Millennials on the forum need to shut up!!!

Dec 4, 2003
You millennials are destroying this country and you have no clue why??? Wake up and realize Dabo is fixing the program from the bottom/up...same thing that you want happen with America with a horrible leader. Most of you ignorant liberals don't understand what is actually going on in this country. If you love Clemson football today, it is because of conservative logic that Dabo brought forward.
You millennials are destroying this country and you have no clue why??? Wake up and realize Dabo is fixing the program from the bottom/up...same thing that you want happen with America with a horrible leader. Most of you ignorant liberals don't understand what is actually going on in this country. If you love Clemson football today, it is because of conservative logic that Dabo brought forward.
Rabble rabble libtards rabble rabble
Am I doing it right?
You millennials are destroying this country and you have no clue why??? Wake up and realize Dabo is fixing the program from the bottom/up...same thing that you want happen with America with a horrible leader. Most of you ignorant liberals don't understand what is actually going on in this country. If you love Clemson football today, it is because of conservative logic that Dabo brought forward.
I am a moderate liberal, and I'm 70 years old. So, there. Not all of us who grew old grew mean and narrow minded at the same time.
No offense, but I think the intention of the original post is one reason why the world is effed up. Too many out there who seek to divide instead of unite.

Divide was already created by the liberals. Time to educate the stupid.
Every generation since the beginning of time has said that the world is going to shit with the next generation. Back when OP was just a pup the greatest generation was saying that the baby boomers are ruining this country with their removal from organized religion and the sexual revolution. Now it is the baby boomers turn to yell at their younger generation.

Change is slow, painfully slow, and people don't have the ability to ruin the world instantly (or in one generation) aside from nuclear weapons. If the world is slowly going to shit due to moral laxness and deteriorating sense of community and civilization, why are we blaming 'the kids' instead of the people that raised them?
Every generation since the beginning of time has said that the world is going to shit with the next generation. Back when OP was just a pup the greatest generation was saying that the baby boomers are ruining this country with their removal from organized religion and the sexual revolution. Now it is the baby boomers turn to yell at their younger generation.

Change is slow, painfully slow, and people don't have the ability to ruin the world instantly (or in one generation) aside from nuclear weapons. If the world is slowly going to shit due to moral laxness and deteriorating sense of community and civilization, why are we blaming 'the kids' instead of the people that raised them?
You are watching the country slowly being given away and there's nothing we can do. Go Tigers
Actually, thats not true.
A number of states are working on meeting as a Constitution council. 35 states are needed. They are proposing Constitutional amendments that would dramatic reign in the powers of the federal government.
We need to push state Representatives on a vote to join the Constitutional council.
OP, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

Everyone including Clinton. She is a liar and they
Every generation since the beginning of time has said that the world is going to shit with the next generation. Back when OP was just a pup the greatest generation was saying that the baby boomers are ruining this country with their removal from organized religion and the sexual revolution. Now it is the baby boomers turn to yell at their younger generation.

Change is slow, painfully slow, and people don't have the ability to ruin the world instantly (or in one generation) aside from nuclear weapons. If the world is slowly going to shit due to moral laxness and deteriorating sense of community and civilization, why are we blaming 'the kids' instead of the people that raised them?

Not true...the leadership walked away from your thoughts due to liberal policies. We fought England, with the help of liberals called France, and won.

Yet, I haven't received a single response from a millennial on this thread.
You millennials are destroying this country and you have no clue why??? Wake up and realize Dabo is fixing the program from the bottom/up...same thing that you want happen with America with a horrible leader. Most of you ignorant liberals don't understand what is actually going on in this country. If you love Clemson football today, it is because of conservative logic that Dabo brought forward.
born in 1970 here. says that a millennial is someone who was born around year 2000. are 15 and 16 year olds destroying the country and not realizing what Dabo is doing?
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You millennials are destroying this country and you have no clue why??? Wake up and realize Dabo is fixing the program from the bottom/up...same thing that you want happen with America with a horrible leader. Most of you ignorant liberals don't understand what is actually going on in this country. If you love Clemson football today, it is because of conservative logic that Dabo brought forward.

Yes, yes. So much this. I want to join in with you but I couldn't figure out "what is actually happening". Could you be more specific, provide some examples or facts. I'm totally with you on this anger thing though--millennials are the worst!!

Lets start with what do you mean by "conservative logic"? Lots of different and conflicting brands of conservative thought these days. Just want to make sure I got it right. Do you mean Christian? Cause Dabo is certainly Christian but he is actually really progressive with most things around football--grabbing a high school coordinator, running a different offense that broke from the normal way things have been done in cfb for decades. In fact, Napier was more conservative with the I formation but Dabo wanted a smashmouth spread. With facilities, Dabo has been very liberal with spending on facilities to entice new recruits. Even with the nutrition and Strength and training he hired new folks and got that training table.

Hmmm...this doesn't seem to be working out at all. Dabo even embraces youth culture by playing the hippity hop music at practices, dancing with players with those whips and nae-naes, and with all the recruiting videos and things.

You got to help me out OP, this doesn't sound very conservative at all. But I am with you--I sure do hate those millennials and dirty hipsters!!
Yes, yes. So much this. I want to join in with you but I couldn't figure out "what is actually happening". Could you be more specific, provide some examples or facts. I'm totally with you on this anger thing though--millennials are the worst!!

Lets start with what do you mean by "conservative logic"? Lots of different and conflicting brands of conservative thought these days. Just want to make sure I got it right. Do you mean Christian? Cause Dabo is certainly Christian but he is actually really progressive with most things around football--grabbing a high school coordinator, running a different offense that broke from the normal way things have been done in cfb for decades. In fact, Napier was more conservative with the I formation but Dabo wanted a smashmouth spread. With facilities, Dabo has been very liberal with spending on facilities to entice new recruits. Even with the nutrition and Strength and training he hired new folks and got that training table.

Hmmm...this doesn't seem to be working out at all. Dabo even embraces youth culture by playing the hippity hop music at practices, dancing with players with those whips and nae-naes, and with all the recruiting videos and things.

You got to help me out OP, this doesn't sound very conservative at all. But I am with you--I sure do hate those millennials and dirty hipsters!!

In attempt to explain, I will keep it short. I am conservative, but not repulican. I don't believe religion should influence politics. But it does. My goal with the thread was to get the stupid young people whom runs their mouth all the time to speak up.
WTF have millennials done? They haven't been in power making decisions .. they haven't run up the deficit etc? I dont get the outcry for that generation. They dress goofy maybe & some are holier than thou in reference to social issues but that's about it.
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32 years old here. Been allowed to vote in four national elections. Think according to definitions I'm at the leading edge of the millennial generation. I'm not really sure I'm destroying the country; I work 40 hours a week and pay my taxes, and then I go home and hang out with my 18-month old daughter. I'm sorry if that offends your sensibilities.

Every generation has different influences and challenges. Each generation is a reflection of the people who raised them. My generation was raised by the TV because our parents were working all the time because somewhere along the way it became necessary to have two incomes in a household just to survive. My generation also has to have a college degree in order to have any hope of making a middle class life, while states are cutting funding higher education meaning that we have to take out loans to pay for it. These are two of the conditions that shape the way my generation looks at the world and the way we respond to it. We didn't create the conditions. You'll have to ask people your age how we got here if you don't like it. You all raised us.
WTF have millennials done? They haven't been in power making decisions .. they haven't run up the deficit etc? I dont get the outcry for that generation. They dress goofy maybe & some are holier than thou in reference to social issues but that's about it.
WTF have millennials done? They haven't been in power making decisions .. they haven't run up the deficit etc? I dont get the outcry for that generation. They dress goofy maybe & some are holier than thou in reference to social issues but that's about it.

They are making decisions. You are too stupid to understand it.
"Baby boomers came of age in an era of unprecedented prosperity. They were raised by parents who had survived poverty, war and the true sacrifice of a generation burdened with great moral struggles. As a whole, they experienced economic and physical security. Baby boomers received, by today’s standards, inexpensive and widely available education, preparing them for a thriving and open job market. Success at the beginning created a strong foundation for financial and personal success on a level the world had never known.

This led to America’s greatest asset: the middle class. So what did they do with all their good fortune? From the time the baby boomers took over, the United States has experienced an economic environment plagued with unfounded asset and real-estate bubbles and collapses. The bubbles were caused by blind greed on the part of investors, and a blind eye on the part of regulators. The baby boomers forced the financial and banking system out of relative security to high-risk systems.

The perfect example of this was the 2008 collapse of the toxic housing debt market. In government, baby boomers ballooned the defense budget beyond the point of reason. They then raided government programs to pay for their mistakes. Regarding the environment, baby boomers left the United States reliant on coal (cough, cough) while eroding the advanced nuclear energy infrastructure built by their parents. We can thank baby boomer leadership for a nation that has no sound policy on foreign affairs, the environment, energy, social welfare, human rights, terrorism, technology development, education, debt, etc. The point being, baby boomer leadership has provided America with a government that is the most partisan and self-serving the union has ever seen, and remains entirely reactive to the world around it.

Today, young adults are faced with a job market that is hyper-saturated by graduate level degrees and short on decent paying jobs. It is common for a millennial to apply for an entry level position in which a master’s degree is required and thousands upon thousands of applications are received. And when the lucky ones do find work, they are often underemployed and underpaid."
I'm not a millennial but this is very well stated.
In attempt to explain, I will keep it short. I am conservative, but not repulican. I don't believe religion should influence politics. But it does. My goal with the thread was to get the stupid young people whom runs their mouth all the time to speak up.

Wait...I thought you wanted them to shut up? Now you want a thread where they will run their mouths??

This is all very confusing.

Ok, so less religious conservatism. Can we educate these millennials about neo-conservatism or better to stick with paleo-conservatism with a little cultural and social conservatism on the side. Oh and don't forget fiscal conservatism. We might need to show how some of these conflict at times, so I hope you have some diagrams and charts ready OP. Bio-conservatism might be fun to throw in too...

These millennials won't know what hit them.

I think we are turning the page, OP. We are going to have our country back in no time at all...
Baby boomers came of age in an era of unprecedented prosperity. They were raised by parents who had survived poverty, war and the true sacrifice of a generation burdened with great moral struggles. As a whole, they experienced economic and physical security. Baby boomers received, by today’s standards, inexpensive and widely available education, preparing them for a thriving and open job market. Success at the beginning created a strong foundation for financial and personal success on a level the world had never known.

This led to America’s greatest asset: the middle class. So what did they do with all their good fortune? From the time the baby boomers took over, the United States has experienced an economic environment plagued with unfounded asset and real-estate bubbles and collapses. The bubbles were caused by blind greed on the part of investors, and a blind eye on the part of regulators. The baby boomers forced the financial and banking system out of relative security to high-risk systems.

The perfect example of this was the 2008 collapse of the toxic housing debt market. In government, baby boomers ballooned the defense budget beyond the point of reason. They then raided government programs to pay for their mistakes. Regarding the environment, baby boomers left the United States reliant on coal (cough, cough) while eroding the advanced nuclear energy infrastructure built by their parents. We can thank baby boomer leadership for a nation that has no sound policy on foreign affairs, the environment, energy, social welfare, human rights, terrorism, technology development, education, debt, etc. The point being, baby boomer leadership has provided America with a government that is the most partisan and self-serving the union has ever seen, and remains entirely reactive to the world around it.

Today, young adults are faced with a job market that is hyper-saturated by graduate level degrees and short on decent paying jobs. It is common for a millennial to apply for an entry level position in which a master’s degree is required and thousands upon thousands of applications are received. And when the lucky ones do find work, they are often underemployed and underpaid.

Too many words. Didn't read.

Millennials and liberals need long paragraphs and logical arguments connecting to each other.

Not enough anger and emotion boiled down into a phrase or sentence.

Make America great again. Boom. Done.
Wait...I thought you wanted them to shut up? Now you want a thread where they will run their mouths??

This is all very confusing.

Ok, so less religious conservatism. Can we educate these millennials about neo-conservatism or better to stick with paleo-conservatism with a little cultural and social conservatism on the side. Oh and don't forget fiscal conservatism. We might need to show how some of these conflict at times, so I hope you have some diagrams and charts ready OP. Bio-conservatism might be fun to throw in too...

These millennials won't know what hit them.

I think we are turning the page, OP. We are going to have our country back in no time at all...

I made an error in my post. Religion should have no bearing in politics. However, if children want to pray in school...I have no problem.

As far as the green team...I do what I can, but it is at the bottom of my list. Protecting this country is more important.
I made an error in my post. Religion should have no bearing in politics. However, if children want to pray in school...I have no problem.

As far as the green team...I do what I can, but it is at the bottom of my list. Protecting this country is more important.


(You have defeated me gambrelw.)
You millennials are destroying this country and you have no clue why??? Wake up and realize Dabo is fixing the program from the bottom/up...same thing that you want happen with America with a horrible leader. Most of you ignorant liberals don't understand what is actually going on in this country. If you love Clemson football today, it is because of conservative logic that Dabo brought forward.
Actually, the old farts have done the most damage with all the entitlements. The baby boomers and older continued to vote idiot liberals in to give them more stuff over and over again. The latest is ObamaCare. The young again subsidizing the old. The millennials are plan dumb. The old generation is smart but selfish. So, everyone is carrying their fair share in destroying Liberty.

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