Media and accusations of racial remarks ....


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2001
Wherever my RV is parked(formerly Abbeville, SC)
The GD media would have you believe we have "We the People" screaming Kike, Spic, ****** and Honkey at each other on every street corner in America. I fully appreciate those whose attitudes are extreme protesting and screaming those derogatory words at the detractors whose feelings are also extreme and who scream derogatory remarks at the protestors. I get it.

What do I see? People of all walks of life waking up and understanding that we are ALL on this planet and being kind doesn't cost a fricking dime. I see people helping and volunteering. I see what most all of us see.

So when I'm elected President, the media will be fined for their bullshit until they can't afford to report their lies and drivel. Brinkley and Cronkite are laughing their asses off someplace.

BTW...I'm a Kike that was called as such by little ignorant Christians growing up. People are lazy. Get on a search engine. Go to the library. Learn.
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This is so true. The hate that is portrayed in America certainly exists, but only on the fringes. Your everyday interactions between people of all races are probably 98% pleasant. But the media can't focus on the 98% because it's the 2% that makes them money.

I do not know the answer. Fining people will not work, because then the people in charge of fining become the only voice. Until a better solution is proposed people 1) Need to grow some thicker skin and 2) Stop watching and listening to liars. 3) Protect free speech so the 98% can put the 2% in their place.