OT...Bill Nelson of Florida....


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2001
Wherever my RV is parked(formerly Abbeville, SC)
Send this to the Round Table or whatever, but Nelson is running against Governor Rick Scott for the open US Senate seat in Florida. Nelson has, on 2 very recent occasions, played a dummy card of "the Russians are coming/are here" in Florida elections. They're stealing the election. Never mind that the 2016 election was a Hillary fluster cuck that's been perpetuated by our Liberal media.

According to Homeland Security, the FBI, FDLE, etc., etc., etc., this is BULLSHIT. Of course...Nelson rejects his lies as lies.
Send this to the Round Table or whatever, but Nelson is running against Governor Rick Scott for the open US Senate seat in Florida. Nelson has, on 2 very recent occasions, played a dummy card of "the Russians are coming/are here" in Florida elections. They're stealing the election. Never mind that the 2016 election was a Hillary fluster cuck that's been perpetuated by our Liberal media.

According to Homeland Security, the FBI, FDLE, etc., etc., etc., this is BULLSHIT. Of course...Nelson rejects his lies as lies.
Scott will win the seat. Count on it.
Well let me give you the good news! If you don't already know this country is spiraling down the toilet in a circular motion like a turd on its way to its homeland. Politics are divided beyond what they have ever been before, we we count as decent humanity has left this nation to orbit in space somewhere, as evidenced that a person and his family cannot even go to a public place to eat without being told (commanded!) to go harass them to the point of being told to leave because of their political viewpoint, or because who they may work for. People behind that kind of politics are mindless soul-less shell of a human being. I wonder how they would view things if people harassed their family every time they went out?

Then you have racism be thrown at everyone who does not believe in a certain political viewpoint, and you are some king of crusading evil Christian zealot if you do not accept certain peoples lifestyles and desire for the killing of fetuses.

There used to be a time when racism could be discussed, but those days are long gone. You are a racist if you believe in Southern Heritage, admire certain Confederate monuments, want a legal structured immigration plan, and have issues with two men or women desiring to marry each other.

As much as (even though generally being a conservative republican) I have I loath Donald Trump for is egotistical narcissistic attitude, and his constant way of belittling people, I will say he was right when he said that there are good people on both sides regarding of the horrible incident in Charlottesville, Virginia last year. But the first knee-jerk reaction by the left is by saying that he was a horrible racist. People immediately began lumping white supremacists as anyone who was there supporting those confederate monuments. Well I know for sure that some of those people there were from the Sons of the Confederacy. While there may be possible racist people in that organization as well as any organization, but those people are generally not racists or white supremacists. But the news organizations made every effort they could to make the public believe that all of the people supporting those monuments were racist and/or white supremacists. There were even people there supporting those monuments that were not even a part of any organization, but just had love for their heritage and sacrifice of those that lost their lives in that war.

Then they made no mention that there were indeed people "not so good" on the other side (against the monuments) that at the very time the idiot was driving his car through the crowd were beating his car with bats and boards. Did those just somehow fall into their hands?

CNN and CBS News in my opinion are every bit as culpable as the Russians in trying to sow the seed of hate and discontent in this country, if at least doing everything they can to throw fuel on it. they DRAMATICALLY report everything as possible to try and hurt or bring down Donald Trump while trying to destroy the voice on the right.

I do not know if many people here watch the show on Monday night on CBS called 'Salvation' about the meteor about to strike the earth. Yes i know it is quite lame of a show, but the first thing that I thought about with the group called 'Resist' who were trying to bring the president down were the leftists who are trying to do the very thing with Donald Trump. And to bring this discussion here to an end, I am staring to prepare my children for the possible civil uprising that this country may be heading for in the next several years to a decade. It is no doubt that this much hate and division is going to be coming to an ugly head eventually it what may become some king of 'Political' Civil War or anarchy, or a political coup of some kind. Yes the Russian will likely have a hand in it, the 'Fake News' will also do their part, but in the end this democracy will be dissolved, and the Russians could then walk right in if they wanted to.
Well let me give you the good news! If you don't already know this country is spiraling down the toilet in a circular motion like a turd on its way to its homeland. Politics are divided beyond what they have ever been before, we we count as decent humanity has left this nation to orbit in space somewhere, as evidenced that a person and his family cannot even go to a public place to eat without being told (commanded!) to go harass them to the point of being told to leave because of their political viewpoint, or because who they may work for. People behind that kind of politics are mindless soul-less shell of a human being. I wonder how they would view things if people harassed their family every time they went out?

Then you have racism be thrown at everyone who does not believe in a certain political viewpoint, and you are some king of crusading evil Christian zealot if you do not accept certain peoples lifestyles and desire for the killing of fetuses.

There used to be a time when racism could be discussed, but those days are long gone. You are a racist if you believe in Southern Heritage, admire certain Confederate monuments, want a legal structured immigration plan, and have issues with two men or women desiring to marry each other.

As much as (even though generally being a conservative republican) I have I loath Donald Trump for is egotistical narcissistic attitude, and his constant way of belittling people, I will say he was right when he said that there are good people on both sides regarding of the horrible incident in Charlottesville, Virginia last year. But the first knee-jerk reaction by the left is by saying that he was a horrible racist. People immediately began lumping white supremacists as anyone who was there supporting those confederate monuments. Well I know for sure that some of those people there were from the Sons of the Confederacy. While there may be possible racist people in that organization as well as any organization, but those people are generally not racists or white supremacists. But the news organizations made every effort they could to make the public believe that all of the people supporting those monuments were racist and/or white supremacists. There were even people there supporting those monuments that were not even a part of any organization, but just had love for their heritage and sacrifice of those that lost their lives in that war.

Then they made no mention that there were indeed people "not so good" on the other side (against the monuments) that at the very time the idiot was driving his car through the crowd were beating his car with bats and boards. Did those just somehow fall into their hands?

CNN and CBS News in my opinion are every bit as culpable as the Russians in trying to sow the seed of hate and discontent in this country, if at least doing everything they can to throw fuel on it. they DRAMATICALLY report everything as possible to try and hurt or bring down Donald Trump while trying to destroy the voice on the right.

I do not know if many people here watch the show on Monday night on CBS called 'Salvation' about the meteor about to strike the earth. Yes i know it is quite lame of a show, but the first thing that I thought about with the group called 'Resist' who were trying to bring the president down were the leftists who are trying to do the very thing with Donald Trump. And to bring this discussion here to an end, I am staring to prepare my children for the possible civil uprising that this country may be heading for in the next several years to a decade. It is no doubt that this much hate and division is going to be coming to an ugly head eventually it what may become some king of 'Political' Civil War or anarchy, or a political coup of some kind. Yes the Russian will likely have a hand in it, the 'Fake News' will also do their part, but in the end this democracy will be dissolved, and the Russians could then walk right in if they wanted to.

Send this to the Round Table or whatever, but Nelson is running against Governor Rick Scott for the open US Senate seat in Florida. Nelson has, on 2 very recent occasions, played a dummy card of "the Russians are coming/are here" in Florida elections. They're stealing the election. Never mind that the 2016 election was a Hillary fluster cuck that's been perpetuated by our Liberal media.

According to Homeland Security, the FBI, FDLE, etc., etc., etc., this is BULLSHIT. Of course...Nelson rejects his lies as lies.

Literally every one of our intelligence organizations has said time and time again that Russia is trying to influence our elections now and in the past. It's beyond arguable.
Well let me give you the good news! If you don't already know this country is spiraling down the toilet in a circular motion like a turd on its way to its homeland. Politics are divided beyond what they have ever been before, we we count as decent humanity has left this nation to orbit in space somewhere, as evidenced that a person and his family cannot even go to a public place to eat without being told (commanded!) to go harass them to the point of being told to leave because of their political viewpoint, or because who they may work for. People behind that kind of politics are mindless soul-less shell of a human being. I wonder how they would view things if people harassed their family every time they went out?

Then you have racism be thrown at everyone who does not believe in a certain political viewpoint, and you are some king of crusading evil Christian zealot if you do not accept certain peoples lifestyles and desire for the killing of fetuses.

There used to be a time when racism could be discussed, but those days are long gone. You are a racist if you believe in Southern Heritage, admire certain Confederate monuments, want a legal structured immigration plan, and have issues with two men or women desiring to marry each other.

As much as (even though generally being a conservative republican) I have I loath Donald Trump for is egotistical narcissistic attitude, and his constant way of belittling people, I will say he was right when he said that there are good people on both sides regarding of the horrible incident in Charlottesville, Virginia last year. But the first knee-jerk reaction by the left is by saying that he was a horrible racist. People immediately began lumping white supremacists as anyone who was there supporting those confederate monuments. Well I know for sure that some of those people there were from the Sons of the Confederacy. While there may be possible racist people in that organization as well as any organization, but those people are generally not racists or white supremacists. But the news organizations made every effort they could to make the public believe that all of the people supporting those monuments were racist and/or white supremacists. There were even people there supporting those monuments that were not even a part of any organization, but just had love for their heritage and sacrifice of those that lost their lives in that war.

Then they made no mention that there were indeed people "not so good" on the other side (against the monuments) that at the very time the idiot was driving his car through the crowd were beating his car with bats and boards. Did those just somehow fall into their hands?

CNN and CBS News in my opinion are every bit as culpable as the Russians in trying to sow the seed of hate and discontent in this country, if at least doing everything they can to throw fuel on it. they DRAMATICALLY report everything as possible to try and hurt or bring down Donald Trump while trying to destroy the voice on the right.

I do not know if many people here watch the show on Monday night on CBS called 'Salvation' about the meteor about to strike the earth. Yes i know it is quite lame of a show, but the first thing that I thought about with the group called 'Resist' who were trying to bring the president down were the leftists who are trying to do the very thing with Donald Trump. And to bring this discussion here to an end, I am staring to prepare my children for the possible civil uprising that this country may be heading for in the next several years to a decade. It is no doubt that this much hate and division is going to be coming to an ugly head eventually it what may become some king of 'Political' Civil War or anarchy, or a political coup of some kind. Yes the Russian will likely have a hand in it, the 'Fake News' will also do their part, but in the end this democracy will be dissolved, and the Russians could then walk right in if they wanted to.

A great example as to why Thomas Jefferson didn't trust the masses...

Literally every one of our intelligence organizations has said time and time again that Russia is trying to influence our elections now and in the past. It's beyond arguable.

This is what life is like inside the bubble. How the wool has been pulled over so many people’s eyes is amazing. If you say “Witch Hunt” and “No Collusion” enough people will believe it...
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1968 was much worse than now with shootings of RFK,MLK, and George Wallace,major riots in LA (Watts), Chicago (during Democratic Convention) , antiwar demonstrations including the shooting of Kent University students and the Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson,who repetitively lied to us until the Tet Offensive in February 1968 when his lying was exposed.While his War on Poverty policies meant well,they were poorly thought out and undermined and destroyed the family units the policies were designed to assist.
If you loath Trump get over yourself. He says stupid stuff at times but he's right on the issues. He has the business sense to change our trade agreements. Too long we've been getting svrewed. He's right on taxes, regulations, and border security. And on Russia! I have nothing but complete contempt for the Republican establishment, John McCain, Obama the fraud, the media, Hollywood left, and the liberal east coast elites. What I like about Trump is how he stands up to them. Calls them out continuously. Basically tells them they are all arrogant garbage. Not a coward like most Republicans. He knows how corrupt the deep state is. Many need to go to the Federal penitentiary for their spying and sedition. Mueller is at the heart of all that is corrupt.
A great example as to why Thomas Jefferson didn't trust the masses...


WOW??? Do you have your head in the sand or what? The news media again was all over the anniversary of this event, and continued calling Trump a racist because he said there were good people on the side of those who valued the monuments. Are you among those who believe that anyone who values Civil War monuments, southern heritage, or an ancestor who fought or even died in that War is a racist???

Given that about 50% of the nations voters are republicans, and given that a large group of people on the other side of the percentage believes that because you are a republican and believe in getting control of immigration, and you may also accept the ideas of the republican agenda, you too are a racist. So in that context, many on this board who have agreed with some of Trumps policies are considered racists.

Most everyone on this board with a non Native American surname has had a family member immigrate. As a genealogist I understand the concept. Immigration is what made this country, unfortunately at the hardships of Native Americans and African slaves. But anyone who believes that we should just allow tens of thousands to eventually millions of immigrants to enter this country illegally from Central America and Mexico just because they may want to get away from gang violence, corruption, and spousal beating does not have a clue, and certainly does not understand the meaning of asylum?

Probably greater than 90% of these immigrants have little education, are impoverished, and cannot speak English, while another percentage are some really bad people, gang members themselves and criminals. As well as this economy is doing right now, this huge amount of people entering this country are going to have to have government assistance on multiple fronts. Some will choose to enter gangs within the inner city and continue to have on the street gun battles with other rival gangs. It's not like we already didn't have gang violence issues in this county? I don't see many people in this county leaving to Central America for asylum to escape gang violence? The amount of government assistance would cause a huge issue with the economy to take care of financially, to give health care, and to educate.

Yet you seeming say "WOW" and mention Thomas Jefferson? Maybe once you move on from middle school and start learning some serious things regarding history and economics you will actually be able to contribute some on a topic such as this, say another five or six years?
Literally every one of our intelligence organizations has said time and time again that Russia is trying to influence our elections now and in the past. It's beyond arguable.

I believe op is referring to the detail that no Americans are implicated and there was no impact on any election result.
Well let me give you the good news! If you don't already know this country is spiraling down the toilet in a circular motion like a turd on its way to its homeland. Politics are divided beyond what they have ever been before, we we count as decent humanity has left this nation to orbit in space somewhere, as evidenced that a person and his family cannot even go to a public place to eat without being told (commanded!) to go harass them to the point of being told to leave because of their political viewpoint, or because who they may work for. People behind that kind of politics are mindless soul-less shell of a human being. I wonder how they would view things if people harassed their family every time they went out?

Then you have racism be thrown at everyone who does not believe in a certain political viewpoint, and you are some king of crusading evil Christian zealot if you do not accept certain peoples lifestyles and desire for the killing of fetuses.

There used to be a time when racism could be discussed, but those days are long gone. You are a racist if you believe in Southern Heritage, admire certain Confederate monuments, want a legal structured immigration plan, and have issues with two men or women desiring to marry each other.

As much as (even though generally being a conservative republican) I have I loath Donald Trump for is egotistical narcissistic attitude, and his constant way of belittling people, I will say he was right when he said that there are good people on both sides regarding of the horrible incident in Charlottesville, Virginia last year. But the first knee-jerk reaction by the left is by saying that he was a horrible racist. People immediately began lumping white supremacists as anyone who was there supporting those confederate monuments. Well I know for sure that some of those people there were from the Sons of the Confederacy. While there may be possible racist people in that organization as well as any organization, but those people are generally not racists or white supremacists. But the news organizations made every effort they could to make the public believe that all of the people supporting those monuments were racist and/or white supremacists. There were even people there supporting those monuments that were not even a part of any organization, but just had love for their heritage and sacrifice of those that lost their lives in that war.

Then they made no mention that there were indeed people "not so good" on the other side (against the monuments) that at the very time the idiot was driving his car through the crowd were beating his car with bats and boards. Did those just somehow fall into their hands?

CNN and CBS News in my opinion are every bit as culpable as the Russians in trying to sow the seed of hate and discontent in this country, if at least doing everything they can to throw fuel on it. they DRAMATICALLY report everything as possible to try and hurt or bring down Donald Trump while trying to destroy the voice on the right.

I do not know if many people here watch the show on Monday night on CBS called 'Salvation' about the meteor about to strike the earth. Yes i know it is quite lame of a show, but the first thing that I thought about with the group called 'Resist' who were trying to bring the president down were the leftists who are trying to do the very thing with Donald Trump. And to bring this discussion here to an end, I am staring to prepare my children for the possible civil uprising that this country may be heading for in the next several years to a decade. It is no doubt that this much hate and division is going to be coming to an ugly head eventually it what may become some king of 'Political' Civil War or anarchy, or a political coup of some kind. Yes the Russian will likely have a hand in it, the 'Fake News' will also do their part, but in the end this democracy will be dissolved, and the Russians could then walk right in if they wanted to.
Holy wall of text
Send this to the Round Table or whatever, but Nelson is running against Governor Rick Scott for the open US Senate seat in Florida. Nelson has, on 2 very recent occasions, played a dummy card of "the Russians are coming/are here" in Florida elections. They're stealing the election. Never mind that the 2016 election was a Hillary fluster cuck that's been perpetuated by our Liberal media.

According to Homeland Security, the FBI, FDLE, etc., etc., etc., this is BULLSHIT. Of course...Nelson rejects his lies as lies.

Yet the Russians did try to access the Florida elections database so that makes him Correct Correct Correct!
Well let me give you the good news! If you don't already know this country is spiraling down the toilet in a circular motion like a turd on its way to its homeland. Politics are divided beyond what they have ever been before, we we count as decent humanity has left this nation to orbit in space somewhere, as evidenced that a person and his family cannot even go to a public place to eat without being told (commanded!) to go harass them to the point of being told to leave because of their political viewpoint, or because who they may work for. People behind that kind of politics are mindless soul-less shell of a human being. I wonder how they would view things if people harassed their family every time they went out?

Then you have racism be thrown at everyone who does not believe in a certain political viewpoint, and you are some king of crusading evil Christian zealot if you do not accept certain peoples lifestyles and desire for the killing of fetuses.

There used to be a time when racism could be discussed, but those days are long gone. You are a racist if you believe in Southern Heritage, admire certain Confederate monuments, want a legal structured immigration plan, and have issues with two men or women desiring to marry each other.

As much as (even though generally being a conservative republican) I have I loath Donald Trump for is egotistical narcissistic attitude, and his constant way of belittling people, I will say he was right when he said that there are good people on both sides regarding of the horrible incident in Charlottesville, Virginia last year. But the first knee-jerk reaction by the left is by saying that he was a horrible racist. People immediately began lumping white supremacists as anyone who was there supporting those confederate monuments. Well I know for sure that some of those people there were from the Sons of the Confederacy. While there may be possible racist people in that organization as well as any organization, but those people are generally not racists or white supremacists. But the news organizations made every effort they could to make the public believe that all of the people supporting those monuments were racist and/or white supremacists. There were even people there supporting those monuments that were not even a part of any organization, but just had love for their heritage and sacrifice of those that lost their lives in that war.

Then they made no mention that there were indeed people "not so good" on the other side (against the monuments) that at the very time the idiot was driving his car through the crowd were beating his car with bats and boards. Did those just somehow fall into their hands?

CNN and CBS News in my opinion are every bit as culpable as the Russians in trying to sow the seed of hate and discontent in this country, if at least doing everything they can to throw fuel on it. they DRAMATICALLY report everything as possible to try and hurt or bring down Donald Trump while trying to destroy the voice on the right.

I do not know if many people here watch the show on Monday night on CBS called 'Salvation' about the meteor about to strike the earth. Yes i know it is quite lame of a show, but the first thing that I thought about with the group called 'Resist' who were trying to bring the president down were the leftists who are trying to do the very thing with Donald Trump. And to bring this discussion here to an end, I am staring to prepare my children for the possible civil uprising that this country may be heading for in the next several years to a decade. It is no doubt that this much hate and division is going to be coming to an ugly head eventually it what may become some king of 'Political' Civil War or anarchy, or a political coup of some kind. Yes the Russian will likely have a hand in it, the 'Fake News' will also do their part, but in the end this democracy will be dissolved, and the Russians could then walk right in if they wanted to.
The introduction page of the @treetiger Manifesto. Coming soon to a water tower near you.