Couple of things here my man
1) I’m not celebrating Rittenhouse. I’m celebrating that our justice system works, rule of law matters, and we haven’t descended into mob rule in the court of social justice. Those 3 men attacked Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse defended himself
2) again … Rittenhouse broke no gun laws. None. AND he had just as much as a right to be there as the rioters did. The two people are dead because of THIER actions, NOT Rittenhouse’s. If they were actually protesting and NOT setting black owned businesses on fire and violently attacking people, they would be alive today. Personally, I wouldn’t have been there. My AR and I would’ve been at home
3). Rittenhouse didn’t show up to a protest, he showed up to a riot to defend his community against violent rioters. His father lives in Kenosha so yes …. It is his community. Wanna be mad at someone? Be mad at the local politicians and the Governor for not dispatching the National Guard to quell the violent riots.
4). There is a OCEAN of difference between a political rally and a violent destructive riot.