Most Trusted News Organizations


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

The BBC, Fox News and PBS are the most-trusted TV news brands in the U.S., according to an analysis released Tuesday.

Research Intelligencer by Brand Keys surveyed 4,012 viewers who rated broadcast and cable brands that they watch more than three times per week "to determine how much trust those brands engendered."

The BBC came in first, with 90 percent of those surveyed saying they trust the British news outlet.

Fox News and PBS came in second and third with 87 percent and 86 percent of respondents, respectively, trusting the TV news outlets.

Bloomberg, with 81 percent, and MSNBC, with 80 percent, round out the top five.

The broadcast networks' news division finished sixth, seventh and eighth, with CBS coming in at 72 percent, NBC at 70 percent and ABC at 69 percent.

CNN and Sinclair are the final two TV news outlets included in the survey, with CNN tying ABC at 69 percent on the trust scale and Sinclair last at 58 percent.

Trust in media overall has seen record lows in the past several years, with just 32 percent stating they trusted the Fourth Estate in Gallup's most recent survey. In 1976, Gallup found that 72 percent of Americans trusted the media in the post-Watergate era.

Respondents in the new study were also asked about President Trump, who has frequently criticized negative coverage as "fake news," with just 29 percent rating him trustworthy.

Breaking the Trump rating down by political affiliation, 11 percent of Democrats found Trump trustworthy, as did 22 percent of independents and just more than one-third — 35 percent — of Republicans. Eighteen percent had "no opinion."
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That's a damn shame. I mostly believe the news (Fox included) when it's actually a news show. That doesn't stop me from looking stuff up (especially when the folks they are interviewing are very partisan). The problem is that all these networks put up pundits that agree with their respective bias. And these pundits ALWAYS set up their shows so that they LOOK like they are news shows. Maddow and Hannety are the two biggest shills I've ever seen for the left and right. But people THINK they are news shows.

And it's a damn shame b/c the press is absolutely necessary...

That's interesting about Trump and that only 1/3 of Trumpians think he's trustworthy. I think that Trump often tells the truth... and sometimes that truth is very refreshing and needs to be said. Unfortunately, Trump apparently can't help lying either. Especially if it's to make himself look better or to avoid being blamed for a mistake. And he lies about STUPID stuff that's so easily checked... and when you lie all the time and get caught as regularly as Trump does, no one believes a word that comes out of your mouth.

I know that I don't trust him w/o fact checking him.
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