TigerDMD The Mariana Trench Gold Member Jan 5, 2011 1,942 4,639 113 May 20, 2015 #1 Cris - I couldn't respond to the original thread, but I was having that issue on my iPhone. I deleted my old bookmark and created a new one once I was actually on TI and I've had no problems since. Worked for me, not sure if it's a fix though.
Cris - I couldn't respond to the original thread, but I was having that issue on my iPhone. I deleted my old bookmark and created a new one once I was actually on TI and I've had no problems since. Worked for me, not sure if it's a fix though.
Cris_Ard Owner - Publisher of Tigerillustrated.com Staff May 29, 2001 130,645 322,382 113 51 tigerillustrated.com May 20, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.