Lin Wood now calling for the execution of Mike Pence

This is what conspiracy theorists like @TigerGrowls have wrought

Oh, and theTrump mob had the same idea. But there were no burning buildings so it’s fine, right?

I don't know why you are even bothering. Tigergrowlz would LOVE for Pence to be hung. Pence disagreed with DONALD TRUMP. He deserves to be lynched for that. Forget that no one in their right mind thinks that the VP could have overturned the election. That doesn't matter. People should unquestioningly do whatever Donald Trump wants and if they don't they deserve to die. What really makes me laugh is when Growlz tries to bring up the law or the constitution or even a reasonable argument in order to support whatever Trump bullshit he's bringing up today. As if he cares at all about the law or America. ANYTHING, ANY MEANS for Donald Trump to remain in power is fine with him.
This is what conspiracy theorists like @TigerGrowls have wrought

Oh, and theTrump mob had the same idea. But there were no burning buildings so it’s fine, right?

Damn. Kind of a shame - Wood has got some pretty major skins on his wall as an attorney.

Won the Sandmann case
Proved that Richard Jewell was innocent

He also sued Elon Musk on behalf of the British diver who Musk called "Pedo Guy" - Musk was angry because the diver said his rescue capsule for the kids in the Thailand cave thing didn't work or was stupid or something. That is my one major issue with Musk (based on what I know of him). That was uncalled for. If you don't like the dude, call him an asshole or something.

He's also a former Democrat.
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Damn. Kind of a shame - Wood has got some pretty major skins on his wall as an attorney.

Won the Sandmann case
Richard Jewell

He also sued Elon Musk on behalf of the British diver who Musk called "Pedo Guy" - Musk was angry because the diver said his rescue capsule for the kids in the Thailand cave thing didn't work or was stupid or something. That is my one major issue with Musk (based on what I know of him). That was uncalled for. If you don't like the dude, call him an asshole or something.

He's also a former Democrat.

Ah shoot, I never put 2 and 2 together that this was the same Lin Wood who defended Richard Jewell. I grew up in Athens with the Scruggs family, and my family and I were actually at Centennial Park the afternoon before the bombing. I was too young to remember many of the details of the bombing aftermath at the time, but I’ve done a lot of reading on the subject since. I used to have a ton of respect for Lin Wood despite his allegedly massive ego. Such a shame to see what kind of man he has become. ☹️
Ah shoot, I never put 2 and 2 together that this was the same Lin Wood who defended Richard Jewell. I grew up in Athens with the Scruggs family, and my family and I were actually at Centennial Park the afternoon before the bombing. I was too young to remember many of the details of the bombing aftermath at the time, but I’ve done a lot of reading on the subject since. I used to have a ton of respect for Lin Wood despite his allegedly massive ego. Such a shame to see what kind of man he has become. ☹

I knew about the Sandmann case (Nick Sandmann went on Twitter and basically asked him "WTF?" on one of his crazy posts) but not about Jewell.
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Such a shame to see what kind of man he has become. ☹

Rudy Giuliani says, "Hold my beer."

I remember him after 9/11 and thinking "that guy could be a good President one day."

WTF happened?

That's a great question. I think Rudy was probably propped up some by 9/11, but the last couple years and his support of Trump has been wild to see. He's truly appeared to have completely lost it mentally. It really makes you wonder what in the hell made Trump let Rudy be his lawyer. It's either because Trump cares less about legal skill and more about loyalty, or he is just loving the drama and attention.
Idiots! Just unbelievable derangement. It's everywhere right now!
What are you referring to? What I said?

No, I am talking about Lin Wood. The guy has destroyed himself over this. What a moron! He can just jump in the ocean for all I care. I don't like partisans. At all! I am an American.
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