OT Economy will explode upward if Pubs win GA


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
Getting feet on both sides of fence or creek so they say

I am expecting huge sell off if GA goes Dem

Flat for short term and then explode in upward
Minimum 5 per cent GNP if both Repub wins

Over summer economy will then turn on fire with huge

Plan to play both sides so no matter who wins I want to win

I have been right and wrong a lot on my personal investing

Let me know what you guys think and why

Will use the board to temper my thinking both ways to figure out the best ideas moving forward
I believe

That the mark

Ets will continue

To grow regardless of

what happens in Georgia.

Where did you g

et the 5% number? Out of

thin air?


nk split Government is the best Government for the economy.

I do believe that split Government is what the country needs right now AND that Biden is the perfect President for it. He will be able to negotiate and work with both sides of the aisle to get common sense things done. The lunatic Left and the Derp Right will have no leverage and that is good for the Country.
When Biden reverses the Trump taxes, small to medium businesses will incur between 100K-500K more in federal taxes. This will hurt hiring efforts for the bulk of our economy.
Getting feet on both sides of fence or creek so they say

I am expecting huge sell off if GA goes Dem

Flat for short term and then explode in upward
Minimum 5 per cent GNP if both Repub wins

Over summer economy will then turn on fire with huge

Plan to play both sides so no matter who wins I want to win

I have been right and wrong a lot on my personal investing

Let me know what you guys think and why

Will use the board to temper my thinking both ways to figure out the best ideas moving forward

This economy has been headed for correction for about 6 months, regardless of who won in November or in January. I believe we will have another dip in '21 with a slight possibility of stability and improving conditions by late fall. Of course, Congress and the Administration could continue recent practices of arguing over BS and be completely ineffective on significant issues resulting in continued downward pressure. With our elected officials, about the best we can hope for is well intentioned mediocrity.
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This economy has been headed for correction for about 6 months, regardless of who won in November or in January. I believe we will have another dip in '21 with a slight possibility of stability and improving conditions by late fall. Of course, Congress and the Administration could continue recent practices of arguing over BS and be completely ineffective on significant issues resulting in continued downward pressure. With our elected officials, about the best we can hope for is well intentioned mediocrity.

"Well intentioned mediocrity" is a charitable description. I was thinking more along the lines of simple, humble old fashioned mediocrity. Our system does not allow the best and brightest to serve due to polarization, meaning we get ciphers like a Maxine Waters or (insert name here)..........
"Well intentioned mediocrity" is a charitable description. I was thinking more along the lines of simple, humble old fashioned mediocrity. Our system does not allow the best and brightest to serve due to polarization, meaning we get ciphers like a Maxine Waters or (insert name here)..........
worthwhile candidates run for the hills due to all the media and negative attention. There needs to be cover for deals to get done. There has to be compromise. Hard to compromise when every discussion is put in front of the media before progress can be made.
Explode upward? Probably not. Tick sharply upward in the very near term/immediate future as a reaction to the confirmation of a split government? Probably. Markets tend to like split governments and the stability/steadiness they offer while ushering in very little to no major, sweeping changes. But, government composition doesn’t have some inherent impact on markets. After the initial reaction, it’s down to policy. Policy is typically kept relatively stable/steady, and you tend to not see massive changes with split governments. So, yeah. The market will respond favorably and quickly if a split government is confirmed. But, it won’t have a major long term impact in and of itself.
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I am sorry to say that I feel very confident that Warnock and Ossoff (God help us) are going to win. Better get ready for that. Trump has divided and crushed the Republican Party in this state. Democrats are united and they are going to win.

Maybe .... well ... ya .... I dont disagree that Trump divided the Republican party. Not just in Georgia but nationwide. At the end of the day the Derp will still vote for whoever Trump tells them too and actual Republicans will vote to stop the threat of a leftist agenda. The unaffiliated, yet informed, voter will vote for split government.
I am sorry to say that I feel very confident that Warnock and Ossoff (God help us) are going to win. Better get ready for that. Trump has divided and crushed the Republican Party in this state. Democrats are united and they are going to win.
Unfortunately, I agree.
Common sense left American politics in the 1950's...Maybe sooner!(either side of the aisle)

But the American voter is only to be blamed. No way should we have made career politicians!

Just like blaming today's kids, it's the parents fault for how they were raised!

We should all be at our state houses, and DC with torches and pitchforks, demanding real change and for them all to pack up and leave!
Getting feet on both sides of fence or creek so they say

I am expecting huge sell off if GA goes Dem

Flat for short term and then explode in upward
Minimum 5 per cent GNP if both Repub wins

Over summer economy will then turn on fire with huge

Plan to play both sides so no matter who wins I want to win

I have been right and wrong a lot on my personal investing

Let me know what you guys think and why

Will use the board to temper my thinking both ways to figure out the best ideas moving forward

Moody's economists disagree with you bigly

Moody's economists disagree with you bigly

I guess you can find an “analyst” to say whatever you want to hear. Moody’s precept that you create more economic growth or real jobs by taxing producers and creating government jobs is undeniably idiotic. Any honest person has to acknowledge that the last four years (pre-COVID) have been the times of best economic opportunity (real jobs) in decades.
My daughter voted today in solid red Paulding Co. She says not a soul (other than her, a dentist) wore a mask in line. There was a glitch with the scanner so after voting ballots could not be instantaneously scanned. That caused one person in line to proclaim that Raphael Warnock's crew was already working to corrupt the election.

Ah, the Deep South: where it isn't even necessary to hide one's racism.

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue are two of the worst incumbents I've seen for a long time. Here's hoping when Trump is gone, pro-business, anti-deficit, pro-Constitution Republicans (i.e., the level-headed ones) will rise up and reclaim the true values that once attracted me to the GOP. But they will need to create a new party that separates itself from the Q-Anon wing that is growing stronger.
I guess you can find an “analyst” to say whatever you want to hear. Moody’s precept that you create more economic growth or real jobs by taxing producers and creating government jobs is undeniably idiotic. Any honest person has to acknowledge that the last four years (pre-COVID) have been the times of best economic opportunity (real jobs) in decades.

Yeah. The guy that wrote that wasn’t an analyst. He is 2 years removed from a European university (albeit a good one in St. Andrews) with an international relations degree. He’s about as qualified to analyze the macroeconomic and market impact of government policies as the guy that just handed me my coffee through the Starbucks drive-thru window.
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Yeah. The guy that wrote that wasn’t an analyst. He is 2 years removed from a European university (albeit a good one in St. Andrews) with an international relations degree. He’s about as qualified to analyze the macroeconomic and market impact of government policies as the guy that just handed me my coffee through the Starbucks drive-thru window.

The Moody's source is also Marc Zandi, long time friend and advisor to the democratic party. He's a supporter of big government spend for economic growth (jobs, revenue etc) so the article and the articles position supports the incoming leadership position and direction.

Marc and team used to buy data from me at my old firm so I've interacted with him a few times. He's plenty smart but his views haven't changed much across a historical period and there are plenty of sharp chief investment officers that disagree (see most of the global macro funds like Bridgewater, Brevan Howard, etc).
My daughter voted today in solid red Paulding Co. She says not a soul (other than her, a dentist) wore a mask in line. There was a glitch with the scanner so after voting ballots could not be instantaneously scanned. That caused one person in line to proclaim that Raphael Warnock's crew was already working to corrupt the election.

Ah, the Deep South: where it isn't even necessary to hide one's racism.

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue are two of the worst incumbents I've seen for a long time. Here's hoping when Trump is gone, pro-business, anti-deficit, pro-Constitution Republicans (i.e., the level-headed ones) will rise up and reclaim the true values that once attracted me to the GOP. But they will need to create a new party that separates itself from the Q-Anon wing that is growing stronger.

I’ve said many times that when I go indoors I always wear one, no matter where it is. But outdoors? Not a chance I wear one.
The Moody's source is also Marc Zandi, long time friend and advisor to the democratic party. He's a supporter of big government spend for economic growth (jobs, revenue etc) so the article and the articles position supports the incoming leadership position and direction.

Marc and team used to buy data from me at my old firm so I've interacted with him a few times. He's plenty smart but his views haven't changed much across a historical period and there are plenty of sharp chief investment officers that disagree (see most of the global macro funds like Bridgewater, Brevan Howard, etc).

Yeah. I quickly skimmed that and couldn’t go any farther after the charts on page 9, and the line of thinking that government spending impacts GDP to a greater degree than private sector growth.
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Adding this link from @nytigerfan in the other thread:

LIVE UPDATES Stocks surge after Democrats lead Senate races

Dow currently up 500 points.

Man, do you conservatives every get tired of being wrong about EVERYTHING?

I have posted this before, but with this graph you can compare DJIA performance by president. The dems outperform the repubs, bigly. The only exception is Jimmy Carter. Case closed.