Mulvaney just implicated y'alls potus re: quid pro quo

So much to digest in the op. Let me get back to you on a rebuttal. In the meantime, MAGA because the economy is smoking and i feel safer than i ever have.
What he said has nothing to do with Biden. And he is correct that the sort of stuff goes on all the time. Politics is an ugly business. I have no doubt that Trump is conducted some business in a rather corrupt manner. What is galling to me is that previous administrations have done the exact same things and we didn't express all this moral outrage. We would all be well served to get to the point where everyone is treated equally and we don't blow up charges of corruption for one party over the other. We don't have that now and if we did we'd realize that the last administration was one of the most corrupt in US history.
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Better read a little more thoroughly-nothing to do with a quid pro quo for investigating Biden. Did have a quid pro quo however for investigating the interference in the 2016 elections to get to the bottom of that and I am all for that. I want to know who did it and when interference occurred during the election, regardless of who did it. Sick and tired of the continual accusations and suspicions and not knowing who to believe. Of course I don;t have a lot of confidence that we will ever know the truth.
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What he said has nothing to do with Biden. And he is correct that the sort of stuff goes on all the time. Politics is an ugly business. I have no doubt that Trump is conducted some business in a rather corrupt manner. What is galling to me is that previous administrations have done the exact same things and we didn't express all this moral outrage. We would all be well served to get to the point where everyone is treated equally and we don't blow up charges of corruption for one party over the other. We don't have that now and if we did we'd realize that the last administration was one of the most corrupt in US history.
I voted for trump but he ran on draining the swamp and has not. The whataboutism has to stop. No time like the present since this administration promised to be different.
Better read a little more thoroughly-nothing to do with a quid pro quo for investigating Biden. Did have a quid pro quo however for investigating the interference in the 2016 elections to get to the bottom of that and I am all for that. I want to know who did it and when interference occurred during the election, regardless of who did it. Sick and tired of the continual accusations and suspicions and not knowing who to believe. Of course I don;t have a lot of confidence that we will ever know the truth.
Lol. Um. We literally have the results of who did it and when. In the Mueller report.
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I voted for trump but he ran on draining the swamp and has not. The whataboutism has to stop. No time like the present since this administration promised to be different.

I think his administration has been dramatically different than the norm. Now we can talk about whether or not that's a good thing but I don't think that he is capable of draining the swamp alone. I'm really not even sure that's possible at this point. What I said has nothing to do about whataboutism. I get really frustrated when people throw that out there when you point out tangible evidence from the past that is pertinent to the current circumstance. it's not saying what about this but rather it's saying that we reap what we sow. Our current circumstances are directly tied to our lack of fairness and inequitable treatment in the past.

The term whataboutism is used by the left to escape from any responsibility for their past dealings. Don't be a pain to that kind of stupidity. It doesn't serve the collective good in any way shape or form.
What tickles me here is that the whole narrative was about Trump investigating Biden and there WAS NO QUID PRO QUO. Now the White House admits that there was... Trumpians don't even bat an eye that the POTUS and company lied to them again. Blind support.
You been saying that for years. When does it get here?

Sounds like a gamecock... "Just wait till next year"

Ha. No, it's just that I can read the transcript of the call. Yes, the transcript. The same transcript that the Ukrainians have said matches their transcription of the call perfectly.
You see guys. There can be no qid pro quo unless the the people you are trying to influence, actually hears, thinks, and understands that they have to perform something; in order to get something. Never happened.
I honestly think Mulvaney was trolling the press to spur Pelosi on to the impeachment vote; which is what I want them to do.
You guys are so full of hate, partisanship, and confirmation bias, you don't think straight anymore. Same thing I had to deal with on the Russian Collusion bs.
Maybe you haven't heard that the IG report is coming. Maybe you haven't heard that the DOJ just obtained 2 U.S. gov't issued phones that were used by Joseph Mifsud. General Flynn is about to be exonerated. How does a guy who pleads guilty, get exonerated? And, no, I'm not giving links. You guys are too far gone to wake up to all the lies you've been fed by msm. You're too blind to see that all this fake impeachment stuff is just a diversion because of the facts that are about to be laid bare by Horowitz, Barr and Durham.
Ha. No, it's just that I can read the transcript of the call. Yes, the transcript.
The transcript?

Wait, does that paragraph from the bottom of the "transcript" say "This is not a verbatim transcript". Wait, does it say "A Memorandum". Is that a memo?

Got it, your response starts with two sentences that are both lies.

Lemme know when the big story breaks. Maybe Trump 2020 campaign should use an anti-corruption slogan like "never again".

lol "wait till next year."
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The transcript?

Wait, does that paragraph from the bottom of the "transcript" say "This is not a verbatim transcript". Wait, does it say "A Memorandum". Is that a memo?

Got it, your response starts with two sentences that are both lies.

So, the Ukrainians are lying that their transcript matches ours perfectly? I got it. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a liar. So, you must believe that the "memorializing" of the phone call has been altered in some way and the Ukrainians are conspiring with Trump by saying their transcript matches ours.
I'll tell you who is lying. Adam Schiff. He's been caught in 3-4 lies and reports coming out today that his staffer traveled to Ukraine in August. He's trying to strong arm witnesses behind closed doors and guess what? He's not getting what he wants. IT IS ALL BS.
Hey, I'm all for having the House vote. Lets go! Lets turn this into a real impeachment inquiry!
So, the Ukrainians are lying that their transcript matches ours perfectly? I got it. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a liar. So, you must believe that the "memorializing" of the phone call has been altered in some way and the Ukrainians are conspiring with Trump by saying their transcript matches ours.
I'll tell you who is lying. Adam Schiff. He's been caught in 3-4 lies and reports coming out today that his staffer traveled to Ukraine in August. He's trying to strong arm witnesses behind closed doors and guess what? He's not getting what he wants. IT IS ALL BS.
Hey, I'm all for having the House vote. Lets go! Lets turn this into a real impeachment inquiry!
I didn't say it wasn't a transcript. The Whitehouse did.
I didn't say it wasn't a transcript. The Whitehouse did.

Whatever it is, it was produced by the standard method used by every president since Nixon, and according to the Ukrainians, matches their production of the call.
Another problem for the dems is the fact that nothing of value, from our end, was even mentioned in the call. Zelensky mentions that they were close to ordering more missles. That is not monetary aid, but a mention that one side wants to buy something in the near future.
It really is striking to me how frothingly frantic the dems are to try pin something; anything on Trump to get him out before the election in 12 months
Everytime I see Trump speak this is all i can think of.

But Mulvaney isn't implicating Trump on quid pro quos as it pertains to Biden so I don't think its that big of a deal. I do think however, that its a detail his admin hopes to hide behind, because Trump for sure wanted dirt on Biden and the dems in general and the way they removed officials and conducted themselves is proof of quid pro quos for black mailing congressional funds to a foreign government in exchange for assistance in a political race.
and the memo is the way all POTUS conversations with foreign leaders have been recorded since Richard Nixon.
Good then they can just get the audio off of the secure server and let us listen to that and we will know. If there is nothing wrong, if it was a perfect call then I look forward to hearing the audio and exonerating our President of this wrongdoing.
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What tickles me here is that the whole narrative was about Trump investigating Biden and there WAS NO QUID PRO QUO. Now the White House admits that there was... Trumpians don't even bat an eye that the POTUS and company lied to them again. Blind support.
Their cultural anxiety and threat of losing their systematic privilege is too much to bear
I think his administration has been dramatically different than the norm. Now we can talk about whether or not that's a good thing but I don't think that he is capable of draining the swamp alone. I'm really not even sure that's possible at this point. What I said has nothing to do about whataboutism. I get really frustrated when people throw that out there when you point out tangible evidence from the past that is pertinent to the current circumstance. it's not saying what about this but rather it's saying that we reap what we sow. Our current circumstances are directly tied to our lack of fairness and inequitable treatment in the past.

The term whataboutism is used by the left to escape from any responsibility for their past dealings. Don't be a pain to that kind of stupidity. It doesn't serve the collective good in any way shape or form.
You literally deflected by comparing to Obama. That’s whataboutism. Let’s not complicate matters.
every transaction is a quid pro quo.

been like that since washington.

we dont just give away money for nothing.

crazy that selling uranium to the russians isnt that big of a deal,

but now...
once the judge reads the transcript and listens to the presidents of the 2 countries, case over.

does not care what anyone elses interpretation.

schiff should be arrested.

not to mention, the united states govt requested the ukranians to look into corruption PRIOR to mentioning biden. bide got wrapped up in later.

and you cant say that a presidential candidate is free from investigation during an election. that doesnt hold water.

its time to schiff to bed. do not spend one penny on any product or business from his district.
I was seriously wondering when this would happen. So after saying that of course it was quid pro quo and Trump does it all the time and the press and Dems should "get over it". NOW, Mulvaney is saying that he never said that and his words were taken the wrong way. THAT'S the Trump/White House I'm used to hearing from. Basically saying Donald Trump or your lying ears who are you going to believe?

Altogether Trumpians: "He never said that. Fake News. Obama and Hillary did it all the time."

Your Lord and Savior Trump asserts that if you say the above very quickly 100 times you'll actually believe it. You've got your orders on the way you should be thinking. Hannety will be proud.

Now you are talking...
Wow, just stop participating.

Nah bro. Applacha drops PURE GOLD on a weekly if not daily basis. He seriously suggested that Kurds should move to Europe if they were worried about Turkey. Forget that there are 35 million of them AND they have to go through Turkey (you know the country that's actually shooting them) to get there.

You can't PAY for that kind of entertainment.
Good then they can just get the audio off of the secure server and let us listen to that and we will know. If there is nothing wrong, if it was a perfect call then I look forward to hearing the audio and exonerating our President of this wrongdoing.

So, you are suggesting that the phone calls are recorded? I could be wrong, but I believe that stopped after Nixon. Also, this secure server you're so worried about was instituted by Obama.
So the issue and catalyst for this whistle blower deal was that Trump used quid pro quo for CAMPAIGN DIRT ON BIDEN and that is so bad.

now they dont get that but a witness that quid pro quo happened for investigating past events that were actually against the law, like Hillary’s server and personal server. Which had nothing to do with the election. Other that he said he was going to investigate her.

let me ask this
Are the left folks proud of Schiff?
Do you left folks like Hillary and support what she did?
Do you left folks think what Biden and his son did with the Ukranians is good to go?

Because all of that is troubling and corrupt.

I am not proud that our president slept with a porn star and paid her off before he was in office. which is only a little better scenario than Kennedy and Monroe.

I am not excited that I think Trump was a sketchy business man and may have cheated on his taxes.

but man all of the crap the Dems are wasting time on when they could be doing their elected jobs is ludicrous.