Michigan Republicans eviscerate Trump voter fraud claims in scathing report


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Decatur, GA

They also have a message for trash rags like the Gateway Pundit, and all those who parrot this election fraud nonsense:

"Also, sources must lose credibility when it is shown they promote falsehoods, even more when they never take accountability for those falsehoods," he said. "At this point, I feel confident to assert the results of the Michigan election are accurately represented by the certified and audited results."
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They also have a message for trash rags like the Gateway Pundit, and all those who parrot this election fraud nonsense:

"Also, sources must lose credibility when it is shown they promote falsehoods, even more when they never take accountability for those falsehoods," he said. "At this point, I feel confident to assert the results of the Michigan election are accurately represented by the certified and audited results."
Great article, thanks for posting. Proof that Michigan Republicans are Deep State!

They also have a message for trash rags like the Gateway Pundit, and all those who parrot this election fraud nonsense:

"Also, sources must lose credibility when it is shown they promote falsehoods, even more when they never take accountability for those falsehoods," he said. "At this point, I feel confident to assert the results of the Michigan election are accurately represented by the certified and audited results."

yea yea... what do they know. Just wait until Sidney Powell releases the KRAKEN and then you will see all the evidence for yourself. It's coming any day now I hear.
Yep. Everyone is lying except Sidney, Trump, and the My Pillow guy.
Don't forget this guy. He NEVER lies either

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These conspiracy advocates who claim the election was stolen are carrying Putin's mail for him. When we have lost our democracy because of them maybe they will rethink the matter. Cheeto Jesus was claiming fraud 6 months before the election and he beat the same drum every day since. He also claimed fraud on the popular vote when Hillary received 3,000,000 more votes than he did. He also claimed fraud when Ted Cruz beat him in Iowa. Then he claimed fraud when Biden beat the snot out of him. Does anyone notice a trend here? Cheeto is such a narcissist that he can't imagine people preferring another candidate.
Thats like a girl slap at best. Just a lot of name calling but you guys high five all you want.

Seems more like Trump got BITCH SLAPPED to me.

So please tell us... These Republicans investigated the fraud allegations and everything came back clean. Are they part of the deep state too?
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yea yea... what do they know. Just wait until Sidney Powell releases the KRAKEN and then you will see all the evidence for yourself. It's coming any day now I hear.

Dude... You'd best be careful. Do you even know what's right next to Michigan? LAKE MICHIGAN!!! The Kraken will soon be feasting on Deep State Republicans just as soon as they get close to the water!!
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Thats like a girl slap at best. Just a lot of name calling but you guys high five all you want.



In a ruling released Thursday following disciplinary proceedings, a New York appellate court concluded that "there is uncontroverted evidence" that Giuliani "communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."
In a ruling released Thursday following disciplinary proceedings, a New York appellate court concluded that "there is uncontroverted evidence" that Giuliani "communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump's failed effort at reelection in 2020."

Live from when he heard the ruling:

Seems more like Trump got BITCH SLAPPED to me.

So please tell us... These Republicans investigated the fraud allegations and everything came back clean. Are they part of the deep state too?

Are you not even paying attention? The NWO has infiltrated these RINO stooges. Only true PATRIOTS remain insulated from their global cabal.
Are you not even paying attention? The NWO has infiltrated these RINO stooges. Only true PATRIOTS remain insulated from their global cabal.
Ok, NOW I understand. Thanks for the info. So this representatives in Michigan have been lifelong Republicans and have supported Trump in everything he has done (including investigating the "fraud"). But when they found nothing in their investigation, they refused to lie about it because they are part of the NWO.

Those Brilliant Fiends!!
Are you not even paying attention? The NWO has infiltrated these RINO stooges. Only true PATRIOTS remain insulated from their global cabal.

Honestly at this point I would argue that @TigerGrowls and his ilk are the RINOs. They support Trump above all else and will throw any republican under the bus who dares not support Trump's big lie.

All of the republicans I know personally are like @scotchtiger .
At this point they truly dislike Trump (although they dislike Biden more).
They dont believe the big lie, but they do have an issue with mail in voting making it so easy for everyone to vote (that is a debate for another day).
They really want Trump in the rearview so they can move on and possibly win in 2022 and 2024.

Trump is just sad and pathetic at this point.

These conspiracy advocates who claim the election was stolen are carrying Putin's mail for him. When we have lost our democracy because of them maybe they will rethink the matter. Cheeto Jesus was claiming fraud 6 months before the election and he beat the same drum every day since. He also claimed fraud on the popular vote when Hillary received 3,000,000 more votes than he did. He also claimed fraud when Ted Cruz beat him in Iowa. Then he claimed fraud when Biden beat the snot out of him. Does anyone notice a trend here? Cheeto is such a narcissist that he can't imagine people preferring another candidate.

Woody you yellow dog dem, please explain to me how the 2020 general election controversy and us AMERICANS that believe the dems stole the election is carrying Putin's water. I would love to hear your triangulation on this.
Woody you yellow dog dem, please explain to me how the 2020 general election controversy and us AMERICANS that believe the dems stole the election is carrying Putin's water. I would love to hear your triangulation on this.

Very easy--Putin wants democracy to fail and the easy way to have that happen is to embolden insurrectionist traitor republicans who already tried to stop the certification of the electoral college to install an unelected dictator in Trump who is in bed with Putin.

Was that hard to understand??
Very easy--Putin wants democracy to fail and the easy way to have that happen is to embolden insurrectionist traitor republicans who already tried to stop the certification of the electoral college to install an unelected dictator in Trump who is in bed with Putin.

Was that hard to understand??

You are wrong and obviously hopelessly ruined in the head.

Antrim Co Attorney Sends BLISTERING Response To Gutless MI GOP Senators Who Recommend Dem AG Nessel Investigate “Those who spread unfounded [election] conspiracy theories or false information”​

By Patty McMurray
Published June 24, 2021 at 9:19pm
Earlier today, President Trump blasted the MI Senate Oversight Chair Ed McBroom (R) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R), accusing them of trying to “hide the truth” about the 2020 election.
100 Percent Fed Up reports- In a ridiculous report released yesterday, the two Republicans say they found no evidence of fraud in the 2020 election even though a forensic audit has not been done and is the only way to prove there was no fraud. Red flags are everywhere in Michigan, and Republicans shouldn’t refuse a complete forensic audit unless they have something to hide.
This comes just a day after Michigan Rep. Steve Carra introduced a bill asking for a forensic audit of the 2020 election. The bill includes, “Making sure machines were not connected to the internet.”
Over 7.5 K affidavits were delivered to Senator Shirkey and Senator McBroom’s offices last week, requesting a forensic audit in Michigan. The response by these two Republican senators is a slap in the face to the thousands of Michigan citizens who want an investigation.
President Trump released a statement today targeting Senators Mike Shirkey (R) and Ed McBroom (R). In his statement, Trump claims the two state Senators were doing “everything possible” to stop another audit of the state’s election.
TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: 73-Year-Old Pastor and Purple Heart Veteran Arrested For Being at Capitol, His Son Also Arrested in Front of 3-Year-Old Daughter (VIDEOS)

Arizona Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem also responded to the statement by the feckless Republican lawmakers in a tweet:​

“As for those who spread unfounded conspiracy theories or false information, the [MI Senate] committee is also recommending that MIAG Dana Nessel consider investigating them.” Would love to see this go into a courtroom, Sen. Ed McBroom.

Former MI Senator Patrick Colbeck, who became a target of the left and of RINOs in MI when he testified about tabulators that were potentially connected to the internet at the TCF Center where absentee ballots were counted in Detroit, responded to Mark Finchem’s tweet by saying:​

I am simply sharing sworn affidavits of election fraud by everyday citizens. They respond by threats of prosecution for exercising right to free speech & redress of grievances. Their report is the latest “talk to the hand” dismissal of everyday Americans by our elected officials.

Antrim County Attorney Matthew DePerno responded to the Senators statement with this blistering press release:​

June 24, 2021, | Press Release
On June 23, 2021, the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee released its Report on the November 2020 Election in Michigan. With this report, the Michigan Senate is attempting to cover up evidence of election fraud in the November 2020 general election. They are also using the mantle of government to proactively intimidate anyone from speaking out about election fraud. These attempts to silence citizens are a clear attempt to criminalize political speech and a violation of the First Amendment right to free speech, freedom to assemble, and right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Notwithstanding the unconstitutional and illegal intimidation tactics by corrupt politicians, we will continue to expose the truth to the American people. The Michigan Senate has also called for the Attorney General to conduct an unconstitutional and illegal criminal investigation of political speech. We caution Dana Nessel and Senator McBroom that we will ultimately present our evidence to a jury. No corrupt politicians will dictate how the jury interprets the evidence of overwhelming election fraud.
The Michigan Senate has refused to meet with our attorneys and team of forensic experts to review actual evidence of election fraud. Reportedly, Senator McBroom (who has been accused in the past of violating people’s constitutional rights) has gone so far as to instruct the Republican caucus to not review evidence for themselves. If they don’t review the evidence, they can continue to say they have seen no evidence. Nevertheless, we have so far released 19 reports on election fraud through multiple legal briefs filed with the 13th Circuit Court in Antrim County. We are not done. Additional reports will be released soon. The Michigan Senate failed to properly address any of the evidence submitted in the 19 reports available for everyone to review at You can also see a great deal of the evidence at These reports expose the inherent vulnerabilities and weak or nonexistent security protocols of voting machines. But more importantly, these reports also expose how the voting system and election in Antrim County was actually and definitively subverted through fraud and intentional manipulation of the voting machines; and by extrapolation, the State of Michigan.

MCL 168.797c requires Secretary of State Benson to hold a copy of the voting machine source code in trust. She is also required to analyze and test the software at least annually. Through discovery, Ms. Benson acknowledged that she has violated this law; yet the Michigan Senate failed to mention this clear violation of Michigan law which provides clear evidence of voter fraud.​

On March 9, 2021, The Michigan Court of Claims ruled that Secretary of State Benson violated the Administrative Procedures Act when she issued her “Signature Verification and Voter Notification Standards.” The Michigan Senate report failed to highlight the implications of this violation of law which can be used to dump hundreds of thousands of ballots into tabulators. At the same time, the Michigan Senate failed to precisely deal with any of the 19 reports released in the Antrim County case. Rather, they took a very pedestrian and cursory view of the evidence by making broad conclusions on very technical and detailed reports. This demonstrates a complete lack of comprehension or intentional disregard. Senator McBroom’s report demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of elections and the purpose of audits. He declares, “the most effective way to verify the results is to simply count all ballots by hand.” Yet, he fails to recognize or acknowledge that every effort to count paper ballots is shut down. Senator McBroom, you cannot declare the solution is to count paper ballots but then permit a lawless Secretary of State to deny the very remedy you promote. You have subpoena power pursuant to MCL 4.101, yet you refuse to use it.
Coincidently, the Michigan Senate has also suppressed information through internal unconstitutional nondisclosure agreements put in place to hide information from constituents and to avoid FOIA requests. On the other hand, we are seeking meaningful public hearings and forensic audits that will provide transparency. This is quite the contrast. The Michigan Constitution guarantees every voter the absolute right to audit the results of the statewide elections. This right is self-executing; meaning we do not need permission from any branch of the government. Yet, we are continuously and illegally blocked from inspecting equipment, poll books, or ballots. The Constitution is on the side of freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, and freedom to redress grievances without unconstitutional and illegal threats of criminal prosecution from corrupt politicians. But Sen. McBroom, a self-avowed “Never Trumper” and progressive ideologue, is using his position to quash the free speech of millions of people. He would rather subvert the Constitution than “read mean tweets.” Even more outrageous is the call to prosecute his political adversaries. Frankly, Dana Nessel should be laughing at the call for prosecution of free speech. Sen. McBroom has no right to dictate content. He’s acting as a tyrant, not a public official. His report is a hit piece against people he doesn’t agree with; notice he failed to interview anyone with an opposing view. We fully expect this unlawful report and its suppressive content will lead to the recall of Sen. McBroom in due course.
On June 23, 2021, the same day as the Michigan Senate released its poorly drafted document, Rasmussen Reports released a poll stating that 55% of voters support election audits. Barely one-in-five voters approve of the job their elected representatives are doing, and most rate congressional job performance as poor. The Arizona legislators have nearly completed their audit. Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin legislators are poised to pursue audits. Numerous state attorneys general are reviewing evidence of election fraud. But the Michigan legislators are going on summer break and calling for an investigation of anyone who seeks to investigate election fraud. This is shameful. Despite what our Michigan Senate may desire, the issue of election fraud will not disappear while they attend summer barbeques; nor do we think their constituents will be happy with their unconstitutional attempts to suppress the truth. More reports on election fraud to follow. Stay tuned.
LMAO... this is freaking hilarious. Can anyone even keep up with who is Deep State now? As I've said before, there are some on here that will NEVER accept that their Lord and Savior, Donald Trump (who according to Fox News.. NEVER had an approval rating above 50%) could have possibly lost the election.

These are REPUBLICANS who lead this investigation in Michigan. Trump supporter. They looked into everything from stuffing ballot boxes, to millions of absentee ballots, to the dominion voting machines.

Not only did they find NOTHING, but even noted that people were intentionally lying. Here's the first couple of sentences from their conclusions... Directly from their report.

"The Committee can confidently assert that it has been thorough in examination of numerous allegations of unlawful actions, improper procedures, fraud, vote theft, or any other description which would cause citizens to doubt the integrity of Michigan’s 2020 election results. Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan. The Committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain."
LMAO... this is freaking hilarious. Can anyone even keep up with who is Deep State now? As I've said before, there are some on here that will NEVER accept that their Lord and Savior, Donald Trump (who according to Fox News.. NEVER had an approval rating above 50%) could have possibly lost the election.

These are REPUBLICANS who lead this investigation in Michigan. Trump supporter. They looked into everything from stuffing ballot boxes, to millions of absentee ballots, to the dominion voting machines.

Not only did they find NOTHING, but even noted that people were intentionally lying. Here's the first couple of sentences from their conclusions... Directly from their report.

"The Committee can confidently assert that it has been thorough in examination of numerous allegations of unlawful actions, improper procedures, fraud, vote theft, or any other description which would cause citizens to doubt the integrity of Michigan’s 2020 election results. Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan. The Committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain."

Those rino's are not Trump supporters.
Those rino's are not Trump supporters.
Yes they were. They supported him, they voted for him, they stood up for him when he said the election was rigged and did a full investigation pretty much on his word alone.

But you know what they wouldn't do? They wouldn't lie about the results of their investigation. And we all know how Trump and company (including you) feel about people who won't do and say ANYTHING (no matter how unlawful and wrong) to support Trump. They are RINOS.

Like I've said all along. There's NOTHING that can make you accept the results of this election. You are a pure Trump sycophant. The constitution? The country? The law? The truth? None of those things matter in the SLIGHTEST compared to the god on earth that is Donald Trump. His word is your law.
You are wrong and obviously hopelessly ruined in the head.

I notice that you didn't have any arguments for my points. Even if you think I am wrong--you at least see how easy it is to form a rationale counterpoint to your feelings.
Looks like 78 illegal votes to me.

And all of them could be investigated and prosecuted. The Trump campaign could have introduced all of that in court at the proper local jurisdiction--if they had evidence for the 74 possible felons. The dead voters are easy, slam dunks.

But they don't really care, both because it wouldn't change the election and bc the dead voters were Trump voters--they only want you to feel like the election was stolen at this point. That is the narrative that motivates insane republicans to still back a loser like Trump.
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I notice that you didn't have any arguments for my points. Even if you think I am wrong--you at least see how easy it is to form a rationale counterpoint to your feelings.
Honestly I get tired of replying to you guys on all these points. If you read the roundtable you know my position on January 6th related to what it was. It was fake like the news.
Honestly I get tired of replying to you guys on all these points. If you read the roundtable you know my position on January 6th related to what it was. It was fake like the news.
So the 400 plus republicans and trump supporters (we know this because of court admitted EVIDENCE) who are being prosecuted and most are currently in jail were all just crisis actors on Jan 6th?

Who is the one being naive and ridiculous...
So the 400 plus republicans and trump supporters (we know this because of court admitted EVIDENCE) who are being prosecuted and most are currently in jail were all just crisis actors on Jan 6th?

Who is the one being naive and ridiculous...
I didnt say that dipshit. Has any person been charged with insurrection? Will anyone? You are not smart.