Abhorrent bigot, lolol. You need to switch to decaf Willflower!
You're right though, I have extreme prejudice against conspiracy theorists, alarmists and liars. I have extreme prejudice against assholes that skew easily understood facts and twist them into some kind of dark dictator fantasy. I am extremely prejudiced against school shooters and people that want to assassinate the President because they believe the Big Lie. Joe Biden isn't perfect, but he's a profoundly decent man and I have extreme prejudice against those that try to demonize him for things that are good and right. I'm extremely prejudiced against people that spend so much energy trying to make good people bad. So you're right, in that sense I'm a bigot but it's because I'm sick and tired of the dark bullshit that has infected this country in recent years and those who propagate it. Have you ever considered just trying to be a good citizen? Would that be so hard? This country needs healing right now, so when I see your hysterical nonsense, it makes me crazy, in an "abhorrent" way, LOL.