Nonpartison Message from Willie Nelson

Absolutely agree with this. However...

One side will be civil and respect the voting system no matter if they win or lose. The other side will not which is why the national guard is being called in to many cities. Pitiful.

I unironically can't tell which reality you're living in. Things suck.
The problem with voting them out is that you have to vote another one in. So far the choices are slim and that is all the way down the ballot.

Unless we can leave the position vacant.....
Absolutely agree with this. However...

One side will be civil and respect the voting system no matter if they win or lose. The other side will not which is why the national guard is being called in to many cities. Pitiful.
ItS tO ProTeCt AGainSt tHe wHiTe SUprEmaCistS!!!! NoT aGaiNst ThE PaRTy oF PeAce aNd ScIEnce! Come on man!
Which side has been rioting?

Anyone who saw that PSA or any of the others and decided to vote should have turned around and went home.

"Get out the Vote" efforts and PSAs in the media are simply efforts to get the ignorant and uninformed to vote, IMHO.

That's not what the country needs.