MIT study finds COVID vaccines 'significantly associated' with jump in emergency heart problems


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Dec 21, 2001
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Israeli data on 16-39 year-olds adds fuel to campaigns against coerced jabs. Italian court strikes down mandate, and U.S. pilots accuse FAA of ignoring severe adverse reactions among pilots.

By Greg Piper
Updated: May 3, 2022 - 11:32pm

COVID-19 vaccination was "significantly associated" with a 25% jump in emergency medical services (EMS) for heart problems in 16-39 year-olds in Israel, whose vaccination rate is among the world's highest, according to a peer-reviewed study by MIT researchers.
Published last week in the Nature journal Scientific Reports, the study found no association with COVID infections, however.
"While not establishing causal relationships, the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals," the study says.
The research adds more fuel to the legal and grassroots campaigns against compelled vaccination.
An Italian administrative court deemed a vaccine mandate on nursing students unconstitutional, citing nearly 10,000 reported deaths from various COVID vaccines in the European Medicines Agency's EudraVigilance monitoring system, but referred the case to the country's Constitutional Court. (The new MIT study also mentions EudraVigilance.)
Published in late March, the 53-page ruling only drew attention in the U.S. last week when an anti-vaccine mandate group translated a portion. Just the News ran the ruling through Google Translate, which said in part the reported death count exceeds the "normal and, therefore, tolerable" risk permitted under vaccine mandates.
Meanwhile, American Airlines pilot Robert Snow blamed his cardiac arrest six minutes after landing a 200-passenger flight April 9 on his compelled vaccination in November. "I will probably never fly again" due to FAA health criteria for pilots, he said in a video from the ICU in Dallas. "This is the actual result of the vaccine for some of us."
Anti-mandate pilot group U.S. Freedom Flyers accused the Federal Aviation Administration of turning a blind eye to the risks of adverse events from COVID vaccines, both to pilots jabbed against their will and crew and passengers on their flights.
The FAA didn't answer Just the News on whether it's investigating the Snow incident, and if not, how it differs from other health-related incidents it would investigate, but pointed to an FAQ on COVID vaccines for pilots and air traffic controllers.
"The FAA's Federal Air Surgeon determined in December 2020 and February 2021 that pilots and air traffic controllers can safely receive the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccine," the agency said in a prepared statement. "The FAA has seen no evidence of aircraft accidents or pilot incapacitations caused by pilots suffering medical complications associated with COVID-19 vaccines."

U.S. Freedom Flyers is "informally" collecting adverse event reports from pilots and working with doctors, statisticians and scientists to come up with good estimates of their frequency, cofounder Joshua Yoder told Just the News Tuesday. "We know we have a major problem on our hands" quantifying the problem.
Yoder recently told the Vaccine Safety Research Center that cardiologist Peter McCullough, formerly vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, told him around 30% of pilots would be sidelined if they were screened for vaccine-induced heart conditions with McCullough's recommended protocol.
The MIT study's corresponding author is management professor Retsef Levi, also a member of Israel's Public Emergency Council for the Coronavirus Crisis. He and McCullough both spoke at the Academy for Science and Freedom inaugural conference on censorship in science in March.
The study notes Israel's Ministry of Health has already assessed a myocarditis risk in 16-24 year-old males of between 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 6,000 after the second mRNA dose, and 1 in 120,000 for under-30 males.
The study analyzed calls to the Israel National EMS data system from Jan. 1, 2019 through June 20, 2021. This represents a 14-month "normal period" before the pandemic, 10-month pre-vaccination, dual-wave "pandemic period," and six months of vaccination.
The breakdown shows how cardiac arrest (CA) and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) calls, confirmed on site by first responders, "change over time with different background conditions and potentially highlight factors that are associated with the observed temporal changes."
Researchers excluded CA calls related to trauma, overdose or suicide, and the protocols were the same for the full 30-month study period, "allowing for a consistent comparison between the call counts during the baseline, pandemic, and vaccination periods."
The vaccine rollout period for 16-39 year-olds, January-May 2021, coincided with the third COVID wave in Israel. It showed a "statistically significant increase of over 25%" for both kinds of calls compared to the same period in 2020.
For CA specifically, there was "no statistically significant difference in the respective call volume" between full-year 2019 and 2020. For ACS, the "significant relevant increase" in that full-year period (15.8%) was outpaced by the January-May 2021 increase (26%).
The researchers said the January 2021 increase "seems to track closely the administration of 2nd dose vaccines," while a second observed increase starting April 18 "seems to track an increase of single-dose vaccination to individuals who recovered from COVID-19 infections." (The Israel Ministry of Health approved the latter for ages 16 and up in early March 2021.)
Females unexpectedly had a higher jump in calls: 31% for CA and 41% for ACS, compared to increases for males of 25% CA and 21% ACS. This may indicate a "potential underdiagnosis or under-self-reporting of myocarditis in females," according to the study, which was exempt from review by MIT's Institutional Review Board.
Wow. Are you roughly aware of what causal means? Try for a few weeks to stop being duped by misleading article titles.

Analysis of Federal Data Shows Increase in Covid-19 Deaths Occurred Among the Vaccinated – Experts Warn More Breakthrough Deaths to be Expected with More Americans Reaching Fully Vaxxed Status​

By Jim Hoft
Published May 11, 2022 at 11:02am

Analysis of federal data conducted by ABC News showed that more Covid-19 deaths occurred among the vaccinated, and more breakthrough deaths are expected with more Americans reaching full vaccination status, experts warned.
According to the new analysis, about 18.9% of COVID-19 deaths recorded were among the vaccinated in August 2021. After six months, in February 2022, the number of deaths increased to more than 40%.
More from ABC News analysis:
Comparatively, in September 2021, just 1.1% of COVID-19 deaths occurred among Americans who had been fully vaccinated and boosted with their first dose. By February 2022, that percentage had increased to about 25%.
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Experts said the increase in breakthrough deaths is expected with more Americans reaching full vaccination status.
“These data should not be interpreted as vaccines not working. In fact, these real-world analyses continue to reaffirm the incredible protection these vaccines afford especially when up to date with boosters,” said Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and an ABC News contributor.
In addition, many vulnerable Americans are more than one year out from their primary vaccinations and have yet to receive booster doses.
To date, more than 220 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, 100 million of whom have received their first COVID-19 booster. However, about 91.5 million eligible Americans — about half of those currently eligible — have yet to receive their first booster shot.
The increase in breakthrough deaths comes as a growing proportion of older Americans enter the hospital for COVID-19 related care.
Last summer, after more vulnerable, older populations had been vaccinated, the share of Americans ages 65 years and older in the hospital had dipped to a pandemic low — with younger populations representing the largest age groups of people in need of care. However, throughout the omicron surge, the average age of those in the hospital with COVID-19 has steadily gotten older again.
More than 90% of seniors have been fully vaccinated, but a third of them have yet to receive their first booster shot. Even with overall high vaccination rates in older populations, in recent months, during the omicron surge, 73% of deaths have been among those 65 and older.
Not only that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine effectiveness wanes after four months, but it also posed a life-threatening complication to people who received it.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a new German study with around 40,000 participants concluded that severe complications after receiving the COVID vaccine is 40 times higher than previously recorded.
Germany’s reported:
The study “Safety Profile of Covid-19 Vaccines” (“ImpfSurv” for short), which focuses on the effects and side effects of the various vaccines, has been running for a year. Around 40,000 vaccinated people are interviewed at regular intervals throughout Germany. Participation in the study is voluntary and independent of how the vaccines work in the subjects.
One result: eight out of 1,000 vaccinated people struggle with serious side effects. “The number is not surprising,” explains Prof. Dr. Harald Matthes, head of the study: “It corresponds to what is known from other countries such as Sweden, Israel or Canada. Incidentally, even the manufacturers of the vaccines had already determined similar values in their studies.” With conventional vaccines, such as against polio or measles, the number of serious side effects is significantly lower.
Did you even read the article or are you just trying to sell the sensationalist headline? Talking bout a self-own. SMH

"Experts said the increase in breakthrough deaths is expected with more Americans reaching full vaccination status."
These data should not be interpreted as vaccines not working. In fact, these real-world analyses continue to reaffirm the incredible protection these vaccines afford especially when up to date with boosters,” said Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and an ABC News contributor."
Did you even read the article or are you just trying to sell the sensationalist headline? Talking bout a self-own. SMH

"Experts said the increase in breakthrough deaths is expected with more Americans reaching full vaccination status."
These data should not be interpreted as vaccines not working. In fact, these real-world analyses continue to reaffirm the incredible protection these vaccines afford especially when up to date with boosters,” said Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and an ABC News contributor."
I did read it and its the person putting lipstick on a pig. Not a good picture at all and I am not happy about it.
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I did read it and its the person putting lipstick on a pig. Not a good picture at all and I am not happy about it.
any headline you agree with will cause you to post articles without even being able to read them. if you're not 12 how do you function in daily society? it seems like TV ads would just take all your money.
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I did read it and its the person putting lipstick on a pig. Not a good picture at all and I am not happy about it.
LMAO, let me see if I can simplify it for you using candy

You have a bag of 100 M&Ms and there are 75 green ones and 25 purple ones. If 6 of the green ones melt in your mouth and 3 purple ones melt in your hand, there are more green ones that melted than purple ones. What color had the highest percentage of melt?

I know you can't figure that out so let me help. Even though there were 6 melted green M&Ms, that's only 8% of the green M&Ms. And even though there were less melted purple M&Ms, that's 12%.

Comprende? 🤯
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Vaers oh brainwashed one. Look up vaers on the cdc website. Vaccine Averse Event Reporting System. Then we’ll see who the bozo is.
I know you won’t, you’re incapable of objectivity and the vaers system proves you wrong.
LOLOLOL, Everybody knows what VAERS is ya dingleberry!

Intelligent people understand what it's NOT!
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Vaers oh brainwashed one. Look up vaers on the cdc website. Vaccine Averse Event Reporting System. Then we’ll see who the bozo is.
I know you won’t, you’re incapable of objectivity and the vaers system proves you wrong.

Vaers doesn't say what you think it does. Here's a quality explanation from the University of Nebraska's medical school.

Importantly: "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires health care providers to report any serious adverse event (including death) that happens after a COVID-19 vaccination – whether or not the provider thinks there is any link. The CDC says, "Health care providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination…regardless if the reporter thinks the vaccine caused the AE." AE stands for adverse event and includes death.

That means that if a vaccinated person drowns, gets in a car crash or is struck by lightning, their death must be reported to VAERS as an adverse event. Since we've vaccinated over 223 million people in the United States, many deaths will occur coincidentally after vaccination."
Vaers doesn't say what you think it does. Here's a quality explanation from the University of Nebraska's medical school.

Importantly: "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires health care providers to report any serious adverse event (including death) that happens after a COVID-19 vaccination – whether or not the provider thinks there is any link. The CDC says, "Health care providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination…regardless if the reporter thinks the vaccine caused the AE." AE stands for adverse event and includes death.

That means that if a vaccinated person drowns, gets in a car crash or is struck by lightning, their death must be reported to VAERS as an adverse event. Since we've vaccinated over 223 million people in the United States, many deaths will occur coincidentally after vaccination."
Just one place and there are many other places to find out what the vaccine is doing to people. Many many studies around the world on them. But carry on, if you aren’t willing to try to prove yourself wrong there’s no point. It’s very easy to do. I’ve been researching this for over two years. I also have access to dozens and dozens of doctors who I talk to off the record in their homes. You have no clue what I’ve verified with dozens of MD’s after doing my own research. The mountain of evidence is easy to find but you lack the intellectual honesty to go look for it
Just one place and there are many other places to find out what the vaccine is doing to people. Many many studies around the world on them. But carry on, if you aren’t willing to try to prove yourself wrong there’s no point. It’s very easy to do. I’ve been researching this for over two years. I also have access to dozens and dozens of doctors who I talk to off the record in their homes. You have no clue what I’ve verified with dozens of MD’s after doing my own research. The mountain of evidence is easy to find but you lack the intellectual honesty to go look for it
Just one place and there are many other places to find out what the vaccine is doing to people. Many many studies around the world on them. But carry on, if you aren’t willing to try to prove yourself wrong there’s no point. It’s very easy to do. I’ve been researching this for over two years. I also have access to dozens and dozens of doctors who I talk to off the record in their homes. You have no clue what I’ve verified with dozens of MD’s after doing my own research. The mountain of evidence is easy to find but you lack the intellectual honesty to go look for it

How many times do you guys have to be told that the VAERS site doesn't mean or work the way that you think it does? You look like an imbecile everytime you try to base your feeling about the vaccine on the VAERS site.
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Just one place and there are many other places to find out what the vaccine is doing to people. Many many studies around the world on them. But carry on, if you aren’t willing to try to prove yourself wrong there’s no point. It’s very easy to do. I’ve been researching this for over two years. I also have access to dozens and dozens of doctors who I talk to off the record in their homes. You have no clue what I’ve verified with dozens of MD’s after doing my own research. The mountain of evidence is easy to find but you lack the intellectual honesty to go look for it
MDs don't know shit about vaccines or infection rates. You should find someone who does that all day and night. Someone who has actually done the research. They have a different title. Those people are 99% saying the same thing. You know, the ones who have actually done their research.