OS Raffensperger Facilitated Ballot Harvesting in Georgia – Then Defended Results with Completely Bogus Report


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Jim Hoft
Published February 9, 2022 at 1:56pm

On Wednesday, Garland Favorito and VoterGA presented their latest report on the 2020 Georgia presidential election titled, “The Truth about the Georgia Elections.”
The entire presentation with questions ran for about an hour and a half.
During their presser, VoterGA laid out 42 different points of fact to refute Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s false claims about 2020 being a free and fair election.
At one point, the Favorito discussed the MITRE Corporation’s National Election Security Lab report used by Raffensperger to declare the election free from ballot harvesting.
Garland and his team admitted they were unaware of this MITRE report until Raffensperger brought it up. The MITRE company put together a few statistics and graphs and declared the Georgia election free of ballot harvesting.
TRENDING: DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal -- No Way "Revised" Numbers Are Real

We now know via True the Vote that there were AT LEAST 242 ballot harvesters and potentially thousands of ballots in Georgia during the 2020 election.
VoterGA even used MITRE numbers to reveal ballot harvesting in Fulton, Gwinnett and DeKalb counties in Georgia.
The MITRE people have some explaining to do.
VoterGA lays the blame at the feet of Brad Raffensperger and his very dishonest assessment of ballot harvesting for the 2020 election.
This video clip from today’s presser was outstanding!

Watch on Rumble.

Georgia’s Raffensperger’s Report to Legislature “Withheld Facts…Contained Many False Statements and Deceptively Misleading Claims” – VoterGA’s Garland Favorito in 42 Item Rebuttal (VIDEO)​

By Joe Hoft
Published February 9, 2022 at 9:05pm


Garland Favorito discusses VoterGA’s list of 42 items rebutting Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s 10-page document to Georgia’s legislature. See the report and listen to his discussion of these items in the video below.

Garland Favorito from VoterGA gave a presentation this morning where he and a couple of other individuals presented a rebuttal to corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s 10-page report given to the Georgia legislature. Favorito and team prepared a list of 42 items where they destroy Raffensperger’s statements made to the Georgia legislature concerning the 2020 Election.
In the report below, VoterGA states on the first page that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s letter to the Georgia legislature “withheld facts…contained many false statements and deceptively misleading claims”.
Here are a few of the more stunning admissions in the VoterGA report.
TRENDING: DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal -- No Way "Revised" Numbers Are Real
** The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) declined to investigate ballot harvesting claimsmade by True the Vote. True the Vote provided the GBI office with Geo tracking data, surveillance video and allegations from a whistle blower indicating that teams of 242 ballot harvesters may have stuffed thousands of ballots into drop boxes.
** The margin of victory in the Georgia 2020 Presidential race is 11,779 votes. The number of uninvestigated, potential counterfeit ballots previously mentioned could be in the tens of thousands according to at least one affidavit.
** Certified Ware County election results from the SOS office reported that Donald Trump received 9965 votes, JoeBiden received 4211 votes and Jo Jorgenson received 136 votes in the 2020 Generalelection. Published audit results for Ware County confirmed that Donald Trump actuallyreceived 9902 votes, Joe Biden received 4174 votes and Jo Jorgenson received 117 votes.
** On Dominion — Expert witness testimony in the Curling v. Raffensperger case from Professor Alex Halderman and cybersecurity expert Harry Hursti did show that it is possible to manipulate the vote via various types of hacking.
See the entire report below.
VOTERGA Raffensperger Congress Letter Refutation by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Here is VoterGA’s Garland Favorito’s discussion with Joe Hoft from The Joe Hoft Show at Real Talk 93.3. held this afternoon. Some key points from Garland are as follows:
This wasn’t a mistake. He [Raffensperger] didn’t accidentally overlook a couple of pieces of information when he wrote this 10 page letter. This was a systematic effort to mislead and lie to the United State Congress members and to the entire Geogia General Assembly. 42 false statements in a 10 page letter, that is more along the lines of a pathological issue than it is a mistake. That’s what’s very disturbing.
And the other thing that’s disturbing is that he had three separate investigations conducted by the Georgia General Assembly and he never mentioned a single shred of evidence in all of those investigations that were conducted in December 2020 that found a significant part of the information that we presented today. He withheld that information to all of the legislatures. I think that is atrocious…
Of all these 42 points of lies. He had that information on January 6th [2021]. And he deceived the Georgia General Assembly and he decieved the Congress…in attempting to cover up the fraud, errors and irregularities of the Georgia 2020 General Election.
There’s much more from the conversation below.

Watch on TGP.

Auditor Bryan Geels Identified Nearly 100,000 Ballots in Georgia that Were Invalid – Raffensperger Blew It Off, Misrepresented the Data, and Certified the 2020 Election Anyways​

By Joe Hoft
Published February 11, 2022 at 6:05pm


Bryan Geels identified nearly 100,000 ballots that should not have been included in the 2020 Election in Georgia. Secretary of State Raffensperger discounted Geels’s results, certified the election results for Job Biden with a 10,000 voter margin even though the standard of proof in an election contest in Georgia is doubt.

In the presentation with Garland Favorito at VoterGA on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, a special guest was introduced by the name of Bryan Geels. Mr. Geels was hired by the Trump team in Georgia to review the results of the 2020 Election in that state. The Trump team sued the Georgia Secretary of State who certified the fraudulent results.
In the case of Trump vs. the Georgia Secretary of state, the Trump team used much of Geels’s work included in the documents in the court case. Mr. Geels shared with Favorito on Wednesday:
My name is Brian Geels and I was one of the main experts on the Trump v Raffensperger lawsuit, which was the Trump lawsuit that contested the certified results in the 2020 Election in Georgia…[Explains credentials] …I want to remind everyone that the standard of proof in Georgia in an election contest is doubt. We don’t have to prove fraud although there is plent of that kind of evidence. Data analytics itself cannot prove fraud on its own.
TRENDING: BREAKING: The FED Announces Closed Meeting to be Held Monday Morning Under Expedited Procedures
My opinion was that after looking at the data published by the Secretary of State on his website that we found enough irregularities and illegalities in the data that it would be impossible for one to truly know who won the election that was decided by less than 12,000 votes and there were 5 million votes counted in this election. So an error rate of 0.0024% would change the outcome.
One of the main tactics that the Secretary of State’s office took to defend itself against the points I raised in my report that was used in the President’s lawsuit is that, what I call the misdirection play. I watched this play out first hand as Secretary Raffensperger hid behind a friendly media disinterested in actually the claims made in the President’s lawsuit during the months that followed the election. I know this because the claims made in my affidavit were and still are public. And there were a bunch of media companies who wrote news articles about my expert testimonty [media listed]. None of these media companies writing investigative pieces called me to ask for context or comment and yet they still used my name in their articles and stated their opinions on the matter without consulting experts on both sides of the issue.
See more details of Geels results in the video below. Starting at the 52:30 mark below you can hear Geels presentation and results.

Watch video on TGP.
Now a government agency intruding and pleading to keep everything related to Dominion under wraps. Very interesting and telling.


EXCLUSIVE: GA Sec of State Raffensperger Promised President Trump His Office Would Address Auditor Bryan Geels’s 97,000 Ballot Issues – They Never Did, Instead They Gave Pieces of Call to Media to Claim Trump Was Stealing the Election​

By Joe Hoft
Published February 13, 2022 at 7:15am

President Trump’s team hired Auditor Bryan Geels after the 2020 Election to look into Georgia’s results. Geels identified 97,000 ballot issues in the state. When the President spoke of these issues with Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the issues were misrepresented but Raffensperger’s team promised President Trump that they would get with the Trump team (i.e. Geels) to go over the results.
Raffensperger’s team never addressed the issues and never contacted Geels. Instead, they lied to the press about the President’s phone call.

Last week Garland Favorito from VoterGA held a presentation in Georgia showing thousands of ballot issues in the state in the 2020 Election that were ignored, discounted, and misrepresented by Secretary of State Raffensperger so he could certify the state for Joe Biden. The source of these issues was an auditor hired by the Trump team to perform a review of the 2020 Election results in the state, Bryan Geels.
Geels prepared a report where he identified 100,000 ballots that should not have been included in the 2020 audit. Below is the report prepared by Geels. In his report, (on page 35) Geels supplied a summary of 97,382 ballots that should not have been included in the state’s results. Geels obtained the data used in his audit from the Georgia Secretary of State’s website.
TRENDING: BREAKING: The FED Announces Closed Meeting to be Held Monday Morning Under Expedited Procedures

Below is Geels’s final report.
Geels Expert Report by Jim Hoft on Scribd

President Trump used this information in the famous phone call with Raffensperger after the election. Raffensperger and his team discounted the issues, misrepresented what Geels identified, but at the end of the discussion they did promise President Trump that they would get with the President’s team to iron out differences. But they didn’t. Raffensperger’s team lied to the President. They never got with Geels.
Instead, Raffensperger released selectively edited portions of the phone call with the far-left Washington Post which reported that the President was trying to steal the election. This was another lie. The President’s team later found the full video of the phone call and it clearly shows the President was trying to understand why Raffensperger was not addressing the 97,000 ballot discrepancies included in the state’s election results.
At the end of the call with Raffensperger, President Trump noted that the numbers that Raffensperger was refuting were coming from the state’s data. President Trump noted that certified accountants looked at the results. Bryan Geels is the certified accountant who identified the issues and put this report together.
Raffensperger and his team promised to get with the Trump team and go over the results but this never happened. Bryan Geels was never contacted. He’s never heard a thing from Raffensperger’s team.
On Friday Geels was on The Joe Hoft Show on Real Talk 93.3 in St. Louis. Geels’s work and results and actions before and after the 2020 Election audit were discussed. Here is a summary of the discussion included in the video below:
Geels talked about his credentials and how he joined the Trump team after the 2020 Election steal.
“In Georgia I studied it and found many irregularities and inconsistencies in the data that based on my experience in auditing I believe should have been looked into by the Secretary of State. I wrote up a preliminary affidavit and the President’s lawsuit was filed on December 4th.”
“The lawsuit was filed and I read the lawsuit and saw that my stuff was featured throughout and basically after that it was a waiting game. There wasn’t really any response from the Secretary of State’s office other than discrediting me and cherry-picking analysis and presenting them out of context and basically just tarnishing my name.
By the time of the phone call with Raffensperger no judge had been assigned the case in the Trump v Raffensperger lawsuit. The call was on January 2nd. Raffensperger played a “misdirection game” highlighting things we weren’t talking about and “he would ignore the real issues from this report that needed to be pointed out”.
Geels identified 97,000 issues or nine times the margin of win that Biden was given. All of the analysis was on data published on the Sec of State’s website.
“We keep finding more and more things…. the Secretary of State hasn’t addressed any of the issues.”
Raffensperger’s office never did get back to Geels.
Please see the discussion below.

Watch on TGP.
Now a government agency intruding and pleading to keep everything related to Dominion under wraps. Very interesting and telling.

Biden admin asking that the machines that gave him the win not be inspected. Wow!! What if the shoe was on the other foot....just imagine what the media would do with it.

COVERUP!!! Just more proof of the great steal of 2020!!!


Here is the press release from Garland Favorito earlier today.

ATLANTA, March 7, 2022 – VoterGA announced at a press conference today a 15-point analysis that documents clear, irrefutable evidence of how the November 2020 Fulton County election results were electronically manipulated. The analysis was based on a year-long study of ballot images conducted by an expert-laden volunteer research team. The ballot image research was made possible last year when the Georgia legislature passed SB202, which made ballot images public records. The ballot images were collected statewide by a VoterGA Open Records Request team. The 15-point analysis that can be verified through public ballot images at or other sites found the following problems in Fulton County:
1. 17,724 final certified Fulton votes have no ballot images
2. All 374,128 in-person ballot images for the original count are missing
3. 132,284 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files
4. 4,000+ tabulator images have impossible duplicate time stamps
5. 104,994 image files in 1,096 batches have impossible, duplicate time stamps
6. All ballot batches were improperly forced to adjudication to facilitate tampering
7. 10 ballots were impossibly adjudicated in one minute by one user
8. 941 Iiage files were backdated prior to adjudication
9. All 16,034 mail-in image authentication files were added days after scanning
10. Same 12 tabulators closed 148 early voting polls masking identity of scanning tabulator
11. One tabulator serial# impossibly closed two polls in same overlapping times
12. One tabulator was never closed and may have added many illegitimate votes
13. Images in 288 batches have backfilled time stamps out of scanning chronological order
14. 85 closing tapes for 12,024 Election Day ballots are unsigned or missing
15. All but two tabulator closing tapes for early voting are unsigned
VoterGA emphasized that while one or two of these may be procedural issues, the electronic tampering found so far is not limited to Fulton. Co-founder Garland Favorito said: “In fairness to Fulton County, they did preserve enough of their ballot images to make some of our research possible. Other counties, like Cobb, destroyed most or all of their original November 2020 images despite federal and state law. This tampering and destruction is proof positive why Georgians cannot trust the 2020 election results. We desperately need an independent multi-county audit immediately to secure our elections before 2022 primaries.”
Tik Tok Tik Tok.

Found some actual voter fraud for you. (Well, actually election data breach.)

Tina Peters indicted on 16 counts. This is what happens when you break the law. More coming, stay tuned.

Why is it that the only ones caught red-handed are always Republican? Even Trump's chief of staff 🤔

He said it! He said it! Smoking Gun! How many smoking guns are you legally allowed to own? Seems you guys might be near the limit
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By Jim Hoft
Published February 9, 2022 at 1:56pm

On Wednesday, Garland Favorito and VoterGA presented their latest report on the 2020 Georgia presidential election titled, “The Truth about the Georgia Elections.”
The entire presentation with questions ran for about an hour and a half.
During their presser, VoterGA laid out 42 different points of fact to refute Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s false claims about 2020 being a free and fair election.
At one point, the Favorito discussed the MITRE Corporation’s National Election Security Lab report used by Raffensperger to declare the election free from ballot harvesting.
Garland and his team admitted they were unaware of this MITRE report until Raffensperger brought it up. The MITRE company put together a few statistics and graphs and declared the Georgia election free of ballot harvesting.
TRENDING: DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal -- No Way "Revised" Numbers Are Real

We now know via True the Vote that there were AT LEAST 242 ballot harvesters and potentially thousands of ballots in Georgia during the 2020 election.
VoterGA even used MITRE numbers to reveal ballot harvesting in Fulton, Gwinnett and DeKalb counties in Georgia.
The MITRE people have some explaining to do.
VoterGA lays the blame at the feet of Brad Raffensperger and his very dishonest assessment of ballot harvesting for the 2020 election.
This video clip from today’s presser was outstanding!

Watch on Rumble.

I love how you ****ers are all about state's rights... until Front Butt calls the GA SOS and demands that he "find him 11K votes" and then goes on to demand that they let his private auditor have access to all of their data. What would your reaction be if Biden called tomorrow with the same request?