which response wins out?
1. "I can't recall" Or
2. "I'm going to use my constitutional right and take the fifth."
1. "I can't recall" Or
2. "I'm going to use my constitutional right and take the fifth."
which response wins out?
1. "I can't recall" Or
2. "I'm going to use my constitutional right and take the fifth."
good post! informative, reasoned, well written.
And a savvy comeback. Do you have a response Mensa?good post! informative, reasoned, well written.
good post! informative, reasoned, well written.
which response wins out?
1. "I can't recall" Or
2. "I'm going to use my constitutional right and take the fifth."
Still waiting..............good post! informative, reasoned, well written.
Yeah, Karma is a beotch. After all the hullabaloo and having a "special counsel" appointed to chase after phantom collusion and obstruction, the real collusion and obstruction is about to have the light of truth shined upon it.
Phantom, eh?
Hillary is not President. She's not ever going to be President. Time to ****ing stand up and realize that she doesn't matter anymore and no amount of Hillary cronies going to prison do not obscure the fact that Trump and others were in fact colluding with Russia. Eating straight out of their hands like a bunch of morons.
This is who you elected to run the country. Get mad about THAT.
Well as soon as one of you liberal buffoons can come up with something other than fake news, I will get mad about it. Until then just shut up. The only people talking about this is the msm. No elected dem has ever acknowledged that there is one shred of evidence!
Go ahead/ That's exactly what the media is doing...creating their own reality.You do realize that everything they've claimed so far, has been proven to be bsOh no! The only people talking about it is the media! Fortunately for me, I can pick and choose my own reality and it's all ok!
Go ahead/ That's exactly what the media is doing...creating their own reality.You do realize that everything they've claimed so far, has been proven to be bs
You mean like the emails that Donald Trump Jr. posted himself? I'm going to need a citation from something other than Briebart on "everything they've claimed so far, has been proven to be bs".
I guess Donald Trump Jr. posting Donald Trump Jr.'s e-mails about meeting with Russia and having things they're "going to like" about Clinton is liberal collusion "bs".
Keep covering your eyes, it's the only way not to see it.
--Mr. DT
Ok. Name one allegation, over the last 10 months, made by the media, and as a result of some unnamed source, that has been proven true. Tell me what law Jr has broken? I'm all for throwing anyone in jail who has broken the law. So far, the only people who have broken the law, is Hillary, Loretta, Comey, and the young dem staffer who has already been arrested for leaking classified information.
The msm is foaming at the mouth over this Jr. thing, but again, what did he do that is illegal? That's right, nothing.
What do anonymous sources have to do with anything? You said that the mainstream media did nothing but make shit up. You're moving the goalposts. Just to entertain you: The Donald Trump Jr. thing actually happened. Jr. said it happened. The media has not said it was illegal yet because that is to be determined. It could be conspiracy to commit election fraud but they haven't just said "Donald Trump Jr."
New York Times cited an anonymous source about Trump Jr. meeting with a Kremlin connected lawyer and DTJ confirmed it a couple of days later.
Yep, Jr came clean with everything that happened. Even posted the emails for all to see. Why? Because anyone with a brain knows that he hasn't done anything wrong! The "could be a conspiracy to commit election fraud" stuff you're referencing is the STUFF THEY MAKE UP! You're the one being led by the nose by a bunch of libtards at the NYT! (who have been dead WRONG about everything they've printed the last 10 months regarding Trump!)
You act like nobody else in the country ever meets with a Russian! Just to entertain you, here is a similar story about the Clintons trying to sabotage the Trump campaign using a foreign gov't.
I've never seen people so butt hurt over losing an election before.
Few points.
1) I find it amusing that you cite the mainstream media in an argument on how fake the mainstream media is.
2) Clinton is not the President but she'd deserve the same scrutiny. However, apparently the data in question in the Ukraine story was all public domain:
3) if you're allowed to pick and choose what is made up and what isn't, you don't have a place in discourse. You've gotta have some facts that people can agree upon. How am I even supposed to talk to you if some stuff is just "made up" and the only way to know is that it's negative towards President Trump?
All you have to do is show me the facts where there has been "collusion", "treason" or any other accusation that has been made since Hillary lost the election. Seems to me that the only "proof" some people have is, well, Hillary lost the election, so there must be.
All I hear from msm sources, which is around 80% of all news sources, has been "impeachable offense", "collusion", "treason". If you're going to spout that nonsense night after night, sooner or later you have to show some evidence.
I find it amusing the number of seemingly smart people, who believe the Russians hacked the DNC computers. At first, we all heard there were 17 intelligence agencies that verified this. Now, we know, that wasn't true at all; straight from Clapper's mouth. I guess this isn't fake news to some. All the while, the DNC is guarding their email server and not allowing anyone to check it out. We just have to take their word that it was the Russians. Since you and I started this discussion, yesterday, it has come out that the Russian lawyer was allowed into the country by a special pass from Loretta Lynch. Would that merit some investigating? Not holding my breath. It has also been disclosed that Ron Dellams was working with this particular lawyer. Look him up. She is also known to be associated with Glen Simpson, founder of Fusion GPS. Ever heard of this innocent little organization? They are the ones that passed the so called "Trump Dossier" to the former British spy, whose name escapes me, and he's the one who passed it on to the Dems as "opposition research". Turns out, that was all fake news; at least according to the FBI.
How am I supposed to have a conversation with you when all you know is what you see on the msm?
Provide me some links and I'll read them. I don't deny that I use the mainstream media. Very little of what they've said has been bunk. I haven't seen any main stream outlet say that Trump has committed treason or an impeachable offense. If you can find me a link to that happening then maybe I'd feel differently. You said that the media hadn't said a single true thing citing an anonymous source in the last 10 months and when I showed you an example of the "failing New York Times" doing so, you said it didn't count. You enjoy your set of facts, man. You've made it abundantly clear that this is a pointless endeavor.
Phantom, eh?
Hillary is not President. She's not ever going to be President. Time to ****ing stand up and realize that she doesn't matter anymore and no amount of Hillary cronies going to prison do not obscure the fact that Trump and others were in fact colluding with Russia. Eating straight out of their hands like a bunch of morons.
This is who you elected to run the country. Get mad about THAT.
Well, obviously it's in the way news is presented. You see that Jr has met with a Russian. In your media, they lead one to think that there is a smoking gun to collusion. I've watched this myself. They bring in these these talking heads that say it sure looks like collusion, collaboration to steal an election, etc. I never said Jr didn't meet with the woman. I have just said that Jr hasn't broken any laws, nor done anything wrong in this situation; evidenced by his immediate willingness to divulge the emails openly.
The Comey hearing is a prime example. The leftist news culture in DC basically declared a holiday and everyone hit the bars to watch. They were thinking that Trump was finally going to get nailed for Obstruction of Justice. These outlets had been promoting the this idea for weeks leading up to the sworn testimony. Instead, all we really learn from the testimony is that Loretta Lynch could very well be in legal jeapardy and that Comey himself admitted to the unlawful act of leaking protected government documents.
Also, going back to the first point, did you know there is video evidence of this Russian lawyer sitting in the front row of a House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing just 5 days after her 20 minute meeting with Jr? How the heck did she get in there?
Here is one example of many regarding the NYT. Even when Comey directly states that this article was "fake news" or not true, or totally wrong, the paper stills defends itself.
You're right about one thing. This discussion is probably pointless.
You know, Trump said when he won the Republican nomination, that he could actually walk out into the street and shoot someone and his supporters would still support him. I now believe that's true. He can do or say anything and it simply doesn't matter. There are folks on here who actually believe that Hillary and Bill have killed hundreds of people and that 911 was an inside job that are defending Trump b/c there's "no evidence" that he and his staff colluded with Russia...
I realize that you can't reason with that, but I still try.
Does anyone even remember how Trump told us repeatedly that he had nothing to do with Russia. He and his staff had NO MEETINGS (not Collusion... Meetings). Our former NSA swore before congress that he didn't. Then the "fake media" found out he did. Then the excuse was that he didn't collude and that Trump supported him. The "fake media" pointed out that he'd actually got paid by the Russians. Ditto with Manaford. Even though Manaford swore he didn't have meetings either.
What about Jared? He swore in his FBI paperwork that he had no contact with the Russian government. But the "fake media" got proof that he went to the Russian Embassy and got on a secure line to Moscow. Then he admits it, but says he "forgot" and there was no collusion. He (Manaford too) also "forgot" this meeting with the Russian lawyer as well until the Jr's email outed him.
I'm not sure how anyone can say that this latest meeting with Jr isn't illegal. It is illegal for a domestic campaign to take "anything of value" from a foreign government. Jr showed up to do exactly that... unless you think that he showed up at the meeting b/c he thought that the dirt on Hillary that he states "I love it" was worthless. That's like someone showing up at a crack house or to buy stolen goods proclaiming their innocence b/c there were no drugs/goods to buy...
And just as a side note. Jr didn't "come clean" as pointed out above. The "fake media" in this case the "failing NYTimes". Was about to print this story including the emails. He came out b/c he was about to be outed. BIG DIFFERENCE.
If this was on the Dems, all you guys would be screaming Treason. And you'd be right. Fox News would be running this day and night (and MSNBC would be downplaying it a la Fox News downplaying this) and Hannity would be making peepee in his pants (exactly like Maddow is doing right now). As a moderate, one of the things that drive me crazy on both sides of the aisle is how behavior that is "un American" for one side is fine for another.
So I appeal to you one more time. All you guys above defending Trump... look in the mirror and think about what you'd be saying if this were Hillary and Staff instead of Trump and Staff. THAT'S what you should be saying now b/c holding both sides to the same standards is the very definition of what's fair and balanced. This is exactly what's wrong with America and until (IF) we can hold each side of the aisle to the same standard of behavior, we will be a divided country.
You know, Trump said when he won the Republican nomination, that he could actually walk out into the street and shoot someone and his supporters would still support him. I now believe that's true. He can do or say anything and it simply doesn't matter. There are folks on here who actually believe that Hillary and Bill have killed hundreds of people and that 911 was an inside job that are defending Trump b/c there's "no evidence" that he and his staff colluded with Russia...
I realize that you can't reason with that, but I still try.
Does anyone even remember how Trump told us repeatedly that he had nothing to do with Russia. He and his staff had NO MEETINGS (not Collusion... Meetings). Our former NSA swore before congress that he didn't. Then the "fake media" found out he did. Then the excuse was that he didn't collude and that Trump supported him. The "fake media" pointed out that he'd actually got paid by the Russians. Ditto with Manaford. Even though Manaford swore he didn't have meetings either.
What about Jared? He swore in his FBI paperwork that he had no contact with the Russian government. But the "fake media" got proof that he went to the Russian Embassy and got on a secure line to Moscow. Then he admits it, but says he "forgot" and there was no collusion. He (Manaford too) also "forgot" this meeting with the Russian lawyer as well until the Jr's email outed him.
I'm not sure how anyone can say that this latest meeting with Jr isn't illegal. It is illegal for a domestic campaign to take "anything of value" from a foreign government. Jr showed up to do exactly that... unless you think that he showed up at the meeting b/c he thought that the dirt on Hillary that he states "I love it" was worthless. That's like someone showing up at a crack house or to buy stolen goods proclaiming their innocence b/c there were no drugs/goods to buy...
And just as a side note. Jr didn't "come clean" as pointed out above. The "fake media" in this case the "failing NYTimes". Was about to print this story including the emails. He came out b/c he was about to be outed. BIG DIFFERENCE.
If this was on the Dems, all you guys would be screaming Treason. And you'd be right. Fox News would be running this day and night (and MSNBC would be downplaying it a la Fox News downplaying this) and Hannity would be making peepee in his pants (exactly like Maddow is doing right now). As a moderate, one of the things that drive me crazy on both sides of the aisle is how behavior that is "un American" for one side is fine for another.
So I appeal to you one more time. All you guys above defending Trump... look in the mirror and think about what you'd be saying if this were Hillary and Staff instead of Trump and Staff. THAT'S what you should be saying now b/c holding both sides to the same standards is the very definition of what's fair and balanced. This is exactly what's wrong with America and until (IF) we can hold each side of the aisle to the same standard of behavior, we will be a divided country.
Clinton's were way worse.
I'm guessing you really do believe that Russia stole the election.
Everyone's waiting for Hillary to go to jail, where she belongs.
Trump has done nothing wrong.
No shit.
Same peeps who r hammering trumo sure turned a blind eye to Hillary, bill. Loretta. Comet. And even Donna brazeale
As far as this Russian lawyer, the real question is how was she even in this country in June of '16. Only Loretta can answer this.
Our friends in this thread aren't even interested in the fact that said Russian lawyer was sitting on the front row with Obama's former ambassador to Russia's family during a Capitol Hill hearing just 5 days after meeting with Jr.