Male Rally Cat

That’s a future Clemson Tiger graduate being judged here by a bunch of random a-holes. I hope we do a whole student drag show during pregame next year just to piss off the redneck bigots in our bandwagon fan base who didn’t even graduate from Clemson.
Believing sex/gender should be as they have been for thousands of years is redneck and bigoted. Got it.
Believing sex/gender should be as they have for thousands of years is redneck and bigoted. Got it.
You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, nor do any of the others in this thread judging that kid.

One day, when someone like him runs across you, having been left for dead on the road to Damascus, I pray they follow the Lord’s way and not the path you follow.
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Why is it a difficult subject for you to discuss with your kids. “Oh, yeah- some guys like we to wear girl’s clothes and do girlie things, and that’s ok.”

What’s so threatening/scary/triggering for you about this?
It’s not all that difficult to explain to kids that some people are confused about their sex or mentally ill, although explaining it to them in a way that isn’t totally childish would take longer than your version. However, most people would like to be able to watch sports without having to broach sexual subjects.
That’s a future Clemson Tiger graduate being judged here by a bunch of random a-holes. I hope we do a whole student drag show during pregame next year just to piss off the redneck bigots in our bandwagon fan base who didn’t even graduate from Clemson.
Clemson grad right here. I’m neither a bigot nor a redneck. Probably a lot more educated than you (2 advanced degrees) . See the problem with people like you is when all of society doesn’t adhere to your view that a certain behavior is “the norm” and “acceptable “ simply because, well, you want it to be that way . . . then those folks are ignorant, or bigoted, or rednecks. And yes, I said behavior. Being a homosexual may not be a choice, but dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex and pretending to be that sex when you aren’t, is a choice. And to most people it is offensive. Despite what Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the media or national advertisers would have you believe.
You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, nor do any of the others in this thread judging that kid.

One day, when someone like him runs across you, having been left for dead on the road to Damascus, I pray they follow the Lord’s way and not the path you follow.
It sounds like you think people are saying things they aren’t saying. It is rather rich, though, to invoke “the Lord’s way” when that way explicitly talks about creating people male and female, and when that way condemns homosexual behavior.

But it isn’t necessary to get into Christian theology to recognize that cross-dressing isn’t something that needs to be celebrated, let alone made a part of Clemson’s band or spirit traditions. It also isn’t necessary to judge the guy for want long to be on the flag team. But we can certainly judge whether it’s a good idea to have a guy on the flag team dressed in a uniform clearly intended for a woman.
What is the purpose in this thread? To ridicule and judge a stranger? All I know about this young person is that they are someone’s child. How would you feel if someone spoke this way about your child? If you truly believe this person is challenged emotionally or mentally in life, then show some compassion rather than rushing to judgement. If you just don’t understand it, then try to have some empathy rather than engaging in online mockery.
You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, nor do any of the others in this thread judging that kid.

One day, when someone like him runs across you, having been left for dead on the road to Damascus, I pray they follow the Lord’s way and not the path you follow.
That’s quite non-inclusive of you. I happen to have love for the kid without knowing him, and actually appreciate that he chips in with the ancillary game day activities. As a smaller P5 school (compared to traditional powers), we need that. My problem comes when I’m asked to either call him a woman or act like what he’s doing is social norm, whether affirmatively or by acquiescence. It’s just not and I won’t be forced to act like it is. And I wonder whether acting like it is does him a disservice in the long run.
It’s not all that difficult to explain to kids that some people are confused about their sex or mentally ill, although explaining it to them in a way that isn’t totally childish would take longer than your version. However, most people would like to be able to watch sports without having to broach sexual subjects.
Preach on judge…
You honestly believe that a recruit is going to choose not to come to Clemson because they showed a dude in a Clemson leotard on TV for 3 seconds?
What these backwards ass rednecks don't understand is that kids today are much more accepting of other people who don't fit the traditional norms of society. A lot of people on this board apparently are living under rocks and believe everyone should be the same as them. On second thought, perhaps I should be more accepting of these backwards ass rednecks.
Yeah it's an odd visual, but if dressing like that makes the guy happy, then who gives a shvt? Who is it hurting?
He can do that on his own time, as he’s only hurting himself. Of course, these days many of the people who do that insist that others go along work their delusions, and they will try to use the state and corporate culture to make others go along with them. They’ll also try to employ doctors to mutilate their bodies to better suit their fantasies.

But what we’re talking about here is having a guy dressed up in a womens uniform being on the Clemson flag team. That isn’t him simply doing whatever makes him happy privately. The leadership of the band should’ve told him “no,” or they should’ve at the very least provided a mens costume. But like many in leadership these days, they were either too cowardly to put their foot down, or they actually support crossdressing.
Clemson grad right here. I’m neither a bigot nor a redneck. Probably a lot more educated than you (2 advanced degrees) . See the problem with people like you is when all of society doesn’t adhere to your view that a certain behavior is “the norm” and “acceptable “ simply because, well, you want it to be that way . . . then those folks are ignorant, or bigoted, or rednecks. And yes, I said behavior. Being a homosexual may not be a choice, but dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex and pretending to be that sex when you aren’t, is a choice. And to most people it is offensive. Despite what Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the media or national advertisers would have you believe.
Your education isn’t all that impressive, even if it’s irrelevant. But anyone who is offended because a man dresses up in female dress has greater issues of their own.

If you think history precludes or proscribes such behaviors, then you don’t know history. If you think biology does the same, then you don’t know biology. And if you think this student’s behavior somehow indicates mental instability, consider the fact that the rate of suicide is currently highest in middle-aged white men.
That’s quite non-inclusive of you. I happen to have love for the kid without knowing him, and actually appreciate that he chips in with the ancillary game day activities. As a smaller P5 school (compared to traditional powers), we need that. My problem comes when I’m asked to either call him a woman or act like what he’s doing is social norm, whether affirmatively or by acquiescence. It’s just not and I won’t be forced to act like it is. And I wonder whether acting like it is does him a disservice in the long run.
I didn’t catch where he asked you to do anything at all.
Let me help you. What does this have to do with my post, which you think you responded to?

Are you kidding me?? Open your minds people - this is a Clemson student and likely a future alum, which is more of an accomplishment and investment than most TI’ers.
And what even is a “sniffs kids” handle? Are you 12 or a perv? Post a pic of your Clemson ring.
I don’t know this guy or whatever it is from Adams house cat but I do know there is a well inside his home. That much I would bet money on.
What is the purpose in this thread? To ridicule and judge a stranger? All I know about this young person is that they are someone’s child. How would you feel if someone spoke this way about your child? If you truly believe this person is challenged emotionally or mentally in life, then show some compassion rather than rushing to judgement. If you just don’t understand it, then try to have some empathy rather than engaging in online mockery.
The original post wasn’t mocking him at all. Just asking why Clemson is having a guy wearing the womens uniform.
What these backwards ass rednecks don't understand is that kids today are much more accepting of other people who don't fit the traditional norms of society. A lot of people on this board apparently are living under rocks and believe everyone should be the same as them. On second thought, perhaps I should be more accepting of these backwards ass rednecks.
In fact, the ones you’re talking about aren’t tolerant at all. They think everyone should think like them, and if they don’t, then the state should be used to censor them. They aren’t more “accepting” at all, unless you count forcing everyone to affirm certain kinds of aberrant sexuality as “more accepting”. Maybe it’s you who lives under a rock, since you apparently don’t realize that many kids, and people of all ages, don’t want to be forced to affirm this stuff, and what’s more, believe it ought to be opposed.
What pisses me off the most is that I am up past midnight arguing about a dude in a cheerleading outfit. Why in the flying f*** should this be an argument in 10,000 years?

Feckless weasels, we have become.
It is pretty absurd that people can’t recognize how ridiculous it is. They likely would recognize how ridiculous it is if it weren’t currently de rigueur to pretend it’s important to always affirm everyone’s sexual proclivities.

I’m guessing many of these same people would’ve told us that stuff like this would never happen just a few years ago. But, hey, now that it’s happening, everyone should shut up about it, and also it’s a good thing.
How funny would it be if this was all a cover to get him in with the women on the team and he was just plowing the whole squad..
I think you are onto something. They say grass does not grow on a busy street. That might explain his renfrowish hair.
He can do that on his own time, as he’s only hurting himself. Of course, these days many of the people who do that insist that others go along work their delusions, and they will try to use the state and corporate culture to make others go along with them. They’ll also try to employ doctors to mutilate their bodies to better suit their fantasies.

But what we’re talking about here is having a guy dressed up in a womens uniform being on the Clemson flag team. That isn’t him simply doing whatever makes him happy privately. The leadership of the band should’ve told him “no,” or they should’ve at the very least provided a mens costume. But like many in leadership these days, they were either too cowardly to put their foot down, or they actually support crossdressing.
I guess you will be disappointed in the open- mindedness of our university organizations then
It is pretty absurd that people can’t recognize how ridiculous it is. They likely would recognize how ridiculous it is if it weren’t currently de rigueur to pretend it’s important to always affirm everyone’s sexual proclivities.

I’m guessing many of these same people would’ve told us that stuff like this would never happen just a few years ago. But, hey, now that it’s happening, everyone should shut up about it, and also it’s a good thing.
You don’t have to affirm anything. Also, you can’t necessarily make assumptions about his “sexual proclivities” (whatever that even means) just based on this person’s gender presentation at a football game.
Your education isn’t all that impressive, even if it’s irrelevant. But anyone who is offended because a man dresses up in female dress has greater issues of their own.

If you think history precludes or proscribes such behaviors, then you don’t know history. If you think biology does the same, then you don’t know biology. And if you think this student’s behavior somehow indicates mental instability, consider the fact that the rate of suicide is currently highest in middle-aged white men.
Your whole second paragraph is factually wrong. The first paragraph is just you asserting that whatever you want people to believe is the normal thing to believe.
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You don’t have to affirm anything. Also, you can’t necessarily make assumptions about his “sexual proclivities” (whatever that even means) just based on this person’s gender presentation at a football game.
“Gender presentation” is a sexual proclivity. I’m not talking about who he’s attracted to. And yes, we are being asked to affirm something if Clemson is putting this guy out there to represent the university.
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I guess you will be disappointed in the open- mindedness of our university organizations then
Yes, a lot of people are very disappointed in the way universities (and other schools) have adopted and imposed gender ideology. Really, it’s been the universities that proselytized for this stuff, and it’s spread like a virus especially among impressionable young girls.
It is pretty absurd that people can’t recognize how ridiculous it is. They likely would recognize how ridiculous it is if it weren’t currently de rigueur to pretend it’s important to always affirm everyone’s sexual proclivities.

I’m guessing many of these same people would’ve told us that stuff like this would never happen just a few years ago. But, hey, now that it’s happening, everyone should shut up about it, and also it’s a good thing.
In my book, the liberty of the individual outweighs your moral contempt for cross-dressing homosexuals. Simple as that. Free market. Homos win. You lose.
In my book, the liberty of the individual outweighs your moral contempt for cross-dressing homosexuals. Simple as that. Free market. Homos win. You lose.
Well, unless anybody doesn’t want to affirm someone’s delusions about their sex, or if a parent doesn’t want to facilitate their childrens’ “transition,” or if a school wants to have sex separate sports, or if anywhere wants to have sex separate locker rooms or bathrooms, or if a doctor doesn’t want to facilitate a “transition,” or if a doctor doesn’t want to help affirm “trans” status, or if a teacher wants to teach that sex is immutable, or unless anybody thinks sexual complimentary matters for marriage, or unless somebody doesn’t want to help celebrate a “gay wedding.” Or if a leader doesn’t want to have a guy dressed in a womens uniform on the band flag team.

The liberty of the individual trumps all, except in these insignificant cases.