OANN’s Christina Bobb: “211,000+ In The Middle Of The Night 80.2% Were For Biden” – Wisconsin Holds Election Integrity Hearing


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Dec 21, 2001

WATCH: OANN’s Christina Bobb: “211,000+ In The Middle Of The Night 80.2% Were For Biden” – Wisconsin Holds Election Integrity Hearing​

By Jordan Conradson
Published January 20, 2022 at 7:15pm

The Wisconsin Assembly held another election integrity hearing on Wednesday to present evidence of voter fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election.
This follows an election hearing last month where more explosive findings were presented.
Yesterday’s hearing built on those findings and presented more questions for the Wisconsin Elections Commission, which has failed to answer previous questions on the 2020 election.
TRENDING: Who’s "Cleaning" Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States
“This hearing really was to respond to the Wisconsin Elections Commission’s response and really, what it showed is that their response was insufficient,” said OANN correspondent Christina Bobb.
Christina Bobb provided live updates via Twitter during the hearing.

Liz Harrington also shared a thread of clips from yesterday’s hearing.

Bobb joined Alicia Summers yesterday on One American News Network to break down the findings in yesterday’s hearing.
Summers: What can Wisconsin leaders or what will Wisconsin leaders do with his information now?
Bobb: I can’t wait to see because the information is coming out. It’s been over a year since the 2020 election, and it’s taken this long just to get access to some of that information. And now it’ll be interesting to see what they do with it. It’s kind of funny that one of the Democrat representatives on the committee said, oh, well, people should be prosecuted if, you know, if they register to vote illegally or if they cast an illegal ballot, they should be prosecuted. Well, okay, do an investigation and prosecute. What are you waiting for? So that was her response, and yet we have, you know, Republican districts attorney of Racine, the sheriff’s office in Racine, has referred criminal charges, saying that laws were broken and recommended that the district attorney prosecute, and yet the republican district attorney Patricia Hansen has for whatever reason chosen not to prosecute. So there seems to be a lot of politicking going on in Wisconsin right now about how they’re going to handle this problem. They have a lot of problems with their elections. So are they going to prosecute? Are they going to continue to investigate? Are they going to pass legislation? These are all things that they’re working on right now, and I hope to see some solutions in the very near future.
The Gateway Pundit reported that the Racine County Sheriff, Christopher Schmaling, recommended charges for election fraud against the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Wisconsin needs to prosecute these criminals and decertify the fraudulent 2020 election.

Watch Christina Bobb on Rumble

UPDATE: Elections Expert Reveals Over 550,000 Registered Voters In Wisconsin Have a Registration Date of 1/1/1918 – 115,252 of Them VOTED in 2020 (VIDEO)​

By Julian Conradson
Published January 21, 2022 at 7:45am


On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Assembly held another election integrity hearing to present evidence of voter fraud and irregularities that have been found in their investigation of the rigged 2020 election.
And just like last month’s election hearing, they dropped some serious bombshells.
TRENDING: Who’s "Cleaning" Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States
Yesterday’s hearing built on those findings and presented more questions for the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), which has failed to answer previous questions on the 2020 election.
They did however respond to the reported 119,283 active voters who have been registered for over 100 years, but their weak response just didn’t cut it.
Wisconsin Assembly Attorney Dean O’Donnell, who is an expert analyst on the election integrity team, called out the official explanation that was given, saying “it does not hold water,” before dropping some more of his team’s jaw-dropping findings of corruption in the 2020 election.
According to O’Donnell, they found an astronomical 569,277 registered voters had an application date of 1/1/1918, which accounts for roughly one out of every fourteen voters in the state’s database.
Oh, and wait, there’s more. One out of every five of those “phantom voters” apparently cast a ballot in 2020 – a whopping 115,252 of them to be exact.
I wonder how many checked the box for Biden… I’d say it’s somewhere between 100% and 100%,

Keep in mind, Trump was recorded as having lost Wisconsin by just a hair over 20,000 votes.
The voters with the same registration date from over 100 years ago alone are 5.5 times Biden’s slim margin of victory.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg in Wisconsin…


Do you have any comments on the easily fact-checked claims that falsely allege fraud in Wisconsin?

Let's just take the 1918 registrations, for example. As noted, that in no way indicates election fraud.

“Default dates of birth and voter registration dates in the WisVote database is not a newly discovered issue or an indication of voter fraud,” the website reads. “This information has been in the State Voter Registration System (SVRS) and WisVote system since at least 2006 and is the result of data migration from over 200 different legacy voter registration systems maintained by individual municipalities that in 2005 were moved into the comprehensive statewide system.”

In cases where municipalities did not track a voter’s birth date or registration date, this default date was entered as the data was required for the SVRS. The default birth date and registration date is exactly 18 years apart, which is the required legal age to vote.

The default dates are amended as voters re-register due to a change of name or address, updating their records or being called to do so by municipal clerks, according to the commission.

However, in fall 2021, about 3,700 active voter records still contain the default birth date of Jan. 1, 1900 and 120,000 records show the default date of voter registration.

The website also adds, “Individuals and advocacy groups reporting that a 1/1/1900 date of birth or a 1/1/1918 registration date for a voter in WisVote is a sign of fraud, hacking or some other irregularity that impacted an election are unfortunately contributing to misinformation about Wisconsin elections, based on a lack of understanding of how SVRS and WisVote came into existence more than 15 years ago.”

So what we have here is a provably-false accusation, designed to give the appearance of fraud.

In other words: a lie.

Do you have any comments on the easily fact-checked claims that falsely allege fraud in Wisconsin?

Let's just take the 1918 registrations, for example. As noted, that in no way indicates election fraud.

“Default dates of birth and voter registration dates in the WisVote database is not a newly discovered issue or an indication of voter fraud,” the website reads. “This information has been in the State Voter Registration System (SVRS) and WisVote system since at least 2006 and is the result of data migration from over 200 different legacy voter registration systems maintained by individual municipalities that in 2005 were moved into the comprehensive statewide system.”

In cases where municipalities did not track a voter’s birth date or registration date, this default date was entered as the data was required for the SVRS. The default birth date and registration date is exactly 18 years apart, which is the required legal age to vote.

The default dates are amended as voters re-register due to a change of name or address, updating their records or being called to do so by municipal clerks, according to the commission.

However, in fall 2021, about 3,700 active voter records still contain the default birth date of Jan. 1, 1900 and 120,000 records show the default date of voter registration.

The website also adds, “Individuals and advocacy groups reporting that a 1/1/1900 date of birth or a 1/1/1918 registration date for a voter in WisVote is a sign of fraud, hacking or some other irregularity that impacted an election are unfortunately contributing to misinformation about Wisconsin elections, based on a lack of understanding of how SVRS and WisVote came into existence more than 15 years ago.”

So what we have here is a provably-false accusation, designed to give the appearance of fraud.

In other words: a lie.
If thats the legit reason then ok, but I would like to see it corroborated from a conservative source also. Working in IT, it sounds reasonable though as I have seen stuff like that before. Its not the only hot issue. The dropboxes and mass mail in voting with no voter id verification has and still is the biggest issue. Keep in mind Biden won this state by 20K and they are finding shit everywhere. The sheriff in one county has recommended criminal charges against govt officials related to this and thats big even if it doesnt happen. We have already seen that corrupt DA's in big cities can pick and choose what they want to prosecute. F**K George Soros a thousand times over. I would love to make him swallow some teeth.