New Jersey Governor Race Called for Democrat Murphy by 20,000 Votes After He Mysteriously Gained 40,000 Ballots Overnight


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Joe Hoft
Published November 3, 2021 at 7:44pm

The New Jersey Governor race has been called for the Democrat incumbent Phil Murphy (L).
Phil Murphy, a Democrat who has pushed New Jersey in a more progressive direction and overseen the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, won a second term as the Garden State’s governor Wednesday night, narrowly defeating Republican Jack Ciattarelli in a bitter and closer-than-expected race that was too close to call for nearly 24 hours.
The race was called by The Associated Press early Wednesday evening.

TRENDING: New Jersey Governor Race Called for Democrat Murphy by 20,000 Votes After He Mysteriously Gained 40,000 Ballots Overnight
This comes after obvious issues were identified overnight where 40,000 ballots were awarded to Murphy in Bergen County after the county was reported as 100% reported.

Until the country takes voter fraud as a real serious issue, elections like this will continue to take place.


New Jersey Gubernatorial Election Worker: “I’ll Let You [Non-Citizen/Non-Registered Voter] Fill Out a Ballot Right Now” (VIDEO)​

By Cristina Laila
Published November 4, 2021 at 12:15am

The New Jersey Governor race was called for the Democrat incumbent Phil Murphy.
This comes after obvious issues were identified overnight where 40,000 ballots were awarded to Murphy in Bergen County after the county was already at 100% reporting.
Republican Ciattarelli was ahead all night when the corrupt Democrats did a 2am ballot dump to put Murphy over the finish line.
Project Veritas caught a New Jersey gubernatorial election worker in Essex County telling a PV journalist claiming to be an Irish citizen that he can fill out a ballot
TRENDING: New Jersey Governor Race Called for Democrat Murphy by 20,000 Votes After He Mysteriously Gained 40,000 Ballots Overnight
‘I’ll let you[Non-Citizen/Non-Registered Voter] fill out completely a ballot right now,’ the poll worker said.

BREAKING: Democrat Tricks in New Jersey Governor’s Race – Republican Winning Largest County with 100% of Votes Counted Then Vote Flips and Democrat Miraculously Wins County​

By Joe Hoft
Published November 3, 2021 at 10:23am

Last night in the New Jersey Governor’s race Republican Jack Ciattarelli was leading current Democrat Governor Phil Murphy in the largest county in the state, Bergen County. Then suddenly things changed.

Last night the governor’s race in New Jersey was showing the Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli in the lead over the incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy. Then miraculously things changed.
With 83% of the votes counted in the state, Republican Ciattarelli held a statewide lead of 42,000 votes. At this time, Bergen County, the largest county in New Jersey, claimed 100% reporting with Ciattarelli winning 52% of the vote.
Then things changed. Minutes later, with 87% of the vote counted, the results in Bergen County changed and suddenly Murphy was reported ahead in the county with 51% of the vote. Ciattarelli’s 42,000 vote in the state also dwindled to a 1,600 vote lead at this time.
TRENDING: New Jersey Governor Race Called for Democrat Murphy by 20,000 Votes After He Mysteriously Gained 40,000 Ballots Overnight
Here is a video describing what happened.
This was also reported in a tweet this morning.

Here’s another tweet showing this anomaly, er glitch, er whatever…

What’s going on in New Jersey?


BREAKING: Republican Ciattarelli Announces He Is Not Conceding in New Jersey Governor’s Race​

By Joe Hoft
Published November 4, 2021 at 6:45pm

The Republican candidate for governor in New Jersey announced today that he is not conceding the race.

The Associated Press is reporting:
The result of New Jersey’s election for governor will be “legal and fair” no matter the outcome, Republican candidate Jack Ciattarelli said Thursday in his first comments since The Associated Press declared incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy the election’s winner.
Ciattarelli has not conceded the election.
TRENDING: BREAKING: New Jersey Senate President Won't Concede to Republican Truck Driver - Says "12,000 Ballots Recently Found in One County"
“No one should be declaring victory or conceding the election until every legal vote is counted,” Ciattarelli said in the 2-minute video clip posted on Twitter.
Ciattarelli, a former Assembly member, said he will wait for the state’s 21 counties to complete counting thousands of mail-in and other ballots, which could take until next week, before deciding whether to ask for a recount.
Under state law, there is no automatic recount and the party seeking one must file a suit in state Superior Court in the county where the recount is requested.
The governor has a tough road ahead of him after the election appears to have been stolen on Election night.
Other incidents of fraud were reported including machines not working.
Also, individuals were allowed to vote without apparently being registered according to the law.