Maybe the public shouldn't go to the movies for a year.........


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2005
We watched the opening of the "Oscars" as long as we could and had to turn it off. Chris Rock was totally disgusting. I was waiting for Eric Holder to come on stage accompanied by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

We had come so far since the 50's and 60's and now look what is happening.
What happened? Guessing lots of racist jokes and acts aimed at white people? Happens all the time. Common practice in 2016.
I literally have no idea what the OP is talking about. It was hilarious. He spent 10 minutes talking about how over the top the protests were and laughing at the fact that compared to what blacks used to protest (like lynchings) this was silly.

He made fun of Jada Smith and black actors in general, yet still made the point that there are few opportunities for black actors in major, Oscar worthy roles.
This is why our racist President has lost the most Congress seats, Senate seats, and Govenorships of any President in our nations history. People are sick of the reverse racism.

At least watch what is being talked about before going the blame Obama route. The dude basically spit in the face of the over sensitive PC culture.
I thought it was hilarious. If you think any of his points were invalid, you're just looking to be mad. Made fun of how stupid the protests were and was real about the situation.

I laughed my ass off when he gave the line "You didn't see Black People protesting the Oscars in the 60s, because they actually had real things to take up their attention"
im not too concerned with any diversity issues within an organization that is nominating and giving awards to a movie like mad max....
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I literally have no idea what the OP is talking about. It was hilarious. He spent 10 minutes talking about how over the top the protests were and laughing at the fact that compared to what blacks used to protest (like lynchings) this was silly.

He made fun of Jada Smith and black actors in general, yet still made the point that there are few opportunities for black actors in major, Oscar worthy roles.

I don't care for the Oscars, but my wife is a fan. I happened to stop by to watch Chris. I thought he was fantastic. Making jokes on a touchy subject and doing it very well. Anybody who didn't like that has a real problem. It was funny. Period.
We watched the opening of the "Oscars" as long as we could and had to turn it off. Chris Rock was totally disgusting. I was waiting for Eric Holder to come on stage accompanied by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

We had come so far since the 50's and 60's and now look what is happening.

I thought he was very entertaining.
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im not too concerned with any diversity issues within an organization that is nominating and giving awards to a movie like mad max....

On that one I have to agree. I didn't get it. My wife left in the middle of the movie. I sat there and watched it to the end. Then I said, "WTF?" That movie made no sense whatsoever.
the pictures have been on a downward spiral since Birth of a Nation and all the merchants absconding to hollywood with the film industry IMO. except for the mel gibson movies of course.
The first three posts ITT had me worried and then the mature level headed folks stepped in. I thought Chris Rock's performance was well done and balanced.
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I literally have no idea what the OP is talking about. It was hilarious. He spent 10 minutes talking about how over the top the protests were and laughing at the fact that compared to what blacks used to protest (like lynchings) this was silly.

He made fun of Jada Smith and black actors in general, yet still made the point that there are few opportunities for black actors in major, Oscar worthy roles.

I think OP wrote his "I can't believe what Chris Rock just did" fake outrage post about a month ago thinking posters here would just jump right on board. Probably didn't even watch the opening....

His "We had come so far since the 50's and 60's and now look what is happening" was just icing on the retard cake he just served up.
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We watched the opening of the "Oscars" as long as we could and had to turn it off. Chris Rock was totally disgusting. I was waiting for Eric Holder to come on stage accompanied by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

We had come so far since the 50's and 60's and now look what is happening.

My only suggestion is to get laid. You need it.
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I enjoyed it too. I guess some people just aren't happy unles they're butt-hurt.
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I am offended in general and en route to park in the handicap spot near where
Kathryn Steinle was shot down in San Fransico. Obama made no attempt to even acknoledge this atrocity. This was at that hands of some illegal Meth Beaner if you recall. He sent 3 "White House" cronies to the Missouri funeral of the "Gentle Giant". I'll bet he called C Rock to pander more to the lack of racist no vote Grammy bullshit to minority actors. who is going to pay my counseling bill now that I have suffered deep offensive reverse racist issues. And who'd of thought I could compare all 3 of these entities and crossed referenced them to the reverse racist handicap thread. BooYah Bitchez
On that one I have to agree. I didn't get it. My wife left in the middle of the movie. I sat there and watched it to the end. Then I said, "WTF?" That movie made no sense whatsoever.

Guess you don't know a great movie when you see it. One giant chase scene in a movie with great action and car wreckage. What a do**he..
I'm waiting for the outrage on here over liberals making the Oscars a platform to stand up for survivors of sexual abuse...
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Awww, being white is so hard!
LOL, I hate it when my private jet is grounded for maintenance, then I have to actually ride in a car as I get chauffeured to work.

Nah, I'm just kidding, I don't work, hahahahahaha.