Need to be watching very closely this election

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The “dead people” voting or registering or whatever is just always so silly to me. Would be the absolute easiest thing to prove and take to court. No doubt it happens here or there (sometimes nefarious like voting a second time for a dead relative, sometimes not where people die between voting and recounts) but the idea that thousands, etc is just so ridiculous.
WTF dude, I already busted this outright lie earlier this year and you're just going to turn around and recycle the same old conspiracy, and from a guy taking money from Russians to say it? How stupid are you?

Nah you didnt. You just played a word game and are talking about something different than what they are talking about. You talked about clearing voter rolls, they are talking about new voters registering that just happen to be dead already. Your bs works on low info people...
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Nah you didnt. You just played a word game and are talking about something different than what they are talking about. You talked about clearing voter rolls, they are talking about new voters registering that just happen to be dead already. Your bs works on low info people...
Dude, your feckless, beanie-capped hero was paid $100,000 to say this, think about that. You are about as low info as it gets SMDH.

Can you give us an update on what has happened since? Has there been a court case that was adjudicated? Has 60 Minutes run a story about it? Did they find the culprits? 😄
Nah you didnt. You just played a word game and are talking about something different than what they are talking about. You talked about clearing voter rolls, they are talking about new voters registering that just happen to be dead already. Your bs works on low info people...
This would be suuuuuuuper easy to win in court. Has it gone to court yet? Easiest case in history easy.
This would be suuuuuuuper easy to win in court. Has it gone to court yet? Easiest case in history easy.
When the establishment does it they dont look for it and if any outside group files a suit they throw it out for no standing. For anyone that is genuinely interested and has kept up with it they have conclusively shown that mass election fraud took place in 2020.
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When the establishment does it they dont look for it and if any outside group files a suit they throw it out for no standing. For anyone that is genuinely interested and has kept up with it they have conclusively shown that mass election fraud took place in 2020.
Missouri is a ruby red state with a ruby red Secretary of State. Surely they've looked into these 23,000 dead voters or are they ignoring them because they are considered establishment too? 🤔
Missouri is a ruby red state with a ruby red Secretary of State. Surely they've looked into these 23,000 dead voters or are they ignoring them because they are considered establishment too? 🤔
We heard about it because of where its at.