This I Am Blessed idiot is exactly what is wrong with this country. Obama legacy speaks for itself. Worst President in most of our lifetimes. But the American people keep sticking their head in the sand. God help us if we vote some one like Hilary Clinton into office
Hello there My Friend. Please accept my apologies if you are not referring to me! However if you are referring to me, great & thank you - If you consider me "What Is Wrong With This Country"!
My Friend - I am a Christian, Black American Male, 20+ years honarbly retired Military Man, MA Degree, Small Business Owner with 5 Employees, Happily Married To The Same Woman 31.5 years, Grew up & survived Jim Crow South, Father of 2 College (Oldest completing his CPA, One Plays Professional Ball & is 1 Semester from completing Grad School in Finance) Graduated - Full time employed men - will be blessed with my first grandchild later this year, community & church volunteer/activist, Independent Thinker & Voter, golfer (7-8 handicap), gun owner, hunter, fisherman, just spent a week with my lovely wife in Myrtle Beach SC, mentally & physically very healthy & by The Grace of God Truly Blessed!
I will not begin to place a label on you, may be embrassing! But I will Pray For The Best For You & Your Family!
So if I am what is Wrong With America, Thank You!
Your Turn...God Bless America!!