Would like everyone to know about the State Finals Rodeo for the South Carolina High School Rodeo Association that will be held at the T.Ed Garrison Arena next week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. (May 21, 22, 23). These kids have been competing all year all around the state at various rodeos for points and this 3 day event is the year-end culmination of their year. A lot of these young people already compete in pro-rodeos also, so the level of competition is very high. I think you will be surprised at how good these kids are. Many of them will earn college scholarships to compete in rodeo in college. There will be bareback, saddlebronc, calf roping, girls breakaway roping, barrels, bull riding, etc. Tickets are only $12 ($6 for kids 12 and under). And the best part is they are honoring the military all 3 nights. Anyone with a military ID (active or retired) gets in free all 3 nights. Saturday night is Purple Heart night. Any purple heart recipient and a guest will be admitted free and recognized during the rodeo. If you live in the upstate , come on out and support these kids and you will see a great rodeo.