OT Good Places to go dancing for older couples in Charleston


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
Maybe club dances , meet up and such

Where are some good spots to go dancing and have a hoot down in Charleston
Post some of your dance moves and I can direct you to where you need to go
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Is Budiroes Still open?

Also the Blind Tiger was swing oriented and South End Brewery has Salsa night but 10 years on my old knees slows me down
I u
That was the first place that came to mind. My parents loved the place.
I used to eat there "on special occasions".

They had excellent chateau briand.

Prohibition on king st. is the last place I did any dancing - young crowd but still fun.
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Shagging is pretty good choice however seems almost every dance club goes out of business

Any private groups doing dance you can join ?

Like a swing/salsa/shag club?
Sort of true. Their Jazz show is good, but I never see anyone dancing there
haha, you haven't been on the right nights then. everytime I go people are dancing, usually older crowds. I've danced with an old lady or two myself in there.
haha, you haven't been on the right nights then. everytime I go people are dancing, usually older crowds. I've danced with an old lady or two myself in there.

edit-I've only been about 3 times and all were on weekends so I'm sure there are plenty of nights when people are just chilling.
edit-I've only been about 3 times and all were on weekends so I'm sure there are plenty of nights when people are just chilling.
Ah, ok. I went for that jazz dude's show. But, yeah that's a good spot.

Other answer is Trio. Although I don't think that's what OP wants.