LVC11. please explain how you think Baby Boomers are responsible for where America is today.


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
What teachers in HS or college taught you this BS and to hate Baby Boomers? To answer your guestion, no Baby Boomers are not the reason that America is in the shape it is today. Baby Boomers did note vote for Obama twice. (The exception was the progressive Baby Boomers who felt good about voting for America's first half black president.) Millennials did. In reality you voted for free stuff. And now you want to vote for Bernie and more free stuff. You want a free college degree in subjects that will not make you or America better and then complain because you can not find a job except waiting tables. There has never been a generation so unfit to move America forward as you millennials. If this pisses you of. Do something constructive and prove me wrong.
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Sounds like a butt hurt baby boomer. Baby Boomers raised the Millennials, so if they have a problem with how they turned out, it's on them. That's how most people I've heard talk on the subject think.
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I don't even know where to start with this. The premise of your argument is that the country is where it is because of Obama, which we will accept as true for the time being. I am right on the border between Gen X and millennial. I would was 24 the first time Obama was elected. You're telling me that only the people of the age range 18-24 got a person elected President?

Second of all, whatever problems you think are present in this country were here long before Obama. Deficit spending, tremendous Medicare and Medicaid costs, national security concerns, illegal immigration, jobs going overseas. These could not possibly have been created by millennials. And I'm willing to bed that millennials see how our leaders act these days and don't want any part. I don't.

Over the years the Supreme Court and congress have kept pulling back rules on who can finance campaigns for office and how much they can give, and at this point all of our officials are bought and paid for. We have the government we deserve, and one group of people has been around and let it happen for a lot longer than another group.
Sounds like a butt hurt baby boomer. Baby Boomers raised the Millennials, so if they have a problem with how they turned out, it's on them. That's how most people I've heard talk on the subject think.

Also, this. You raised these people. I work with college students for a living. The parents enable them.
I'm a Traditionalist born as a Gen-X. But I think there is plenty of blame to go around... my gross generalization and simplification is that the highest pursuit of Boomers was work, Gen-X pursued themselves, and Millennials pursued "hope and change". Now those same groups seem over-worked, totally in debt, and lack pride in our country (respectively).

I do have to agree with the posts about Boomers raising Millennials. Though Gen-X had some hand in it too. Still, the Boomers were the authority in most things when Millennials were coming up. So who dropped the ball?
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I don't even know where to start with this. The premise of your argument is that the country is where it is because of Obama, which we will accept as true for the time being. I am right on the border between Gen X and millennial. I would was 24 the first time Obama was elected. You're telling me that only the people of the age range 18-24 got a person elected President?

Second of all, whatever problems you think are present in this country were here long before Obama. Deficit spending, tremendous Medicare and Medicaid costs, national security concerns, illegal immigration, jobs going overseas. These could not possibly have been created by millennials. And I'm willing to bed that millennials see how our leaders act these days and don't want any part. I don't.

Over the years the Supreme Court and congress have kept pulling back rules on who can finance campaigns for office and how much they can give, and at this point all of our officials are bought and paid for. We have the government we deserve, and one group of people has been around and let it happen for a lot longer than another group.

I'm the same age as you and MAN you are SPOT ON! Most baby boomers I know are all ME ME ME, the worst group I've seen with this. Yes there are a bunch of screwed up Millennials, I agree with you on that.

I did not vote for Obama, but I do want Bernie. Not b/c I want free stuff but b/c the rich are the richest they've been in the history of our country and the middle class has almost disappeared. This is a huge problem and it's what Bernie wants to fix. Just like wburress, I am a very early Millennial and feel like I'm a mix of Gen X and Millennials, don't even understand some of the crap people born after me do.

If we have to bail out wall street with tax payer money, then they need to tax that money back out of them and pad the coffers for the next time they need a bailout.
I’m not LCV11 but can I take a shot at the question? First off, I am 50 so I am in between baby boomers and millennials. Actually, I think my generation has a large part to blame but I do see Baby boomers as the source of a lot of the problems that we are experiencing today. Having said that though, I don’t see all baby boomers in this light, but there is a large population of them that fit what I will describe.

1. Baby boomers determined and perfected the notion that someone else was always to blame for their problems. Usually, it was something that happened in their childhood (i.e. somebody called them stupid) that scarred them for all eternity. There is a reason their parents are described as the Greatest Generation – it was their ability to withstand hardships, move on and get things accomplished. Self reliance was their motto. Not so for the baby boomers. The baby boomers are the ones always in need of constant emotional support and feel-goodism.
2. They are the original “me” generation.
3. The baby boomers ushered in the new wave of parenting that paved the way for millennials having kids that are unmanageable and intolerable in public settings. Baby boomers wanted to be best friends with their kids instead of parents. Poor parenting is most always passed on through the generations.
4. They glorified the drug culture and really got it ramped up. Previous generations brought us morals and hard work. Baby boomers gave us drugs. Of course, they needed the drugs to help them cope…
5. Somehow they determined that what they felt was more important than just about anything else. If it feels good, then do it. Consequences be danged. Problem is that our feelings lie to us and make a poor substitute for truth and logic.

There are more, but I will leave it with that. I don’t dislike baby boomers, but I do see problems with the belief systems they have passed on from their generation.
What teachers in HS or college taught you this BS and to hate Baby Boomers? To answer your guestion, no Baby Boomers are not the reason that America is in the shape it is today. Baby Boomers did note vote for Obama twice. (The exception was the progressive Baby Boomers who felt good about voting for America's first half black president.) Millennials did. In reality you voted for free stuff. And now you want to vote for Bernie and more free stuff. You want a free college degree in subjects that will not make you or America better and then complain because you can not find a job except waiting tables. There has never been a generation so unfit to move America forward as you millennials. If this pisses you of. Do something constructive and prove me wrong.
People like you should not discuss politics and party affiliation on a sports message board.
I realize that every generation has its issues, but Baby Boomers calling anyone out is hilarious. Time to bring out the old economy steve memes:


What teachers in HS or college taught you this BS and to hate Baby Boomers? To answer your guestion, no Baby Boomers are not the reason that America is in the shape it is today. Baby Boomers did note vote for Obama twice. (The exception was the progressive Baby Boomers who felt good about voting for America's first half black president.) Millennials did. In reality you voted for free stuff. And now you want to vote for Bernie and more free stuff. You want a free college degree in subjects that will not make you or America better and then complain because you can not find a job except waiting tables. There has never been a generation so unfit to move America forward as you millennials. If this pisses you of. Do something constructive and prove me wrong.
Your whole baby boomers didn't vote for Obama this is asinine since Obama is a boomer himself
@catchandrelease, I'll bite.

Baby boomers were born in a time in America that was an incredible time to live. They benefited from great education at an affordable price, huge housing boom, huge economic growth and relative peace until 'Nam as they were all still too young to go to Korea. They came of age in the hippie era with free love and tons of drugs. Developed a selfish way of living rather than a selfless lifestyle. Everything became about them. They were the first generation to stray away from the church en mass in the 60s(as the boomers were coming of age). That led to an overwhelming loss of important values. The boomers are the definition of a 'me'ism culture. Huge increase of casual sex and drug use during this time.

The biggest problem was the fall of the church which led to a generation who didn't feel the need to 'behave'. When someone grows up under strict rules, once they are no longer under those rules there is a huge problem with overindulgence. 300% rise in divorce in the 70s which was severely damaging to the next generation. The previous generation was full of families who stayed married because you just didn't give up and get out of a marriage, especially if you had children.

They spawned unions and the welfare state. They lost foresight of the future because they grew up without principals. Everything they did was because it sounded good and it felt good. That entire generation grew up living in the moment. Their parents grew up and lived with the mindset of deferring gratification and saving for a rainy day. The boomers lived for the moment and not the future.

They finally grew up and became the working generation and the generation of political power and what happens, we leave the gold standard, huge rises in national debt, and absurd increases to the welfare state. It take someone that has absolutely no foresight(or completely selfish) to pay for all that on credit and not expect taxes to increase to pay for it. Their parents would have never done this as their mindset would have been why should I expect my kids to pay for my decisions now in the future? Ever heard the saying there's no such thing as a free lunch? Yet they passed legislation because it sounded good and they felt good doing it regardless of the implications. When boomers socialized things, they got massive benefits and still good quality, as it takes time for the populace to become lazy socialists, all the while passing the buck to the next generation. They lived for the moment, had their fun, and didn't defer gratification through saving so they changed the system to accommodate them, all the while passing the massive debt that causes to the future generations.

How much of this mindset do you think is responsible for the gen Xers and the millenials today? They are the definition of a high and mighty generation. They're quick to tell you to be responsible and save your money and, in general, strict, yet they grew up as a spoiled, self gratifying, entitled generation. They never miss an opportunity to call out the next two generations as being selfish and immoral. Perhaps they should look in the mirror. I'm 26 and I've paid and will be forced to continue to pay into social security when I KNOW I'll never receive a single red cent of it. That's money I could be saving for myself. Why is it that talking about entitlement reform is political suicide? Because the boomers won't stand for it?

Selfish and entitled. Now, flame on us millenials.

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