I don't disagree with you. There is a very simple solution to this problem, in my opinion.
Back when Trump was in office, people were rushing to get the vaccine. Now people are "nervous" about it or refuse to get it. Same vaccine, however. Politics are awful and it's sad it's come to this.
Why won't the media continuously play the clips of him talking about getting the vaccine and how it's "the safe thig to do", per him? Why won't they show those? He's out there telling people, but you have dang near go down a rabbit hole to find anything with him.
You would think if we were truly all in this together, they would show the clips of him saying it and say "Hey, look... both sides think it's the right thing to do. Let's do it"
My opinion, is because the media doesn't want to give him credit for anything and if he did that, you just might see a surge of vaccinations. Shows you how much people do not trust this administration. Politics are evil and it's putting this country at risk and it's terribly sad the control the media has on all of us.