I was listening to 97.7 this morning and a commercial/public service announcement came on from some “psychologist” who was saying that it’s bad for your mental health to not accept the election results. You don’t have to like it but you need to accept it. You need to worry about more important things like family and going on with your normal life.
This isn’t necessarily intended as a comment on this past election...I know that’s a white hot topic. But where the heck were these people 4 years ago - rhetorical question of course.
Its a different set of rules now that their guy is in office. Biden is now doing everything Covid wise that Trump was doing and condemned for including travel bans.
I havent researched it but I also saw a headline where Biden is sending in troops to quell the riots on the West Coast, which Trump was condemned for doing.
Just look at the reactions to the riots by those on the left. Democrats riot, burn businesses, destroy and vandalize government property, kill a few cops and law enforcement is ordered to stand down and let them have at it. Dem politicians were even raising bail for these domestic terrorists.
Those on the right, with a few leftist agitators sprinkled in, breach the Capitol and in a day theres 25,000 national guard troops in DC and they still won't let them all go home.
They've preached to us about unity and healing while carrying out another impeachment that will fail and thinking we're too stupid to remember all the lawlessness they allowed to happen and even supported.
I dont condone what took place at the Capitol but it was quite satisfying watching all those sorry politicians scared to death and cowering under tables like the true rats they are.
They have done everything (or nothing) in their power to divide this country and it started from day 1 of the Trump administration. They couldn't stand that someone who isn't a part of the establishment was in charge and going to make their lives miserable by calling out their idiocy.
They carried out a day 1 smear campaign on Conservatives and it was aided and abetted by the liberal controlled news media, so now this ass f**kery of a country is what we are left with. The greatest country in the world is collapsing from within and all we're worried about is not hurting people's fragile feelings.