Ok smartazzs got roasted for this last


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Sep 20, 2011
Time I said this but today talked with three people that went got registered for Covid test and all three left because of wait time. All three got notes they were positive (two in My Chart and other email). I told about two people a couple weeks ago and got clobbered. For those unbelievers, burn!!!
Time I said this but today talked with three people that went got registered for Covid test and all three left because of wait time. All three got notes they were positive (two in My Chart and other email). I told about two people a couple weeks ago and got clobbered. For those unbelievers, burn!!!
Link ?
Kids tested positive July 4th weekend and the wife and I the next week. 3 weeks later I tested positive again and can’t return to my job (medical field) until it’s negative. So far it hasn’t been much worse than a summer cold a light cold at that. I’m considered high risk and glad it isn’t any worse. Kids and wife negative but I’m still positive so concerns me that it hasn’t gone away yet.
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I hate to add fuel to this thread but I believe you bc I know of 4 people it’s happened to. 2 of them actually work under me and had to get tested before a flight to Alaska. They were there for 2 hrs and couldn’t wait any longer. Sure enough they got an email that they tested positive. We had to postpone their flights until they got retested which they waited this go round and it came back negative. I would of never believed it until I saw it with my own eyes.
Time I said this but today talked with three people that went got registered for Covid test and all three left because of wait time. All three got notes they were positive (two in My Chart and other email). I told about two people a couple weeks ago and got clobbered. For those unbelievers, burn!!!
My sister in law works at the hospital. 4 of the ladies signed in to get tested but never got tested all 4 came back positive.
My sister-in-law works in the Greenville Hospital System. About a month ago one of the doctors told her he thought the tests were unreliable. He swabbed 3 popsicles and sent the samples in. two came back positive.
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anecdotal, but these anecdotes are popping up all over the country. Close friend in Austin lost his 94-yr-old aunt 2 wk ago. She had been stringing from one failing system to another for the past 3 or 4 years. Finally died. Post-death they tested her and found Covid antibodies. Death certificate lists "Covid-19" as cause.

So my friend asked why. Hospital admitted they get $13k from government for special handling, if Covid is involved. They made sure they could ca$h in.

Follow the $$$.

Plan-demic is a cynical hoax heaped upon an actual, real tragedy of a virus. Shameful bolshevik tyrants running this scam.
Whatever test they give in Clemson is the one we need to give.

800 tests and zero positive in the 3rd worst area of the entire world for Covid.

I read that information differently. My interpretation from that quote was that they had tested 800 total athletes so far (cumulative). All athletes, not just football players. As of right now they have zero positive cases. Have had some previously, but none at the moment.
I could give many examples of how this kind of thing comes to pass.

Suffice to say, WHY would you not believe the people relating these stories?

You'd rather ignore all these recounts, some veritably documented, and rather trust some nameless faceless system that swabs something somewhere, sends it somewhere and gets results from that somewhere and you NEVER know who is doing the work, nor certifying the results? OK

Oh, forgot to add: There's money involved (maybe politics?) if the results come back a certain way? Yep. Sure is.

Sheeple..........get a grip.
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My aunt’s father died because of Covid19 on Saturday in Pickens.
Sorry for your loss. I definitely believe the virus is dangerous and know plenty of people who have had including one who just got out of the ICU. Only reason I posted this is that people testing need to get there crap together. Accurate information/ statistics are gold in this fight and they are hurting the cause
Time I said this but today talked with three people that went got registered for Covid test and all three left because of wait time. All three got notes they were positive (two in My Chart and other email). I told about two people a couple weeks ago and got clobbered. For those unbelievers, burn!!!

yep I was told about 4 last week and same...the people who used to bash the CDC and DHEC now think they are reporting numbers perfectly
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Not to mention the thousands that drive off and get positives all over the country. This whole thing is a conspiracy of a lifetime. And some have been literally played to a point life stops. It’s disgusting

FIGURATIVELY played. But about 150K have been played until life LITERALLY stopped.
FIGURATIVELY played. But about 150K have been played until life LITERALLY stopped.
According to the criminal liars at the CDC? And whatever the number is, more than half were from nursing and assisted living homes. Cuomo killed more people than 911x 10 putting positive Covid patients into these homes knowing it would kill them. And I know for a fact that the number you’re throwing around is twice as large as the actual people who died from this disease. For those under 60, it’s not as dangerous as the flu. So believe the lies man. I’m down with arguing about this nonsense. Wear a mask, isolate yourself, live in a cave, take the “vaccine” and whatever. It’s your life you have the right to choose what you want to do.
According to the criminal liars at the CDC? And whatever the number is, more than half were from nursing and assisted living homes. Cuomo killed more people than 911x 10 putting positive Covid patients into these homes knowing it would kill them. And I know for a fact that the number you’re throwing around is twice as large as the actual people who died from this disease. For those under 60, it’s not as dangerous as the flu. So believe the lies man. I’m down with arguing about this nonsense. Wear a mask, isolate yourself, live in a cave, take the “vaccine” and whatever. It’s your life you have the right to choose what you want to do.

So you KNOW how many people have died... and it's different than John's Hopkins and the CDC? How pray tell have you been collecting all this data? Why is the CDC lying? And why would a government agency with thousands of people working there do that? Thousands of people, each one sworn to protect America... lying and getting Americans killed? More importantly who is it that is telling you the truth instead of these lies? How are they getting their numbers? I guess that people over 60 and in nursing homes don't count as Americans anymore?
if you live in a city ran by democrats

you are more likely to get



sexually assaulted

or shot

than die from the china virus

am i woke yet?