Meanwhile, in Oregon..

That’s really good info. But the “experts” in this board would tell you you’re an idiot and You should obey your overlord and go get vaccinated. You shouldn’t question anything just go get the jab for the “greater good”.

If you’ve had Covid I agree that you don’t need to be vaccinated, at least not right now. However, people who haven’t had it should get vaccinated, it’s as simple as that.
Come on Tillman. You know those states will never do that.

SS is an entitlement that I paid into far more than I will get back. If you want to do away with SS, I'm all for it. Taking what I have put into social security over the years (not counting what my employers have put in) and instead have invested it in the S&P 500 mutual fund would be worth millions today. But hey, when I'm 65 I will get a whopping $3200 a month from Uncle Sam that they will tax.
This is because Social Security is a socialist program that takes your higher-end contributions and provides it to people who are less fortunate than you for one reason or another. But it does guarantee a minimum payment for the life of those people who - most likely - never had the disposable income to invest thousands of dollars a year into the stock market.

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