it so.
If you don't have a problem with it then why were you and others so anti the Hunter story when it came out before the election?
For the record:
-Hillary wiped and destroyed blackberries and magically lost 30k emails, yet you make it sound like the investigation was baseless. She would have loved to have had the DOJ helping her out in 2016
-Bill was sleeping with an intern and then lied about it , an offense that in 2020 would get any CEO of any company fired in about 33 seconds. (personally, I didn't have a problem with it and wouldn't have impeached him for it)
Facebook is the media? what?
SO what you are saying is that the media should have used their investigative journalism powers to find out that Hunter Biden was under investigation (not charged) with potential tax fraud, an investigation that was being suppressed by Trump's AG? Of course, you realize that these are the same investigative journalism powers that you and your ilk decry as "fake news".
Have you ever considered that Barr suppressed the Hunter investigation b/c it was bullshit and he knew it?
What I had a problem with the was the President of the US asking a foreign government to say that they were investigating Joe Biden (and Hunter i guess) on TV, whether they really were or not.
Let's not go down the path of comparing politicians to CEOs. No corporation in America without the name Trump on it would make Trump their CEO. Yet you and so many americans happily elected him president. No CEO in america would have survived an episode where they were busted drawing on a NOAA hurricane with a map just to cover up a previous mistake in speaking. Hell, remember all the stuff Trump said he was going to do in his first 100 days? Most CEOs would be canned for only doing 20% of those things.
Dude, I'm too hungover to continue this battle. To lay down some over fire so I can fall back to the couch, the last thing I'll say is that Hunter getting paid mucho dinero to do basically nothing, in the two countries his Dad owned foreign policy in is enough to give any American, dem or repub pause for concern. If you think otherwise, then I just don't know what else to argue.
Haha, so there's nothing but you need there to be since you voted for Trump and your conscience is still bothering you. Got it. I allege that you spent last night on hookers and blow, after all, you do live near a prostitute. We need to investigate that. Enjoy your sofa 😂
It's not a contest to see who is more corrupt, it's the admitting that Biden might be corrupt that seems to be more of the challenge for many. Hunter absolutely has committed some form of a crime, possibly many but the question still remains.......was his Dad involved? His uncle certainly was. The amount of shell companies is indicative of money laundering and tax avoidance. It becomes overly challenging to trace money if it flows through multiple entities and shells. I'm sure the Trump kids have also benefited somehow and they'll likely have their day in court post office. Certainly seems plenty are ramping up to go after them.
That long standing policy of the justice department doesn't solve for the suppression by the media. You'll note that the Russia thing was not suppressed, in fact it was used as an excuse not to run the Biden story.
If 55% (or whatever amount voted for Biden) of Americans want Trump gone at all costs and prosecuted on the way out then fine but you have to be open to applying the same constant abuse and tactics to Biden during his time in office IF he's done something wrong.
I personally believe that if there's smoke, send someone to check for fire and let the cards fall where they may.
Not sure how Trump supporters can hold this belief though. If Biden were to ask the head of the FBI to "go easy" on Hunter and fire the guy if he won't agree. I'm sure Republicans will be down with that. If there are Biden associates that know about a connection with Hunter and Joe, Biden can give them spots in the White House and then refuse to let them testify to the Special Council or Congress if they start their own investigation (Executive Priv you know) . If the AG recuses, fire that person and get someone that doesn't mind supporting you. And if the IG starts looking at corruption in government, just fire them as well. Don't see how any Republican would complain if Biden did this sort of thing, then declared that he's been exonerated and that the whole thing was a hoax.
His brother for one. Also, lots of noise that Joe was in the know .....may not be illegal but it is sure as sh*t corrupt
OP polluting the board with high grade bullshit!!
OP polluting the board with high grade bullshit!!