Michigan Election Fraud Info

Toot!! Toot!! The crazy train is on the move again.

We started this trip in Arizona with PAGES of tweets and even a few articles from TGP telling us all about the fraud AND Lake's lawsuits on the election. Surprising NO ONE. All this turned out to be crap when it actually ended up in court. Note that Lake's latest lawsuit was unanimously rejected by the Arizona Supreme Court just a couple of days ago (note that all 7 justices are conservative). But NO WORRIES. Despite the total defeat there, the crazies took their show on the road... moving to Ga.

Once we got to Ga... we had PAGES of random tweets from folks and especially Truthevote, showing us PROOF from many "experts" on how the Ga election was stolen. Surprising NO ONE... All this turned out to be crap when it actually ended up in court. When it came time to testify under oath and present evidence, Truthevote didn't have contact info for their experts and didn't have copies of their work. But NO WORRIES... despite the total defeat AGAIN, the crazies have not taken there show on the road again. Next stop MICHIGAN!!

Now we are pulling into the station in Michigan and seeing a lot of "proof". Well already debunked proof (thanks @dpic73 ), but proof none the less... I'll venture to say that if you scroll down from here, you'll eventually see PAGES of random tweets with a lot more "evidence". And I'll also venture to say that when this gets to court... all that evidence will somehow not be available and the folks tweeting this stuff will have nothing to back their claims. So gather around folks...Sit a spell. Take your shoes off... and enjoy the Growls show. There will be BOMBSHELLS, SMOKING GUNS, and maybe even the odd SILVER BULLET. Sure, none of it will amount to anything, but you have to admire the effort.
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Toot!! Toot!! The crazy train is on the move again.

We started this trip in Arizona with PAGES of tweets and even a few articles from TGP telling us all about the fraud AND Lake's lawsuits on the election. Surprising NO ONE. All this turned out to be crap when it actually ended up in court. Note that Lake's latest lawsuit was unanimously rejected by the Arizona Supreme Court just a couple of days ago (note that all 7 justices are conservative). But NO WORRIES. Despite the total defeat there, the crazies took their show on the road... moving to Ga.

Once we got to Ga... we had PAGES of random tweets from folks and especially Truthevote, showing us PROOF from many "experts" on how the Ga election was stolen. Surprising NO ONE... All this turned out to be crap when it actually ended up in court. When it came time to testify under oath and present evidence, Truthevote didn't have contact info for their experts and didn't have copies of their work. But NO WORRIES... despite the total defeat AGAIN, the crazies have not taken there show on the road again. Next stop MICHIGAN!!

Now we are pulling into the station in Michigan and seeing a lot of "proof". Well already debunked proof (thanks @dpic73 ), but proof none the less... I'll venture to say that if you scroll down from here, you'll eventually see PAGES of random tweets with a lot more "evidence". And I'll also venture to say that when this gets to court... all that evidence will somehow not be available and the folks tweeting this stuff will have nothing to back their claims. So gather around folks...Sit a spell. Take your shoes off... and enjoy the Growls show. There will be BOMBSHELLS, SMOKING GUNS, and maybe even the odd SILVER BULLET. Sure, none of it will amount to anything, but you have to admire the effort.
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Toot!! Toot!! The crazy train is on the move again.

We started this trip in Arizona with PAGES of tweets and even a few articles from TGP telling us all about the fraud AND Lake's lawsuits on the election. Surprising NO ONE. All this turned out to be crap when it actually ended up in court. Note that Lake's latest lawsuit was unanimously rejected by the Arizona Supreme Court just a couple of days ago (note that all 7 justices are conservative). But NO WORRIES. Despite the total defeat there, the crazies took their show on the road... moving to Ga.

Once we got to Ga... we had PAGES of random tweets from folks and especially Truthevote, showing us PROOF from many "experts" on how the Ga election was stolen. Surprising NO ONE... All this turned out to be crap when it actually ended up in court. When it came time to testify under oath and present evidence, Truthevote didn't have contact info for their experts and didn't have copies of their work. But NO WORRIES... despite the total defeat AGAIN, the crazies have not taken there show on the road again. Next stop MICHIGAN!!

Now we are pulling into the station in Michigan and seeing a lot of "proof". Well already debunked proof (thanks @dpic73 ), but proof none the less... I'll venture to say that if you scroll down from here, you'll eventually see PAGES of random tweets with a lot more "evidence". And I'll also venture to say that when this gets to court... all that evidence will somehow not be available and the folks tweeting this stuff will have nothing to back their claims. So gather around folks...Sit a spell. Take your shoes off... and enjoy the Growls show. There will be BOMBSHELLS, SMOKING GUNS, and maybe even the odd SILVER BULLET. Sure, none of it will amount to anything, but you have to admire the effort.
We are covering all the swing states where the mass fraud occurred. You are welcome!
Holy shite!! This is seismic!! God bless Judge Yates!!

BREAKING: A Michigan judge just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State's election manual issued to local election officials is unconstitutional & against state law. He is also mandating strict signature verification for mail in votes in the upcoming 2024 election

"The Court declares that the "initial presumption" of validity in signature verification of absentee-ballot applications and envelopes mandated by the December 2023 guidance manual issued by defendants is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. For similar reasons, the Court declares that the catch line referring to an "initial presumption of validity" in R 168.22 is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. Accordingly, those provisions must be excised from the guidance manual and the catch line in R 168.22" - Judge Christopher Yates

BREAKING: MI SoS @JocelynBenson has been found in violation of law by SEVEN separate courts! In the latest ruling, she once again attempted to direct election officials to presume signatures on ballot envelopes and absentee ballot applications are valid (i.e. unilaterally remove signature verification requirement). She has exhibited a pattern of disregard for our laws and court rulings. Clear case for contempt charges and jail time for MI SoS.
NOTE: Number EIGHT likely after oral hearing of O'Halloran v Benson by MI Supreme Court on Tuesday.…
@MrJustinBarclay @TomJordanNews @LaraLeaTrump @realMikeLindell @realDonaldTrump @TPUSA @TheRealFrankSp1 @CauseAmerica @mifairelections
Holy shite!! This is seismic!! God bless Judge Yates!!

BREAKING: A Michigan judge just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State's election manual issued to local election officials is unconstitutional & against state law. He is also mandating strict signature verification for mail in votes in the upcoming 2024 election

"The Court declares that the "initial presumption" of validity in signature verification of absentee-ballot applications and envelopes mandated by the December 2023 guidance manual issued by defendants is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. For similar reasons, the Court declares that the catch line referring to an "initial presumption of validity" in R 168.22 is incompatible with the Constitution and laws of the State of Michigan. Accordingly, those provisions must be excised from the guidance manual and the catch line in R 168.22" - Judge Christopher Yates
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We are covering all the swing states where the mass fraud occurred. You are welcome!
Got a court ruling supporting that claim? You've been posting this shit for 4 years, man. Page after page of utter crap that NEVER stands up in court. In 4 years, what's your biggest victory in court (where it matters)? As far as I can tell, your biggest win was when the liberal 9th district court made Arizona issue press credentials to a Gatewaypundit "reporter". Could a court or two be corrupt or even make a mistake... sure that's possible. But could court after court after court (many of them staffed with conservative and even Trump appointed judges) ALL be corrupt? Nope, not buying it.

Like I said... this is the crazy train to wherever the latest BS is coming from and you are the conductor. Derp!! BS incoming!!! It's a Growlz special!

BREAKING: A citizen journalist has obtained a BOMBSHELL internal memo from the Michigan Attorney General's office plotting how they would count illegals in the 2020 census to gain Congressional seats and $3 billion in federal funding

"Excluding 100,000 [undocumented residents] from the 2020 Census would reduce the state's population in determining the allocation of Congressional seats."

"In addition, the loss of an estimated 100,000 people in Michigan's 2020 Census count would cost the state approximately $3 billion in federal funding over the next ten years."

The memo also included talking points to deflect & coverup the whole thing from the people

This is exactly what @elonmusk has been warning about heading into the 2024 election and beyond
THERE WE GO!!!! BOOM!!!! BOMBSHELL!!!! And EVERY court in the country that had these cases come before them is corrupt. Mmmmmm. sounds familiar.
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And here is,

the greatest cover up in U.S. election history,

🚨🚨FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT released by @yehuda_miller CONFIRMS:

The FBI and the DOJ uncovered a massive 2020 election ballot fraud operation across the State of Michigan and covered it up.

+100,000 mail in ballot applications cast, falsified at Gov. Gretchen Whitbag’s own election headquarters,

“These are absentee ballots, MAIL IN BALLOTS they cannot be in sequenced, 2232 cannot have 2233 next to it. Because they are mailed in they come in all different numbers.”

No dates, all from the same downtown Detroit, signatures all alike, no date stamped, none were in the system. They were all being entered manually.

“I am following up with some information on one of the most egregious situations that I encountered. There are many examples of significant election integrity issues, but this example involves actions of government officials from both the local and state levels that are shocking.”

Dawn N. Ison
Department of Justice Assistant U.S. Attorney | public corruption unit,

“We received this complaint.”

And the criminals covered it up by passing it back to the criminals @GovWhitmer @MIAttyGen and @JocelynBenson who happens to be running it,
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why the Communists stopped counting across every battleground states in the Nov 3, 2020 election,

Detroit, Michigan, TCF Center,
“it was about 4 AM that 3 vehicles arrived, a van, a Chrysler 300, and a Ferrari,”

“He was astonished that every single ballot, like literally 100% of the 130,000 ballots were all Biden.”

📝U.S. Congress certified the greatest ballot fraud in American history. And they all know it.

why the Communists stopped counting across every battleground states in the Nov 3, 2020 election,

Detroit, Michigan, TCF Center,
“it was about 4 AM that 3 vehicles arrived, a van, a Chrysler 300, and a Ferrari,”

“He was astonished that every single ballot, like literally 100% of the 130,000 ballots were all Biden.”

📝U.S. Congress certified the greatest ballot fraud in American history. And they all know it.
“Unfortunately, organizations aligned with President Trump did not seem to know that it is standard practice for absentee ballots to arrive at counting boards several hours after polls have closed,” Benson’s office added.

It’s true that a white van used by the city arrived at the TCF Center to deliver ballots in the early hours of the morning on Nov. 4, according to a sworn affidavit from Christopher Thomas, a former state elections chief who worked at the TCF Center on election night. But there was nothing fraudulent or illegal about that.

“Early in the morning on Wednesday, November 4, approximately 16,000 ballots were delivered in a white van used by the city,” Thomas said in his affidavit. “The ballots delivered to the TCF Center had been verified by the City Clerk’s staff prior to delivery in a process prescribed by Michigan law.”

Thomas added that no ballots received after 8 p.m. on Nov. 3 “were ever at the TCF Center.”

In a Nov. 13 order, Wayne County Circuit Chief Judge Timothy Kenny declined to stop the certification of Detroit-area votes, ruling that allegations of fraud at the TCF Center on election night were
“incorrect and not credible.”
This must be the biggest BOMBSHELL of all!!! And no one even knew!!

A quick point. If I were running the FBI and the DoJ and I were covering up the BIGGEST ELECTION FRAUD EVER. I wouldn't release the documents that "prove" it just because of a freedom of info request. Since I was already breaking the law (see BIGGEST ELECTION FRAUD EVER!!!), I might just lie about having those documents or MAYBE I wouldn't even document my own lawbreaking.
Maintenance of the voter registration list is carried out in strict accordance with all relevant state and federal laws by the Michigan Bureau of Elections and the more than 1,600 Republican, Democratic and nonpartisan election clerks in the state. The process by which the registrations of people who die or move out of state is described in detail on the voter registration cancelation procedures page.

Following the 2020 general election, lists began circulating with thousands of names of people who allegedly had votes cast in their name who were dead. However, these claims have been disproven by numerous election officials, independent journalists, the State Senate Oversight Committee and the state Auditor General.

Maintenance of the voter registration list is carried out in strict accordance with all relevant state and federal laws by the Michigan Bureau of Elections and the more than 1,600 Republican, Democratic and nonpartisan election clerks in the state. The process by which the registrations of people who die or move out of state is described in detail on the voter registration cancelation procedures page.

Following the 2020 general election, lists began circulating with thousands of names of people who allegedly had votes cast in their name who were dead. However, these claims have been disproven by numerous election officials, independent journalists, the State Senate Oversight Committee and the state Auditor General.

Dude... You know Growlz doesn't believe ANY OF THAT. Those election officials are corrupt... the democrat ones are Communists and the Republican ones are Deep State RINOS. ALL OF THEM. Independent Journalists (ALL OF THEM) are Enemies of the People ... Trump has spoken on this so that's a PROVEN FACT. No evidence needed. The Republican Senate Oversite Committee is also composed of Deep State RINOS. Sure they TRIED to prove election fraud, but they didn't. So they are obviously Deep State as well. Same goes for the Auditor General and frankly ANYONE who doesn't support Trump.

ONLY Trump and his supporters are telling you the truth... Anyone and Everyone else is lying. It doesn't matter what proof or evidence is offered to show that the election was fair. After all, who are you going to believe, DONALD TRUMP or your lying eyes?

Why would Michigan go and pass a law like this?

JUST IN: The Michigan Senate Bill 603 has been passed by Democrats and is one step closer to becoming law. The bill changes a lot of the election recount procedures in the state.

First, a petitioner is no longer allowed to report fraud or a mistake, but instead must report it as an error. Secondly, recounts and errors become an administrative issue, and are referred to the local communities where the fraud occurred.

The bill also has other changes, essentially making recounts as they’ve been for 70 years a thing of the past. Michigan is lost. Democrats made their move in 2018 and haven’t stopped since.

Why didn’t the GOP do anything to stop this? Eric Holder came to Michigan and worked on efforts to make this state blue forever, and nobody fought back.
More detail.

BREAKING: Michigan Democrats just passed a bill to make it impossible to detect and challenge election fraud. The bill prevents the board of canvassers from investigating election fraud concerns brought by voters

"Today, Democrats overturned 70 years of election law in order to commit a disgusting gutting of our election recount protections. The passage of this bill is a complete disgrace!" - Senator Jim Runestad

The bill also strips the board of subpoena power, and only allows them to “refer fraud” over to corrupt Attorney General and to prosecutors in the Democrat controlled cities where the fraud is most likely to occur.
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Why would Michigan go and pass a law like this?

JUST IN: The Michigan Senate Bill 603 has been passed by Democrats and is one step closer to becoming law. The bill changes a lot of the election recount procedures in the state.

First, a petitioner is no longer allowed to report fraud or a mistake, but instead must report it as an error. Secondly, recounts and errors become an administrative issue, and are referred to the local communities where the fraud occurred.

The bill also has other changes, essentially making recounts as they’ve been for 70 years a thing of the past. Michigan is lost. Democrats made their move in 2018 and haven’t stopped since.

Why didn’t the GOP do anything to stop this? Eric Holder came to Michigan and worked on efforts to make this state blue forever, and nobody fought back.
Well, being that your "source" is once again, a random proTrump tweeter, I'm not going to bother reading it, b/c I KNOW it's BS. If you want to ACTUALLY talk about the law, why don't you post the ACTUAL bill from the state site, instead of the comments from the peanut gallary.
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I've got an answer for you in the form of a question. IF the audit results were released AND the audit showed no problems, would you accept the results that Trump lost Michigan? You KNOW you wouldn't. After all, HOW MANY FREAKING AUDITS have been done? So what's the point in releasing them when you Trumpians will just say that the Audit is wrong/corrupted because <insert reason here>, and move on to your next BS reason the election was stolen?

You will NEVER accept the results of the 2020 election. NEVER. It doesn't matter how much proof there is that the election was fair. Trump said the election was stolen, so the election was stolen... no evidence necessary.
I've got an answer for you in the form of a question. IF the audit results were released AND the audit showed no problems, would you accept the results that Trump lost Michigan? You KNOW you wouldn't. After all, HOW MANY FREAKING AUDITS have been done? So what's the point in releasing them when you Trumpians will just say that the Audit is wrong/corrupted because <insert reason here>, and move on to your next BS reason the election was stolen?

You will NEVER accept the results of the 2020 election. NEVER. It doesn't matter how much proof there is that the election was fair. Trump said the election was stolen, so the election was stolen... no evidence necessary.
It's a real bill dude. Weak sauce.
How many years ago was this? We know you like to continually regurgitate old news to pretend like it just happened, only to find out the bullshit was debunked years ago.
You are saying this bill is totally fake?
You are saying this bill is totally fake?
I thought we were talking about the forensic audit. I just figured out you're talking about this bill that sounds completely reasonable that seeks to curtail the endless fake charges of election fraud which lead to endless fake time-consuming investigations that lead nowhere.

Senate Bill 603 would amend the Michigan Election Law to modify the requirements forrequesting and conducting a recount. Among other changes, the bill would specify that a count is an administrative process; modify the threshold for an automatic recount; allow ballot question committees to petition for a recount; provide a standard form to be used when filing a recount petition or counter petition; require a petitioner to allege an error, rather than fraud or mistake, in the election results and require enough votes to be recounted to change the results; amend the requirements for whether votes in a precinct can be recounted; and increase the deposit for filing a recount petition.

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I thought we were talking about the forensic audit. I just figured out you're talking about this bill that sounds completely reasonable that seeks to curtail the endless fake charges of election fraud which lead to endless fake time-consuming investigations that lead nowhere.

Senate Bill 603 would amend the Michigan Election Law to modify the requirements forrequesting and conducting a recount. Among other changes, the bill would specify that a count is an administrative process; modify the threshold for an automatic recount; allow ballot question committees to petition for a recount; provide a standard form to be used when filing a recount petition or counter petition; require a petitioner to allege an error, rather than fraud or mistake, in the election results and require enough votes to be recounted to change the results; amend the requirements for whether votes in a precinct can be recounted; and increase the deposit for filing a recount petition.

In other words you were too busy running your piehole to bother paying attention. It figures that you would support this communist written bill.
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In other words you were too busy running your piehole to bother paying attention. It figures that you would support this communist written bill.
What I don't support is a bunch of butthurt, brain damaged, red-hat wearing maniacs that won't stop investigating a free and fair election until/unless it proves it was stolen. You freaks are sickos and you're damn right somebody needs to stand up to you assholes. .
What I don't support is a bunch of butthurt, brain damaged, red-hat wearing maniacs that won't stop investigating a free and fair election until/unless it proves it was stolen. You freaks are sickos and you're damn right somebody needs to stand up to you assholes. .
Well we are here and will continue to confront you Communists on the continual lies and refusal to accept base reality.

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