NOT MAKING HEADLINES: AZ Audit Could Not Find the Identity of 86,391 Voters –They Don’t Appear to Exist and 73.8% Are Democrat or No Party Affiliation


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Jim Hoft
Published September 27, 2021 at 4:15pm

The Arizona audit could not find an identity match on 86,391 people. This is disclosed on Page 56 of the “Results Details” report.
These Maricopa voters cast ballots in Nov 2020 and don’t seem to exist. The ones registered as Democrat or selected no party affiliation represent a whopping 73.8% of these unknown voters. That’s 63,757 ballots. Not selecting a party makes monitoring of nefarious registrations much harder as everything not R or D is bulked together as “Other”. Even the new State voter registration form now only has only 3 categories (R, D, Other) and some registration reporting reduced to similar.

TRENDING: NOT MAKING HEADLINES: AZ Audit Could Not Find the Identity of 86,391 Voters - They Don't Appear to Exist and 73.8% Are Democrat or No Party Affiliation
Cyber Ninja’s used Melissa Personator which is arguably the best commercial service to validate U.S. or Canadian identities. It scours private and government databases including USPS and Social Security Administration. Cyber Ninja’s oddly concludes most of these “unknowns” might be real people that just have limited public records. Our name, DOB, SS#, and address are in every State and Fed database. If you can’t be found using these credentials, something is definitely wrong.
The Ninja’s didn’t consider Maricopa’s history, it’s registration battles, or issues with non-citizen voters. They make no consideration the database might have been manipulated but know it was hacked Nov. 5th 2020. Had the Senate subpoenaed Maricopa’s VRAS servers and tasked CyFIR to investigate, we might know a whole lot more.

In March 2017 the new Maricopa Recorder disclosed that tens of thousands of unprocessed voter registration forms were sitting in stacked boxes in their office. Helen Purcell (Republican) had been the Recorder up to this point and was replaced 2 months earlier by Democrat activist Adrian Fontes. These boxes were voter applicants who couldn’t provide proof of U.S. citizenship or identity. They were notified by mail to provide additional documentation and the forms had been held indefinitely. Why?
Arizona’s Prop 200 was passed in 2004. To register to vote, citizens were now required to provide proof of U.S. citizenship and identity. Arizona changed its State registration form to accommodate the new law. Democrats resisted and started using the Federal Voter Registration Form, which doesn’t require proof of U.S. citizenship. In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that AZ must accept this Federal Form. However, those voters would only receive ballots that list Federal candidates – President and Congress. These are classified as “Federal Only” voters in AZ. It’s bullshit. Democrats exclusively use the Fed Form in AZ to bypass citizenship and other ID issues.
After the 2018 election the Maricopa Board of Supervisors realized they had serious problems with elections and corruption. Their investigators found that all elections staff answered to County Recorder Fontes and the Board had no insight into elections. So in June of 2019 the Board added a second “Director of Elections” role. One Director now answers to the Supervisor Board, the other to the County Recorder. Fontes provided no resistance to the changes because he retained unaccountable control of VRAS, the voter registration system for Maricopa. These are the keys to the kingdom. Fontes then coordinated with Democrat SOS Katie Hobbs to process those boxes of non-citizen applications and get them into the AZ voter rolls.
From the 2018 midterm election to the Nov. 2020 election, Maricopa added a massive 340,676 new voter registrations. That’s a whopping 13.1% increase in just two years. The “Deputy Registrar” initiative created by Fontes gave 638 liberal volunteers access to VRAS and processing of registration forms.
NOTE: Any States concerned about elections should demand images of the registration servers be preserved for the date voter registration stops, the day of the election, and when ballot counting ends.

BREAKING: AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Files S.B. 1487 Against Maricopa County For Unanswered Questions From July Hearing And Audit Report​

By Jordan Conradson
Published September 27, 2021 at 5:00pm

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich
Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend has filed another 1487 request to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office seeking answers to the questions raised by the Arizona audit.
In August, State Senator Sonny Borrelli used this same law which requires the Attorney General to investigate a potential violation of the law and withhold 10% of state shared funds if the violation is not corrected within 30 days.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich delivered, forcing the County to settle with The Arizona Senate over Senate subpoenas.
The questions raised over the last six months about the 2020 election remain unanswered and after the most recent audit report, Townsend wants the answers.

Townsend: Today, Senator Paul Boyer sent an email to his colleagues claiming the Audit proved the Joe Biden won, and that if there was any fraud, we would have seen something the first thing this morning. Perhaps this is a little late for him, however I have chosen to submit a 1487 complaint to the Attorney General’s office asking for a formal investigation into the unanswered questions that were raised by the Summer audit preliminary report, as well as last Friday’s final report. Because this is a 1487 request, it is required by law for these questions to be investigated and answered within 30 days. I did ask a multitude of questions, however I believe we already have the answers that were obtained by the audit committee. It should not take the full 30 days, but it if does and takes longer, I will reissue a new 1487 to reset the clock for the more time-consuming issues. I am not satisfied with unanswered questions and unreported issues. I want to know what laws were broken, who broke them, and who will be held accountable.
Please see below a full list of what was asked of the Attorney General today. I look forward to his response.
Appendix A
Ballot Paper Issues –
A.R.S. § 16-468(2) and A.R.S. § 16-502(A).

1. It has come to my attention that there may have been multiple types of paper used that were not authorized. Please provide evidence of all of the various papers that were purchased and used from a company that provides such legally authorized paper.
2. Who were the suppliers of paper for both Runbeck printed ballots and the day of election ballots of an kind?
3. Did Dominion supply any paper for ballots? If so, please provide purchase orders to show where this paper came from and if it met the standards of our statutes.
4. At any time did any precinct need to buy paper that ran out on Election Day? If so, which precincts ran out of paper and where did Maricopa County procure additional paper? Who was responsible for supplying that paper and do we have explanation as to why it ran out?
5. Maricopa County said they used VoteSecure paper by Roland. Please provide purchase orders and which VoteSecure paper that were used and where.
6. If these processes regarding the use of ballot secure paper were not followed correctly and by state law, who would be held accountable for these violations?
7. As a member of the Arizona Senate, I received information regarding irregular ballots that were inserted among the other ballots. These ballots were being logged and tracked in an official log book. Please report back how many of these anomalies were found, and what do the logs say about them. Additionally, what were the vote tallies on those ballots?
8. In the preliminary report, we received information that the ballots had bled through and caused overvotes, despite the Legislature being told that these issues would not happen due to ballot secure paper that was impermeable from Sharpie ink. Please report back any information obtained regarding the county having ballots that had bleed through and what effect that had on adjudication rate.
9. If different types of ballot paper were used for different precincts and voters, and occasionally non ballot secure paper was used creating bleed through and overvote / artifact, leading to adjudication rates being high among some voters and not others, would that constitute an unequal application of policy / election security and a 14th Amendment violation of the voter’s civil rights?
Signature / Envelope Issues

1. Did Maricopa County fulfill statutory requirements for signature verification on all counted ballots included in the official canvass?
2. Signature issues were reported in the recent Audit conducted by the Senate. They included the following problems:
1. Completely blank signature
2. Nearly blank signature
3. Scribbled signature that did not match
If there are ballots included in the official canvass that were counted without complying with A.R.S.16-550(A), how many were included that did not meet this legal threshold?
3. Who would be responsible for allowing illegal ballots to be counted that did not meet the legal threshold of A.R.S.16-550(A)?
4. Ballot envelopes were reported in the audit with a “Verified and approved” stamp appearing BEHIND the envelope graphic of a triangle. How did these images of the verified and approved stamp print from behind the triangle image on the envelope?
5. How many of these envelopes with irregular printing of the “verified and approved” or other stamp behind the original graphics of the envelope have been uncovered, and were the ballots contained therein counted in the official canvass?
Duplicate ballots
1. In the Dr. Shiva presentation of the Arizona audit, it was reported that there were 17,322 duplicate voter envelopes submitted in the final canvass of the election.
a. What is the party affiliation of those voters? Can we contact them and ask them who they
voted for?
b. Did they knowingly submit too many ballots and will they be held accountable if so?
c. Why were these voters allowed to keep their duplicate ballots / votes as part of the official c
canvass? Who was responsible for removing the duplicates and will they be held accountable?
2.There were 255,326 votes mismatched between the VM55 and EV33 files. Which file matched the hand count?
3. If it is 255k votes over the hand count, does that match with any of the wrong paper usage?
4. If the discrepancy cannot be accounted for, what is the proper and legal course of action?
Chain of Custody
ARS 16-621.E

1. Please provide evidence that all chain of custody documents required by law were adhered to and preserved for inspection and audit.
2. If these documents do not exist or are not available, who is responsible legally for that failure?
Data Security (Usernames & Passwords) –
2019 Elections Procedures Manual, p. 209 (Section 2, Subsection a., number 2)
1. The elections procedures manual requires that “The application shall provide distinct security roles, with separate usernames and secure passwords for each user or station.” Please provide evidence that this requirement was followed in Maricopa County as it relates to all login and password requirements, systemwide.
2. Who is responsible for ensuring this is maintained, and what consequence/recourse does the state have for such a breach of protocol?
3. Is the master/administrative password that has not been released by Maricopa County or Dominion in compliance with State law?
4. Do anonymous logins of any kind violate the 2019 Elections Procedure Manual?
Internet History
1. Were the EMS Server, EMS Client workstations, REWEB 1601 & 1602 connected to the internet?
2. If they were connected to the internet, is this a violation of A.R.S.16 and the Elections procedure manual?
3. Do the Dominion voting tabulation machines have the capability to connect to the internet?
4. Was at any time the voting machines connected to the internet?
5. Who would be responsible and held accountable if any laws in this section were broken?
Calibration –
52 U.S.C. § 21081(b)(1)

1. In the initial audit report we received information that the machines in some locations were not calibrated and that the ballots were offset significantly. Please report back as to what information is available regarding the miscalibration of the machines that caused the offset reported to us regarding the work by Jovan Pulitzer.
2. Did the calibration problems come from specific voting machines or were they random?
3. If they were specific machines, what precincts had the machines that were grossly mis-calibrated?
4. Have those machines been identified and sent for repair, or will they be replaced by the newly purchased machines?
5.Who is responsible for the calibration of the machines?
6. In order to identify the machines that are grossly mis-calibrated, which ballot on Demand systems or printers were used to print ballots either for early votes, day of, and duplicate votes? Where were they located, and model/registration number and service number of the actual machine.
7. Is there a GPS tracker on each machine, and if so, what is the data on each of those machines?
Adjudicated Ballots

1. In the audit, we learned that some of the adjudicated ballots were missing serial numbers, had wrong serial numbers, or had obstructed serial numbers. How many ballots did not meet the requirements of A.R.S.16-621(B)3(a)?
2. Who is responsible for ensuring that this law is abided by, and what is the recourse for voters when this law is not adhered to, yet the illegal ballots were counted in the official canvass?
Deleted files –
52 USC 20701
1. Please investigate all reports of deleted files at Maricopa County for the 2020 General election. The County has explained that these deleted files were regarding a different election and were being archived. Please verify the validity of this information.
2. Please provide proof these files exist in archive.
3. Did the auditors or subcontractors find that there was a program created to specifically remove and purge files of the 2020 election? If so, who implemented it?
4. If we are unable to show that these files were archived and indeed deleted and not related to a different election, does that show intent to tamper with evidence?
5. Is it normal procedure to create a special program to archive files at the Maricopa County Recorder;s office?
6. Please provide a detailed report of this special program used to “archive” or delete files on 02/01/2021 at the Maricopa County Recorder’s office referenced in the audit report, a copy of the program and an explanation of what it is designed to do.
7. Who designed the program?
Unsealed Boxes

1. Why were the ballot boxes delivered to the Senate auditors unsealed?
2. Who removed the seals off and when? Please provide all documentation available that is required to be kept upon opening boxes.
3. Who is responsible for compliance with this state law, and is it possible to discover who opened the boxes based on video recording?
Ineligible Voters Allowed to Cast Votes –
A.R.S. 16 Articles 1, 1.1, and 2, Elections Procedures Manual

1. Were ineligible voters allowed to cast votes in the Maricopa County 2020 General election?
2. If there are votes included in the official canvass of the 2020 General election, it is to be concluded that the election performed was an illegal election and should be nullified and repeated? Please comment on how to proceed, based on any findings of yours that establish illegal completion of a secure election in Maricopa County.
Redacted Maricopa County Audit Details –
NOTE: This concerns information obtained regarding the actions of the Maricopa County Recorder’s office discovered through the Senate Auditors. If not 100% of the information obtained was released, the public will not receive answers to what information was obtained via an audit that was paid for, in part, by public funds. Therefore, the subsequent questions asked are salient and appropriate for this 1487 complaint to ensure that all the forementioned laws were abided by.
1. Does there exist information about Maricopa County that was discovered via audit this year that has been omitted and not reported to the public and if so, what was that information?
2. Who requested that information to be omitted and why?
3. Were there any threats of cancelation of contract and removal of indemnity should any discovered information be reported to the public?
4. Was there an agreement to settle the debt of the audit expenses with a provision that certain information was omitted? If so who made that requirement?

We need Attorney General Brnovich to follow through again by opening a criminal investigation into potential fraud and upholding the rule of law.
Contact Attorney General Mark Brnovich if you would like to see these investigations happen.

We need the answers to these questions.


Exclusive: Pattern Identified in Arizona Audit Mirrors Michigan Scandal Revealed in DetroitLeaks Tapes on Provisional Ballots​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 27, 2021 at 8:05am
According to the initial Cyber Ninja Report released to the media on Friday, the day before the Arizona Senate report was made public, there was real concern about provisional ballots.
On page 2 of the early Cyber Ninja report:
There were substantial statistically significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots, on- demand printed ballots, as well as a statistically significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail-in ballot already being cast, suggestive of mail-in ballots being cast for voters without their knowledge.
Then on Friday the Cyber Ninja Report revealed that 58,550 voters appeared on election day to vote who had reportedly already received a mail-in ballot , page 59:
5.7.1 Real-Time Provisional Ballots
TRENDING: NOT MAKING HEADLINES: AZ Audit Could Not Find the Identity of 86,391 Voters - They Don't Appear to Exist and 73.8% Are Democrat or No Party Affiliation
The Arizona Secretary of State Elections Procedures Manual identifies circumstances that require the issuance of a Provisional Ballot. If a voter appears in the e-pollbook or signature roster as having received an early ballot by mail, but the voter wants to vote in person on Election Day, that voter must be issued a Provisional Ballot. However, Maricopa County reported 58,550 voters who had received mail ballots but were issued standard ballots on Election Day. The County identifies these as “real-time Provisional Ballots.” There is no mention of real-time provisional in the AZ Elections Procedures Manual. In fact, the EPM specifically addresses this circumstance and is clear that such voters must be issued a Provisional ballot.
These 58,550 voters turned up on election day and were told they already voted by mail-in ballot without their knowledge. The language was watered down in the final report.
Arizona was not the only state in 2020 that illicit acts with provisional ballots.
In Michigan, leftist operatives taught poll workers how to cheat with provisional ballots.
Damning audio was released by Detroit Leaks before the election that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were trained in how to lie, trained on how to handle ballot challenges from Trump supporters, told to call 911 on any challengers and to use COVID as an excuse to deny poll challengers access to view the ballots as they were being counted and tabulated.
The series of leaks also revealed that even challenged or provisional ballots would be processed as regular ballots.
This was a tactic used by the left and TAUGHT to poll workers before the election. They were taught how to cheat with provisional ballots.
In fact, the poll workers in Detroit were taught tactics on how to cheat with provisional ballots.
** Jim and Joe Hoft reported on this illegal practice at the regent University Election Integrity Conference back in March.
The reporter who initially published this video was later threatened by far left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel demanding he take down this damning audio or face charges.
The Democrats did not want this audio made public!

The FBI and Bill Barr completely ignored this evidence.
It now appears this was a tactic used in several states — Not just Arizona.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Despite Tens of Thousands of Issues Already Identified in Arizona Audit, Likely Hundreds of Thousands of Ballots Have No Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation​

By Joe Hoft
Published September 27, 2021 at 7:00am

On Friday the auditors in the Senate’s audit or Maricopa County’s 2020 Election results presented their results before the Arizona Senate. Dr. Shiva’s work identified 17,000 ballots (envelopes) that were duplicated (much more than the 10,000 ballot election margin). But there is much more in his report.

We noted on Friday after watching his presentation that Dr. Shiva identified numerous issues, including identifying over 17,000 duplicate ballots (envelopes) which is well over the margin of victory in the state.
We then on Saturday combined Dr. Shiva’s results with the other presenters to determine more than 70,000 ballots were duplicated or had issues and the IT team identified some real significant issues as well.
TRENDING: NOT MAKING HEADLINES: AZ Audit Could Not Find the Identity of 86,391 Voters - They Don't Appear to Exist and 73.8% Are Democrat or No Party Affiliation
However, Dr. Shiva’s presentation was given before we could see his report. But now Dr. Shiva’s audit report has been issued and per our review it includes some HUGE issues not previously highlighted by TGP.
Below is Dr. Shiva’s report.
AZ Audit Report Dr Shiva by Jim Hoft on Scribd

In the Abstract of Dr. Shiva’s report alone, there are some additional shocking points that we have not highlighted already.
As presented already, over 17,000 envelopes were duplicates based on a forensic analysis of the signatures and other parameters on the ballot envelopes. No duplicates were reported by Maricopa county. We also provided this slide below listing other issues.

On p. 9 of Dr. Shiva’s report, he mentions that 91% of all the ballots counted in Maricopa County were Early Voting Ballots (EVB’s) – meaning they were mailed in. Dr. Shiva audited the envelopes that the EVB ballots were mailed in.
In addition, there were 9,589 more unique EVB envelopes reported by the county than were not provided to the audit team.
The County only identified 587 bad signatures for only 0.031% of all EVBs received. However, Dr. Shiva’s team was not commissioned to audit signatures and yet per his analysis of signatures in other tests, he located 2,580 signature issues. This 5 times the county’s reporting and he wasn’t even auditing signatures.
Dr. Shiva digs into these signature issues further and notes:

We noticed the following items in Dr. Shiva’s report Abstract regarding signatures and chain of custody:

As noted already Dr. Shiva was not commissioned to look at signatures. Chain of custody was also not part of his audit. These are huge issues. Why were they excluded from the audit?
We know currently in Georgia the state is missing chain of custody documents on 350,000 ballots making them invalid per the law. We have no idea in Maricopa County how many of the 1.9 million EVB’s have chain of custody documentation. We have no information that any of the EVB ballots have chain of custody documentation.

When adding in the number of ballots missing chain of custody documentation in the County the number of invalid ballots likely increases into the 100,000’s much like Georgia.

The Arizona-certified results should never, ever have been certified.


BREAKING: Maricopa County Releases Statement – Plans Formal Response To Arizona Senate – Is FINALLY Promising Answers​

By Jordan Conradson
Published September 29, 2021 at 9:00am

After months of litigation, fighting, media breakdowns, lies, scandalous audio leaks, and a waste of tax dollars, Maricopa County will finally issue a “technical response” to the Arizona audit report.

This response will reportedly “answer the questions raised” and address the anomalies that The County claims were not fully investigated.
The Arizona Senate has been asking for answers to these questions and cooperation to ensure a full investigation since day one of the audit.
The Attorney General is now knocking at the County’s door and the county is now trying to BS their way out of this one.
Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, "Damn the Unvaccinated" Dies Two Weeks After Receiving 3rd Covid Shot
Their announcement came hours after Attorney General Mark Brnovich publicized a litigation hold notice placed on Maricopa County while an investigation is pursued.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We’ll be issuing a technical response to the Senate’s review of Maricopa County’s elections in the coming weeks. Read more:

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer claims that “for months we were told the audit’s mission was to provide an accurate count.” He then claims that the accurate hand-count totals “went almost ignored in last week’s presentation.”
Since day one, however, we were told this is a “fact-finding mission”, and it was well known that they were on the lookout for fake or illegal ballots, ballot harvesting, dead voters, and other examples of election fraud. This was a mission to ensure that “one vote = one point” and ballots were not being dumped, over-duplicated, cast from a phantom voter, or lost.


The hand-count totals were not ignored at all either! This point is not only the first item on the Results Tally Report by CyberNinjas, it was the first finding addressed in the presentation by Senate President Karen Fann.
Apparently, everybody except for Maricopa County knows, illegal ballots do not count!
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, the genius behind the Arizona audit kinematic artifact detection, shared a great analogy for this on Twitter.

Here is the county’s statement:
Maricopa County Plans Formal Response to Senate’s Election Review
September 28, 2021 (Phoenix) — With the Senate’s review of Maricopa County’s elections complete, the County today announced it will provide a comprehensive technical report in the coming weeks.
“It took the Cyber Ninjas more than five months to complete this report and it will take us time to responsibly gather all the facts and answer the questions raised, but we’re committed to providing a comprehensive and accurate response,” said Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer. “For months, we were told the audit’s mission was to provide an accurate count. What went almost ignored in last week’s presentation was that the Cyber Ninjas agreed with Maricopa County’s results: Joe Biden won Maricopa County in the 2020 election. The work of hardworking professionals in Maricopa County was confirmed, and we thank the Senate for confirming what we’ve said since November of last year.”
On Friday, the County provided real time responses to many of the allegations made by the Senate’s contractors. This technical report will provide a deeper dive into the County’s early ballot and tabulation processes. It will also include election staff’s research into the actual voter IDs included in the Senate’s review. The County’s technical response will address many of the “anomalies” that stumped the Senate’s contractors but appear not to have been fully investigated by their team.
“We will do what we’ve always done, provide factual responses using real data from our election experts who know what they’re looking at,” said Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers. “The opinions that came out of Friday’s hearing were conjecture without proof and were twisted to fit the narrative that something went wrong. The fact is, the Elections Department ran accurate, secure and transparent elections in 2020.”
The Maricopa County Elections Department is also preparing to carry out its statutory duty to conduct the November Jurisdictional Elections, which have already begun. Ballots are being prepared and the Elections Department will send them to nearly 1.4 million eligible voters across 25 participating cities, towns and school districts on October 6. While the county will work to provide answers to the questions raised in the report, conducting these elections is critical and will take priority.
Voters can find election facts and myths the county has already debunked at JustTheFacts.Vote.

Board Chairman Jack Sellers
Jack Sellers: We will do what we’ve always done, provide factual responses using real data from our election experts who know what they’re looking at. The opinions that came out of Friday’s hearing were conjecture without proof and were twisted to fit the narrative that something went wrong. The fact is, the Elections Department ran accurate, secure, and transparent elections in 2020.
This is a funny response considering that their last “factual response” was actually “bullsh*t” according to one of their own.
The Arizona Audit revealed potential violations of Arizona statutes and Elections Procedures, with photo and video proof. They also demonstrated an extremely mismanaged, disorganized elections system that is impossible to accurately track.
The elections were not secure and Maricopa county fought against transparency every step of the way, as revealed by County Supervisor Steve Chucri here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates labels these primary sources “elections misinformation”.

Supervisor Steve Chucri resigned and the County has swept this whole situation under the rug so that they can continue to lie to their voters.
The County’s response will likely attack and discredit the audit, as well as those involved.
After their continued lies, why should we trust any answer they give?

This Investigation is in Attorney Mark Brnovich’s hands now.

Contact Attorney General Mark Brnovich and demand an investigation and indictments!

No, it's not. I've asked before, but please provide data that indicates that any ONE state had more votes than registered voters. One. Should be easy if it's true.

But you can't. Cause it's a lie.
You are part of the true believers of the left. You have virtually blown off any information presented and its been a lot, so no I am not going put any info on here in an attempt to impress you. I am just putting the info out because it should be seen even if by a small few.
You are part of the true believers of the left. You have virtually blown off any information presented and its been a lot, so no I am not going put any info on here in an attempt to impress you. I am just putting the info out because it should be seen even if by a small few.

Right. You can't do it.

Have a good one.
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You are part of the true believers of the left. You have virtually blown off any information presented and its been a lot, so no I am not going put any info on here in an attempt to impress you. I am just putting the info out because it should be seen even if by a small few.
I’ve been noticing you working on your talking in circles skills. Are you trying to work for GWP?
Very good analogy.

LMAO! Easy Francis. The media didn't declare Biden the winner. The media PROJECTED the winner. BIG DIFFERENCE. Each individual state certified the election results. THEN congress certified the election as well. I'm not surprised that you think this though...

As is pointed out above you will NEVER accept that Trump lost the election under any circumstances. We are agreed on one thing though. I personally don't accept the results of the cyber ninjas report either... I wouldn't have believed it if they found for Trump and just because they found that Biden won doesn't make these ass clowns any more believable.

Remember when they told the Arizona Senate that the database was deleted? To which the newly elected (Republican) head of the county elections offices replied... "If it's deleted, how come I have it up on my monitor right now?". Turns out they were looking in the wrong directory for it.

Remember when they told the Arizona Senate how there were 74K mail in ballets "extra" in the official count than they had in their report? Oddly enough they were using the wrong report that was completed two weeks before the election to be used by political parties to get out the vote.

They may be fine people, but at this point, it's pretty damn obvious they don't know what they are doing. So when they say they they can't find the identity of 84K voters...that doesn't surprise me. Given their history in this audit, that simply another indication that once again, they have no idea what they are doing.
LMAO! Easy Francis. The media didn't declare Biden the winner. The media PROJECTED the winner. BIG DIFFERENCE. Each individual state certified the election results. THEN congress certified the election as well. I'm not surprised that you think this though...

As is pointed out above you will NEVER accept that Trump lost the election under any circumstances. We are agreed on one thing though. I personally don't accept the results of the cyber ninjas report either... I wouldn't have believed it if they found for Trump and just because they found that Biden won doesn't make these ass clowns any more believable.

Remember when they told the Arizona Senate that the database was deleted? To which the newly elected (Republican) head of the county elections offices replied... "If it's deleted, how come I have it up on my monitor right now?". Turns out they were looking in the wrong directory for it.

Remember when they told the Arizona Senate how there were 74K mail in ballets "extra" in the official count than they had in their report? Oddly enough they were using the wrong report that was completed two weeks before the election to be used by political parties to get out the vote.

They may be fine people, but at this point, it's pretty damn obvious they don't know what they are doing. So when they say they they can't find the identity of 84K voters...that doesn't surprise me. Given their history in this audit, that simply another indication that once again, they have no idea what they are doing.
Hope that rant made you feel better...LOL!!

WATCH: Professor David Clements On AZ Audit Presentation: “We Should Be Calling For Decertification… What I’m Hearing Is An Element Of Duress”​

By Jordan Conradson
Published October 3, 2021 at 5:17PM

The Arizona audit presentation on September 24th showed massive evidence of voter fraud and we still have not seen any real action.
This investigation has been turned over to Attorney General Mark Brnovich and it is now his job to save America and Arizona’s election.
Professor David Clements tells The Gateway Pundit what we were all thinking. This election needs to be decertified, and the report was watered down because Doug Logan “was under tremendous pressure.”
Denver Police Officer and Father of Four Takes the Jab and Now Cannot Walk
The Gateway Pundit reported this after an exclusive interview with Doug Logan.
The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson spoke to David Clements yesterday in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Conradson: A few weeks ago you said that the Arizona audit report would be terrible far worse than imagined, personally I think you called it. What do you think of the Arizona audit report?
Clements: I’m equal parts frustrated, yet also encouraged if that makes sense because you’ve got enough for decertification. You’ve got over 57,000 Illegal ballots. The frustration comes in how the report was articulated. You want to lead with a front page report that tells you, this is the bad stuff make it clear, and what are we going to do with it? And I don’t think we quite got that. But if you dig into the bones of the report, you started getting into 263,000 images that were forensically destroyed. You’ve got a bunch of what appears to be tampering or withholding of evidence. And so you’ve got enough to cover the margin. So we should be calling for decertification.
The frustration is that there was a mandate on how to do a full forensic audit and I don’t think we quite got that. We didn’t get the routers there’s like, there’s some discussion on what we got, and whether we’re going to get what we really want. The canvass, we didn’t get. We had Liz Harris who had tremendous findings which is great. Now, when we hear about intimidation from people like Merrick Garland question is, why didn’t we dig in and tell Merrick Garland to pound sand? We had some brave legislators, one that might be looking at me right now that’s called for that, but we didn’t have enough voices were saying, Look, this isn’t your business. And then there was the missing volume Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, in relation to the kinematic findings. And that’s really important because when you look at the tally, which is what the mainstream press went with, we’ve got votes for Biden. And this was never about doing a recount or a tally, this was about doing a full forensic audit. What Jovan told me was that you had over 1600 ballot boxes 52 of them were sealed the rest weren’t. So you have tremendous chain of custody problems. And then we get into the question of, well what is in those unsealed boxes? We have five months plus, an opportunity to stuff those boxes, we can look at whether or not it was vote secure paper and whether these were counterfeit.
So there’s a lot of questions that have been raised that we still haven’t gotten conclusive answers at least to the public. I mean, I knew that this was bad because I had some knowledge of some of these findings, I’m just going, “wait till everyone sees the report”. Then you also have issues with respect to intimidation and pressure that was put on Doug Logan, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, and that’s problematic, because a lot of these folks were under contracts or nondisclosure agreements where they can’t tell you. But what I’m hearing is an element of duress. And so I teach contract law, one of the defenses to contract formation is duress. If you’re depriving someone of the free will to give you the unvarnished truth, because of different economic pressures whether or not funding’s withheld, whether or not someone’s going to be indemnified, that’s an issue. And so really what the American people want is just confidence, they want. We want the best version of an audit that we can get. And I’m not certain that we got that. So it’s, it’s, the question is how do we advocate, going forward, knowing that we have, far, far more than what’s needed to decertify? But also hold the other politicians accountable on why we didn’t get the best audit out there, I mean $9 million is a lot of money. So, those were my initial thoughts, and I’m going to continue to encourage people to decertify and see if we can find out more information that’s out there but it just hasn’t made its way to the public.
So you said they were under duress, do you think that the report was watered down.
Clements: I do. I’m taking Doug Logan’s exact words that he was under “tremendous pressure”. But he also said some things that seem to suggest that he’ll stand by the report that was put out there. To me, that doesn’t make sense. That’s as I’m speaking for myself, I mean if you’re under pressure and then you’re under pressure, and pressure to do what? So I can’t speak for Doug, but I know that when I look at a report that talks about issues, we had 57,000 issues. What does that mean? Let’s be precise in our language are we talking about fraudulent votes or are we talking about legal votes? We made it very hard for people to get something that they can work with and demand accountability. And when you have someone like the Governor Doug Ducey, saying that we’re not going to decertify, the night of. He didn’t even digest the report, let it sink and figure out how his constituents would feel about it. He was ready to say, “No, we’re not doing this.” I’m disappointed in Karen Fann. I mean, I’ve been withheld criticism going back quite some time because she is the engine on how we went about getting the audit in the first place. And so you want to wait and see what are we going to get. And one of my chief frustrations with Karen is when something’s subpoenaed and you’ve been told that your subpoenas are lawful and someone doesn’t comply with it, you don’t reissue new subpoenas. You don’t ask for something else and then get ignored. When people would ignore subpoenas that I sent out in the case, and I didn’t get it on time, you’d bring it to the attention of the judge and you’d ask for an emergency hearing right away. And you have someone show cause, and if they can’t show cause you say, “Judge, find them and throw them in jail.” That’s how you get their attention. We knew about not having the routers back in May. It’s October. That’s unacceptable. So those are the frustrations, where Im sitting there going “look and we want to support y’all, I’m telling people to donate, donate money to the audits, and yet we don’t have everything that we’re entitled to.” And so I see, there’s a level of messaging that’s just very inconsistent. And we’ve got some fighters and we got some other folks that I feel like they’re just slow walking us and we’re running out of time. And now a lot of us are concerned about Attorney General Brnovich. Fantastic. If he wants to let go with the audit says, he can act on it but if a law professor from New Mexico State University can figure out the election stolen back in November of last year, there’s no reason for him to wait till October of 2021 to get started. That’s a problem. So we’ll see what happens. I think it’s incumbent upon people like myself to continue to put pressure on people, to encourage those that are doing a great job and praise them, and then call out those that aren’t doing their job.
Another thing you know from experience is how swampy our courts are in our criminal justice system. What’s it going to take to actually prosecute the people involved, the people responsible for this? Because we all know that the courts are geared against the people and for the government.
Clements: Yeah, I say I think it is, we’ve got a cancer that’s grown in the judiciary and the legislature in my profession so this isn’t just me calling out the politicians and the judges. But we have to remove that cancer, and I don’t know what else to tell you other than we have to have a very bright spotlight on Brnovich, and hold his feet to the fire. Something should have been done a long time ago I think we had evidence to have indictments in December. So I know when I was a prosecutor, you’d act on things, you’d look at it, you look at the affidavits, you would look at the findings of the Giuliani in those public hearings that I think was eight hours in Arizona alone. And you start digging, and you can convene a grand jury and you can have criminal charges. You can investigate that. That should have happened. Also, the prescription is either people are acting in accordance with reality and it seems like the public is more aware than our politicians. And if they don’t act, then we have to figure out a mechanism to get rid of them.
Michigan Attorney General candidate Matt DePerno also said that the real report was watered down to exclude decertification language.
Deperno added a tweet claiming that Senate Attorney Kory Langhofer is suppressing this information from the public. He believes that the leaked report with decertification language, which the auditors say is fake, is, in fact, real.

This is the time to hold attorney General Mark Brnovich’s feet to the fire.
He holds the power to stop this totalitarian attack on our nation and he has a small window of opportunity.

Contact Mark Brnovich now.


Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich

Dr. Shiva Responds To Maricopa County Envelope Explanation – County ADMITS Images Were Modified Before Delivery​

By Jordan Conradson
Published October 2, 2021 at 1:46pm
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, M.I.T. Ph.D., the Inventor of Email issued a response to Maricopa County’s explanation as to why the “Verified & Approved” envelope stamps appeared to be photoshopped.
Dr. Shiva was contracted by Arizona auditors to analyze mail-in ballot envelope images and his findings were highly suspicious, to say the least.

Here is an example of one envelope image that may be fake.

“Verified & Approved” stamp appears to be doctored into the image
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A poor explanation from the county raised even more questions from Dr. Shiva.
Apparently, the county compressed the images before delivery to the Senate instead of giving the real unaltered envelope images.
Shiva describes the explanation as “somewhat cryptic”, then follows up with questions addressing the SOP for envelope image processing.

Dr. Shiva’s letter to Randy Pullen:
Arizona State Senate c/o Randy Pullen
Re: Response to County Explanation of Stamp “Behind” Envelope Triangle
Dear Randy,
Thank you for sharing with me the “County Explanation” concerning the anomaly EchoMail detected of the “VERIFIED & APPROVED MCTEC” stamp appearing “behind” the triangle. Their explanation stated:
“Since the scan is compressed the envelope only takes the outline of things like an arrow or large font. So the stamp was simply stamped over The Black arrow and in a scan it appears to be under it.”
This explanation is somewhat cryptic, and our follow up herein is, therefore, based on our interpretation of their explanation (see I). Moreover, their explanation raises many new questions, and provides an opportunity for further dialog with the County to understand the specific Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the image processing methods and what steps they follow in the systems for Early Voting Ballot (EVB) return envelope processing.

Figure 1
Figure 1 – Example of EVB Return Envelope. EchoMail, Inc. 701 Concord Avenue | Cambridge, MA | 02138

I. EchoMail’s Interpretation of County Explanation
EchoMail’s interpretation of the County’s explanation is: When a stamp is placed over a blackened region, on any of the triangles on the EVB return envelope (as shown in Figure 1), image compression replaces non-white pixels in those triangle areas with white pixels. And, this image compression process leads to the observed anomaly.
II. Questions and Concerns in Response to County’s Explanation
1) What is most concerning is to find out now, for the first time since EchoMail was engaged for this audit, that the images EchoMail received are a compressed version of some original version. This means that modifications took place e.g. compression on the original images that were created from scanning of the voter’s original EVB return envelopes.
2) Are the pre-compression EVB return envelope images available?

3) How many sets of EVB return envelope images with varying compression exist?
4) Is there an entire set of EVB return envelope images that are high resolution?
5) Are the original EVB return envelopes available for inspection?

6) Is a virtual i.e. digital “VERIFIED & APPROVED MCTEC” stamp being applied to the original high-resolution EVB return envelope images?
7) Are the EVB return envelope images encrypted when saved?
8) What other image processing and modifications takes place on the original EVB return envelope image?
9) Are the EVB return envelope images stored in one central repository?
10)Who has access to the EVB return envelope images?
11)What modifications can be applied to the EVB return envelope images besides the “VERIFIED & APPROVED MCTEC” stamp?

12)Can signatures be removed and altered in the Signature Region of the EVB return envelope images?
13)Can any region of the EVB return envelope image be altered?
14)What is the Chain of Custody on alterations to the EVB return envelope images?
15)Is there revision tracking enabled on EVB return envelope image modifications?
16)What other image processing occurred on the EVB return envelope images prior to EchoMail receiving them?
17) Why are not all the bona fide i.e. “Verified and Counted” EVB return envelope images stamped with “VERFIED & APPROVED MCTEC?”
18)Given EchoMail has access to EVB return envelope images, where the stamp appears both behind and in front of a triangle, how does the County’s explanation resolve such examples? Do different image compression settings exist?
19)What is the exact process and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) from receipt of the original EVB return envelope from the voter, to scanning, to stamping, to storage, and compression of the EVB return envelope images?

EchoMail appreciates the response from the County. We look forward to next steps, once we receive answers to the above questions.
Warm regards,
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

“Verified & Approved” Stamp In Front Of Arrow
The County did not give a clear explanation for why these envelope images look like this and if what they say is true, the images were adjusted before delivery.
The original envelopes need to be analyzed.
This investigation is now in the hands of Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

Contact him NOW and demand that he looks at this evidence.
