OT: Ferguson, MO Announcement at 9:00

They can burn their city down to the ground and kill each other off for all I care. They're thugs and that's it. Open fire with your nine cocked sideways and you'll be dropped. I just hope innocent people don't get killed.
You do not make a 9pm announcement to say we are going to trial.
Originally posted by MaduroTiger:
They can burn their city down to the ground and kill each other off for all I care. They're thugs and that's it. Open fire with your nine cocked sideways and you'll be dropped. I just hope innocent people don't get killed.
Now that's the Christian spirit!
Guessing it will be an indictment for Voluntary Manslaughter.

Postpone the final decision with a trial in a few more years.

Social justice.

I'm wrong again.
This post was edited on 11/24 9:28 PM by ClemsonGentleman
Originally posted by LUV DEM TIGERS:
Originally posted by 88MechEng:
Only one verdict results in rioting. If it is an indictment of the cop, there is no rioting.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
No Indictment = Rioting
Indictment = Celebration and destroying things

It is really symantics.
Yep, yet here my wife and sit in Washington,DC praying this thing is subdued because this city is primed for an explosive verdict.
Protesters are already blocking traffic and taking over the streets. There's going to be a riot no matter what.
Originally posted by LUV DEM TIGERS:
Get ready for the riots one way or the other. No matter which announcement is made, there is going to be riots. So sad.
This in the name of Civil Rights....that aren't civil. 50+ years, $32 Trillion+ and changes in this country's rules for everyone else and we aren't closer to civility or fiscal equality. You can look at the Government for that. If you can deduce why, then you'll know the party and why things are worse according to that party. Just fvcking saying. No better for us Jews, Caucasions, Asians, Hispanics and any other swinging dick in the US. Hang the Politicians!!
Originally posted by MaduroTiger:
They can burn their city down to the ground and kill each other off for all I care. They're thugs and that's it. Open fire with your nine cocked sideways and you'll be dropped. I just hope innocent people don't get killed.
Tell us how you really feel.
It doesn't matter what happens, Eric Holder will take care of him.
I'm sorry guys but if these idiots are going to riot and threaten to retaliate and kill people then why would I care what happens to these people? I'm not a perfect person or perfect Christian by any means. These looters and rioters can go fall off a cliff for all I care.
Originally posted by dustinw:
Translation = not guilty and most of the people that gave statements were lying.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
My guess is the fact that the struggle started while the cop was seated in the cruiser carried a lot of weight.
My feeling is this is just another tragic situation that was used to push the race issue. Not saying racism doesn't exist, it obviously still does, but according to the prosecution the physical evidence suggested there was no reason to indict the officer. How could they charge him given the physical evidence? Seems like everyone made up their mind of guilty before any actual evidence was presented. Once the evidence was presented they didn't want to hear it because their minds were already made up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by bradowatson:
My feeling is this is just another tragic situation that was used to push the race issue. Not saying racism doesn't exist, it obviously still does, but according to the prosecution the physical evidence suggested there was no reason to indict the officer. How could they charge him given the physical evidence? Seems like everyone made up their mind of guilty before any actual evidence was presented. Once the evidence was presented they didn't want to hear it because their minds were already made up.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Spot on. LIke it was said, there were several witnesses that didn't run to the media but instead contacted the authorities and told the true story.
Civil unrest gets worse everyday. Freedom only works when "WE THE PEOPLE" use common sense. I have been in more than 1 situation that demands a split second decision to shoot or not shoot, and i can say nothing in this world can prepare you for it. It is the most helpless feeling you can ever have.

Do i kill this person or pause to see if he kills me. It keeps me awake many nights. I was a soldier in the infantry for 8 years and i wouldnt dare ever be a cop. It is a far harder job. The microscope that we place on police officers is unreal!
It is disgraceful to our entire country. No matter what race you are. The world is watching and we are showing just how weak this country has become.
Originally posted by dustinw:
Translation = not guilty and most of the people that gave statements were lying.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The facts supported the officers story. If the grand jury could have found ANYTHING credible to indict this officer with they sure would have. They knew the implications.