Nuclear Weapons


The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2003
It is my understanding that launching nuclear weapons is solely in the hands of POTUS due to the very short response time allowed (less than 30 min) from Russian silos. Submarine launches would be much less. If a nuclear attack occurs,

After Watergate, Nixon in a drunken stupor and.

"Say what you will about Kissinger’s influence, had he been moved to do so, Nixon could have carried out his threats toward North Korea without interference. Trump could do the same. And such concerns say nothing about the possibility of presidential absenteeism or the basic concern that just one person, no matter the office, can launch the world’s most powerful weapons without consult. In the case of a crisis, an error in communication, or just a piss-drunk president, the system breaks down"

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I don’t like either one of them being responsible for nuclear weapons, but Joe doesn’t inspire confidence in swift and precise decision making.
The fact of the matter here is that we have all allowed ourselves to start identifying ourselves with the Democratic team or the Republican team instead of Americans. We as a people have chosen to value our differences to a much higher degree than the majority of similarity that we all possess. Because of that, we are left with two terrible choices for president and we aren't going to do anything about it. As South Park said, our ignorance, lack of humility, and need to be right and feel morally superior to the other team, have left us with the choice of either a douche or a shit-sandwich. We have earned it.

Regardless of who wins, the other side will not accept it as a legitimate election. No one here is looking for democracy, period. Win at all costs is the name of the game, just please let my team win. We are walking ever closer to a heavy civil conflict, if not a war, and I don't think anyone is ready for that. People have this strange thought that they can't be touched by internal conflict, but that will not be the case soon. But, we will have earned that too. We need to look and pray to a higher authority, especially if you have children that are going to live to see and have to deal with the concerning times ahead. I don't see a good way forward here unless the people of this country start seeing each other as having more in common and share a common culture. But, we won't do that. We would have to admit we are wrong about some things.
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The fact of the matter here is that we have all allowed ourselves to start identifying ourselves with the Democratic team or the Republican team instead of Americans. We as a people have chosen to value our differences to a much higher degree than the majority of similarity that we all possess. Because of that, we are left with two terrible choices for president and we aren't going to do anything about it. As South Park said, our ignorance, lack of humility, and need to be right and feel morally superior to the other team, have left us with the choice of either a douche or a shit-sandwich. We have earned it.

Regardless of who wins, the other side will not accept it as a legitimate election. No one here is looking for democracy, period. Win at all costs is the name of the game, just please let my team win. We are walking ever closer to a heavy civil conflict, if not a war, and I don't think anyone is ready for that. People have this strange thought that they can't be touched by internal conflict, but that will not be the case soon. But, we will have earned that too. We need to look and pray to a higher authority, especially if you have children that are going to live to see and have to deal with the concerning times ahead. I don't see a good way forward here unless the people of this country start seeing each other as having more in common and share a common culture. But, we won't do that. We would have to admit we are wrong about some things.
Both sides are not the same.

It’s very important to be willing to work for the good of the country even if that means working with the other team.

What that doesn’t imply is this idea that we have to capitulate to people who quite frankly want to burn the whole ****ing thing down to protect one individual’s political ambitions. That’s the GOP’s problem with Trump. It’s not the Dems’ problem with Sleepy Joe.

Does the GOP even want the federal government to work well? Big government doesn’t work in their view, and they’ll do their best to prove it.

The clouds don’t care about our prayers, they’re not coming to save us. We need to be strong for ourselves
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Both sides are not the same.

It’s very important to be willing to work for the good of the country even if that means working with the other team.

What that doesn’t imply is this idea that we have to capitulate to people who quite frankly want to burn the whole ****ing thing down to protect one individual’s political ambitions. That’s the GOP’s problem with Trump. It’s not the Dems’ problem with Sleepy Joe.

Does the GOP even want the federal government to work well? Big government doesn’t work in their view, and they’ll do their best to prove it.

The clouds don’t care about our prayers, they’re not coming to save us. We need to be strong for ourselves
Of course both sides are not the same, because if they were there would only be one side. I didn't tell you to pray to the clouds, as I agree they aren't going to help much, though they might give you rain, which is quite helpful actually. The GOP has had their chances to shrink government, and they have not done it. You can talk about ideas, but if you never put them into practice, they are just ideas. You can stand on the soapbox and talk, but if you don't take steps to shrink government, don't take steps to reduce spending, I don't care what words you are using. The fact is, both sides are corrupted at this point and corralled into thin viewpoints. Government has turned into Moby Dick, and at this point, I don't think we can return without and unprecedented level of conflict.

If Trump loses, they will all claim the election was fake. If Biden loses, they will all claim the election was fake. How do you move forward from there? There is no winning for this country in November. We have made sure of it.

Also, if you are unwilling to look for a higher authority (I don't claim to know the plan, and sometimes things get tough), I don't know how you define what is "good" and "bad", as at that point, good and bad is just a subjective view of the individual and good and bad will mean something different to everyone you speak to. There is no such thing as good and bad if those terms are left to be subjective. So, don't pray to the clouds, but look beyond them. He helped me when I needed it the most. I will never forget that. If you don't choose to see him, he won't come. He will respect your wishes to stay separated.
The fact of the matter here is that we have all allowed ourselves to start identifying ourselves with the Democratic team or the Republican team instead of Americans. We as a people have chosen to value our differences to a much higher degree than the majority of similarity that we all possess. Because of that, we are left with two terrible choices for president and we aren't going to do anything about it. As South Park said, our ignorance, lack of humility, and need to be right and feel morally superior to the other team, have left us with the choice of either a douche or a shit-sandwich. We have earned it.

Regardless of who wins, the other side will not accept it as a legitimate election. No one here is looking for democracy, period. Win at all costs is the name of the game, just please let my team win. We are walking ever closer to a heavy civil conflict, if not a war, and I don't think anyone is ready for that. People have this strange thought that they can't be touched by internal conflict, but that will not be the case soon. But, we will have earned that too. We need to look and pray to a higher authority, especially if you have children that are going to live to see and have to deal with the concerning times ahead. I don't see a good way forward here unless the people of this country start seeing each other as having more in common and share a common culture. But, we won't do that. We would have to admit we are wrong about some things.
Yes, just seems like we are approaching an event horizon without fore thought. Moore's Law and technology..
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Of course both sides are not the same, because if they were there would only be one side. I didn't tell you to pray to the clouds, as I agree they aren't going to help much, though they might give you rain, which is quite helpful actually. The GOP has had their chances to shrink government, and they have not done it. You can talk about ideas, but if you never put them into practice, they are just ideas. You can stand on the soapbox and talk, but if you don't take steps to shrink government, don't take steps to reduce spending, I don't care what words you are using. The fact is, both sides are corrupted at this point and corralled into thin viewpoints. Government has turned into Moby Dick, and at this point, I don't think we can return without and unprecedented level of conflict.

If Trump loses, they will all claim the election was fake. If Biden loses, they will all claim the election was fake. How do you move forward from there? There is no winning for this country in November. We have made sure of it.

Also, if you are unwilling to look for a higher authority (I don't claim to know the plan, and sometimes things get tough), I don't know how you define what is "good" and "bad", as at that point, good and bad is just a subjective view of the individual and good and bad will mean something different to everyone you speak to. There is no such thing as good and bad if those terms are left to be subjective. So, don't pray to the clouds, but look beyond them. He helped me when I needed it the most. I will never forget that. If you don't choose to see him, he won't come. He will respect your wishes to stay separated.
I appreciate you taking the time to write. I don’t know what to say beyond what I said earlier. The onus is on the GOP to get its shit together.

The stolen election claims aren’t remotely similar. Trump claims that the election was rigged against him via ballot stuffing. The Dems are mad that they’ve lost multiple presidential elections despite winning the popular vote and maintain that the Electoral College system isn’t fair to them. Two different claims. Hillary conceded. Has Trump?
Yes, just seems like we are approaching an event horizon without fore thought. Moore's Law and technology..
Unfortunately, I think we have already crossed it. We just aren't yet being spaghettified. It will come though.
I appreciate you taking the time to write. I don’t know what to say beyond what I said earlier. The onus is on the GOP to get its shit together.

The stolen election claims aren’t remotely similar either. Trump claims that the election was rigged against him via ballot stuffing. The Dems are mad that they’ve lost multiple presidential elections despite winning the popular vote and maintain that the electoral college system isn’t fair to them. Two utterly different claims
While I certainly might agree with you about the elections, the only thing that actually matters is that the other side will absolutely believe it was stolen, which will officially break our back. Be that right or wrong. Sometimes, perception becomes more powerful than reality (as we have seen on multiple fronts recently). This is one of those times.

We have started to value subjectivity over objectivity and it will have severe consequences. This is an objective world in my view, as it must be, because I believe in a creator, and therefore believe in objective reality. When we start to value the subjective feelings of people more than the objective design of the universe (in terms of societal governance), it will end badly. That is why I say to pray, because I can recognize the design aspect of this place, and acknowledge that it has rules that we have no power to change, though many (mostly on the left here) are trying to say they can do and be whatever they want, but they are sadly mistaken. Life is a formula of constants and variables. Some things you can change, other things you can't.

We can no longer change the outlook of half of the country, and the consequences from turning away are coming. We have changed a variable into a constant and the equation is now out of balance.
While I certainly might agree with you about the elections, the only thing that actually matters is that the other side will absolutely believe it was stolen, which will officially break our back. Be that right or wrong. Sometimes, perception becomes more powerful than reality (as we have seen on multiple fronts recently). This is one of those times.

We have started to value subjectivity over objectivity and it will have severe consequences. This is an objective world in my view, as it must be, because I believe in a creator, and therefore believe in objective reality. When we start to value the subjective feelings of people more than the objective design of the universe (in terms of societal governance), it will end badly. That is why I say to pray, because I can recognize the design aspect of this place, and acknowledge that it has rules that we have no power to change, though many (mostly on the left here) are trying to say they can do and be whatever they want, but they are sadly mistaken. Life is a formula of constants and variables. Some things you can change, other things you can't.

We can no longer change the outlook of half of the country, and the consequences from turning away are coming. We have changed a variable into a constant and the equation is now out of balance.
In spite of tens of millions pointing to blatant irregularities in 2020 in particular the establishment and dems in particular are doubling down on further entrenching mass mail in ballots and creating policies where it becomes easier for illegals to vote. These actions speak volumes about what the intentions are. Throw in actions of elected officials in the contested swing states where they are unwilling to be transparent to try and engender some trust. We know this is occurring. The communist left cannot win on policy so they have to cheat and that's what they are doing and will continue to do.