Read a thread on TMB. A guy talked to a SEC assistant coach. The coach said that Adams was no problem the 2 times his team played them. He stated that he didn't think, that Mont would ever be big time. Due to him not being mean enough, taking a lot of plays off, and he questioned his coaching. Said that a good coach would bench a loafer and play a less talented guy, to send a message.
I think we got the real deal in Wilkins. Also noticed that Rob K at Ole Miss, was not putting up big numbers yet. This year is a big year for him and his Nigerian mommie.
By the way, what ever happened to that big 5 star def linemen from Georgia, that Georgia stole and turned him into an offensive lineman. Did he get drafted or ever do anything?
I think we got the real deal in Wilkins. Also noticed that Rob K at Ole Miss, was not putting up big numbers yet. This year is a big year for him and his Nigerian mommie.
By the way, what ever happened to that big 5 star def linemen from Georgia, that Georgia stole and turned him into an offensive lineman. Did he get drafted or ever do anything?