Do you agree that the medical Prior Authorization is the worse thing in the world for getting regular Rx these days? It used to be that one of my medications needed a PA. Now it seems like virtually everything requires a PA - generic, non generic, pain, life saving, etc. Plus each doctor's office is now charging $15 per prior authorization request and a request lasts only up to 360 days. I could understand needing to review some egregious cases but I can honestly say that nothing I take is cosmetic or for the fun of it. Has anyone else noticed how bad it has gotten? I think I had one PA in 2012. I am on the 6th PA of 2015 for pretty much the same meds and some are now generic.
Sorry for the non sports post. Let me say GO TIGERS and SCAR sux to make it ok!
Sorry for the non sports post. Let me say GO TIGERS and SCAR sux to make it ok!