There is a lot of education reform being pushed now that attempts to equalize outcomes through reframing the standards of what "achievement" and learning are. In my opinion, such initiatives do a disservice to all students and help us avoid the extremely heavy lifting we need to do in homes, communities, churches, schools, and other parts of the "village" on behalf of our young people.
A rising tide will raise all boats, and to do that we must:
1. Prioritize education in homes and throughout our communities, emphasizing its inherent value to our individual lives and as a society.
2. Incorporate additional trade skill tracks and opportunities starting in high school.
3. Heal and/or strengthen the relationship between teachers and parents.
4. Enhance civics/community service programs in schools.
5. Recognize the inherent value of the "classics" while welcoming counter-viewpoints and antagonistic works.
6. Depoliticize and de-ideologize standards and curricula.
7. Re-emphasize the "well-rounded" education through the arts and creativity.
8. Increase funding for STEM programs for all children.
9. Prioritize additional funding for STEM programs for children without access to the necessary resources to be exposed to STEM outside the classroom.
10. Recognize the importance of remaining competitive in a global, technology and service-based economy.
11. Recognize that it is ok for outcomes to be different as long as our institutions provide equal access to education and provide resources to assist those students with challenges inside and outside the classroom.
12. Regardless of personal political affiliation, recognize most importantly that our public schools are not an opportunity to indoctrinate our children. It is a place to train them to be independent thinkers and valuable citizens as adults.
There's also a lot of 'education reform' that is attempting to funnel tax dollars to private schools and destroy public education. There is a hearing about one of these terrible bills going on now in the state legislature.
As for your list of things that need to be done:
1. I'd love to know what you imagine can be done to further prioritize education in homes and throughout the community. Also, are you going to do it without any extra funding to run ads, etc?
2. This is already happening. See Charleston County
3. Why do parents have issues with teachers?
4. Pretty sure this happens at every HS in America
5. This seems to contradict your next point.
6. Are you talking about public schools, private schools or colleges. Pretty sure that the standards for public schools are set by the SC legislature so this might be difficult.
7. Sure let's spend more time on arts and creativity but continue to require pointless state testing that is used to judge teachers, schools, principal's, etc. Tell educators that they need to do more work to provide a 'well-rounded' education but they will only be judged state test scores.
8. Agreed, to a point. English and History are important too.
9. Where is this funding going to come from in SC?
10. Who doesn't recognize this?
11. The only places that students get the same grades are elite universities like Harvard and the other Ivys due to grade inflation.
12. (sigh)