Nancy Mace

Same here. Not once did he try and “shame her” for being raped. He asked how she could support someone who had been found liable to have committed sexual assault/rape.

She, doing what politicians do, decided to gaslight and change the narrative.
Correct. And it worked.

The main thing i noticed is that George was preaching #FakeNews saying Trump was held liable for rape. In fact, the jury explicitly found him not liable for rape. And no one fact checked him.
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Correct. And it worked.

The main thing i noticed is that George was preaching #FakeNews saying Trump was held liable for rape. In fact, the jury explicitly found him not liable for rape. And no one fact checked him.
Well technically the judge did say he was liable for rape, but since in NY rape is technically considered forced insertion of a penis instead of one’s digits(as was the case with Trump) they used SA instead of rape.
Pretty disgusting that she would use her status as a victim to promote a rapist and sexual abuser. She’s slapping the faces of every other women who has been sexually assaulted by a predator like Trump.
Well technically the judge did say he was liable for rape, but since in NY rape is technically considered forced insertion of a penis instead of one’s digits(as was the case with Trump) they used SA instead of rape.

So he was held liable for sexual assault and not rape as Georgy stated. This is just another example of why people hate the news. Unchecked biased reporting slanted to hurt Trump.
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So he was held liable for sexual assault and not rape as Georgy stated. This is just another example of why people hate the news. Unchecked biased reporting.
The judge came out after the fact and clarified that it was technically rape. It's just semantics since the law was changed in 2012 that "rape" included any forceful penetration and not just of the penis.
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The judge came out after the fact and clarified that it was technically rape. It's just semantics since the law was changed in 2012 that "rape" included any forceful penetration and not just of the penis.
Exactly my point. Only in a case with Trump would there be qualifiers not used in a normal court of law. "Not guilty - but after the fact technically".

That goes great with a law that was created only to prosecute this "crime". Which there was never a date given for the crime. And which there are many factual inconsistencies. The whole thing is a giant sham.
Exactly my point. Only in a case with Trump would there be qualifiers not used in a normal court of law. "Not guilty - but after the fact technically".

That goes great with a law that was created only to prosecute this crime. Which there was never a date give for the crime. And which there are many factual inconsistencies. The whole thing is a giant sham.
The only reason the technicalities were coming up is because Trump's attorneys sought a new trial stating that the civil suit was excessive given that sexual assault could be as limited as the groping of a victim's breasts. Following that, the judge dismissed the motion and clarified that what Trump did was technically rape, and only because NY's laws at the time of the incident considered rape the forced insertion of one's penis, and not one's digits (like what Carroll accused Trump of.)

Also, he was never found "not guilty", he was found liable for committing sexual assault by a jury.
The only reason the technicalities were coming up is because Trump's attorneys sought a new trial stating that the civil suit was excessive given that sexual assault could be as limited as the groping of a victim's breasts. Following that, the judge dismissed the motion and clarified that what Trump did was technically rape, and only because NY's laws at the time of the incident considered rape the forced insertion of one's penis, and not one's digits (like what Carroll accused Trump of.)

Also, he was never found "not guilty", he was found liable for committing sexual assault by a jury.


Hilarious to me that @fatpiggy is concurrently doing the exact thing that he is complaining about others doing. Twisting the facts to meet his pre originated narrative.
Good lord you are such a a joke. You really want to excuse him for assaulting her since he "only grabbed her by the pussy"?

Assuming you are married, ask your wife how she feels about that difference.
My wife understands that this woman is a liar.
We have the worst politicians by far in SC. This clown plus Lady G and Skim Scott. Probably even worse than Alabama at this point.

Nancy wants everyone to know it's not ok to shame rape victims while shaming a rape victim of the very rapist Nancy supports tooth and nail. The Republican party 2024 in a nutshell.

LMAO at Nancy's meltdown. If tits were brains she might have a shot at being a sentient being.
lol at the people who think a guy who was caught on tape bragging about grabbing strange women by the pussy because he's rich and can get away with it isn't capable of grabbing a woman by the pussy and assaulting her.

Exactly. He could literally shoot someone in the street and these dumbasses would blame the Deep State. He can do no wrong in the eyes of @fatpiggy or @OleFastball.
The judge came out after the fact and clarified that it was technically rape. It's just semantics since the law was changed in 2012 that "rape" included any forceful penetration and not just of the penis.
It never happened. This woman is insane and she was financed by a billionaire dem operative and they ran this bogus civil trial in Manhattan.
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Nancy bringing the heat.

And as usual, this is old news that you try to present as new information, as if nothing has since changed since her statement. This was from six months ago. You are a POS.

Mace’s false claim about a supposed bribe​

Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina claimed at the Thursday hearing, “We already know the president took bribes from Burisma,” a Ukrainian energy company where Hunter Biden sat on the board of directors.

Facts First: Mace’s claim is false; we do not “already know” that Joe Biden took any bribe. The claim about a bribe from Burisma is a completely unproven allegation. The FBI informant who relayed the claim to the FBI in 2020 was merely reporting something he said he had been told by Burisma’s chief executive. Later in the hearing, a witness called by the committee Republicans, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, called “the bribery allegation” the most concerning piece of evidence he had heard today – but he immediately cautioned that “you have to only take that so far” given that it is “a secondhand account.”

According to an internal FBI document made public by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa earlier this year over the strong objections of the FBI, the informant said in 2020 – when Donald Trump was president – that the CEO of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, had claimed in 2016 that he made a $5 million payment to “one Biden” and another $5 million payment to “another Biden.” But the FBI document did not contain any proof for the claim, and the document said the informant was “not able to provide any further opinion as to the veracity” of the claim.

Republicans have tried to boost the credibility the allegation by saying it was in an FBI document and that the FBI had viewed the informant as highly credible. But the document merely memorialized the information provided by the informant; it does not demonstrate that the information is true. And Hunter Biden’s former business associate Devon Archer testified to the House Oversight Committee earlier this year that he had not been aware of any such payments to the Bidens; Archer characterized Zlochevsky’s reported claim as an example of the Ukrainian businessman embellishing his influence.

And as usual, this is old news that you try to present as new information, as if nothing has since changed since her statement. This was from six months ago. You are a POS.

Mace’s false claim about a supposed bribe​

Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina claimed at the Thursday hearing, “We already know the president took bribes from Burisma,” a Ukrainian energy company where Hunter Biden sat on the board of directors.

Facts First: Mace’s claim is false; we do not “already know” that Joe Biden took any bribe. The claim about a bribe from Burisma is a completely unproven allegation. The FBI informant who relayed the claim to the FBI in 2020 was merely reporting something he said he had been told by Burisma’s chief executive. Later in the hearing, a witness called by the committee Republicans, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, called “the bribery allegation” the most concerning piece of evidence he had heard today – but he immediately cautioned that “you have to only take that so far” given that it is “a secondhand account.”

According to an internal FBI document made public by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa earlier this year over the strong objections of the FBI, the informant said in 2020 – when Donald Trump was president – that the CEO of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, had claimed in 2016 that he made a $5 million payment to “one Biden” and another $5 million payment to “another Biden.” But the FBI document did not contain any proof for the claim, and the document said the informant was “not able to provide any further opinion as to the veracity” of the claim.

Republicans have tried to boost the credibility the allegation by saying it was in an FBI document and that the FBI had viewed the informant as highly credible. But the document merely memorialized the information provided by the informant; it does not demonstrate that the information is true. And Hunter Biden’s former business associate Devon Archer testified to the House Oversight Committee earlier this year that he had not been aware of any such payments to the Bidens; Archer characterized Zlochevsky’s reported claim as an example of the Ukrainian businessman embellishing his influence.

Once again....blah blah blah!!
Just an unserious clown. Are these people too stupid to remember their previous positions, or do they just realize their voting base is too stupid?

Like i said above @yoshi121374 words matter. Not liable for rape. The whole case was a sham. She is not a sane person. Just look at her personality and comments. Clear liar.

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Nancy is growing on me. She beat the slimeball Stephanopoulos down like the mangy yard dog he is.

So tell us OP. Did you actually WATCH THAT, or did you do the usual, just mindlessly repost something with a headline you watched? Personally, I don't dislike Mace. While she is a Trump sycophant, she does also give more than lip service to women's issues and weed legalization.

But she's shared the story of her own sexual assault survival and her recovery. Solid respect from me, for being open and challenging societies' norms on something than nearly everyone thinks should be kept hidden. I also think that as a person who experienced this first hand, she gets to vote for whoever she damn well pleases.

But that's a fair question, since she's been open with her experience. In NO WAY was she made fun of. She was simply asked how she could vote for a guy that's done what Trump's done, given her personal experience. She could have simply answered the question. Namely that Trump's qualities and policies < insert reasons here > make her willing to support him even though he's been found guilty of being libel for sexual assault. That would be the truth. Instead she dodged the question and tried to blame the questioner.
A cult member of Trump. Totally brainwashed by this awful criminal. I hope that she is one of the first to drink the Kool Aid if and when he loses in November.

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