Your best post ever. I agree 100%.When I was in college I was a pothead so I was very much one of those "alcohol is way worse than weed" people. Now that I drink fairly regularly but don't smoke unless I'm in Colorado like once a year I feel even more strongly that alcohol is way worse.
Maybe it's different for everyone but there have been plenty of times where I've had one too many and considered driving home or even did drive home. Thankfully nothing ever happened, but it could have. If I smoke I have zero desire to drive. And generally if I smoke I often think about ways that I can be more productive and do better in life whereas if I drink I am much more prone to making bad decisions because it loosens your judgement.
At this point I could see both alcohol and weed being illegal because there are problems with both, but I can't for the life of me rationalize weed being illegal and alcohol being legal other than how much it would it impact major corporations and lobbyists.
this just in: Cops aren't exactly scientists, but they do know how easy it is to say the smell weed on a suspect and use that as probably cause to implicate them in other crimes.“The path Georgia is taking now is a very treacherous and dangerous path,” said Terry Norris, the executive director of the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association. “The sheriffs are serious when they say that marijuana is a dangerous, addictive gateway drug. Even though we’re not taking about legalizing for recreational purposes, we believe all the notoriety of this discussion will lead to increased marijuana use by children.”
How many of our countries problems could be solved by independent critical thinking skills. The above passage shows such a lack competence and so many people will read and happily adopt this idea and continue to hold our country back.
“The sheriffs are serious when they say that marijuana is a dangerous, addictive gateway drug."