Ok...well, the question was why would you vote Hillary without using Donald Trump in your answer...j just wanted to hear one reason why you think she's qualified...
But since you went that route, here goes?
1. Insulted black people? What?? Cause he willing to tell the truth about the problems within the black community? At least he can acknowledge it & isn't a part of this PC culture that's destroying this nation...what exactly has 60 years worth of voting for the Democratic party done for the black community??? But you will follow Hillary...the candidate that is running as the champion of the black community in 2016, but ran as champion of the white, hard-working middle class in 2008....
2. She insulted Sen. McCain in 2008 saying he doesn't have the "temperament" to be President...sound familiar?
3. Gold Star families blame President Bush for the Iraq War (I'm point #9, you list Bush insults as a reason to vote for Hillary)...by the way, Hillary supported the war...
4. You think Trump is thin-skinned? I just think he has balls & won't be pushed around...but check out the last time Hillary Clinton has held a press conference where all the questions aren't scripted? Close to a year...you know why? B/c she doesn't wanna answer tough questions & is actually quite the hothead...by all accounts.
5. And she knows about world events? She's a part of an administration that called ISIS a JV team & can't even say the words "radical Islamic terrorism"...id say Trump understands the threat better than she does...
6. We do need a wall...& people only need to enter this country legally. Liberals (Hillary included) want a world without borders...this nation will fall quickly if we allow status quo to continue...
7. Maybe it's time somebody shakes the Republican party up...particularly the establishment b/c they haven't did anything in years...
8. Clinton foundation?????????
9. Bengazi????????
10. Email Scandal?????????
11. Again, tell me anything she's done well ever?!?!
And one more question, from a different angle...your handle is IMBlessed...im assuming you're a Christian (as am I)...
If you are (as I believe you are), how can you, I'm good conscience, vote for the Democratic party at this point?? They support (& celebrate) homosexuality & abortion. They support globalization, which is the precursor to one world govt & a new world order. They have become increasingly hostile to Israel. They (liberals) have become increasingly critical of Christianity while embracing Islam. Etc ...the Bible is very clear on such things...how can you vote that way now?
I'm not saying voting Republican makes you a candidate for sainthood b/c heaven knows, there ain't many saints in that party either but I'm just curious...& just so you know, I came from a family that was staunch Democrat when I was younger...i voted for Bill Clinton in my first ever major election but the majority of my family has since changed our stance...from a biblical standpoint, the Democratic party just doesn't represent me anymore...
Ok, lengthy & wow! It is odviously you are voting for Donald Trump & have your reasons, as do I not to! The irony is most Conservative Leaders agree with me - The Independent Voter!
1. Your perception of Donald Trump & response to Black People - Shouldn't he have the courage to do so in a Predominantely Black Community? Most of what he is saying is not true, for example:
a. There were more killings Black on Black crimes in the 80 & 90 than today - not something to be proud of!
b. There has never been a higher rate of Black College Educated, Business Owners, Business Professionals in US History.
c. The Black vote is not monolithic but study History! Those 50 years your referring to Republicans/Conservatives did more to stifle Black American progress & no President Lincoln is not a member of the Republican of today! Restricting voting, housing, job & educations has been lead by Republicans - you want My vote (By the Way I am an independent who voted for Regan 2nd term) earn it!
2. You asked why I am voting for Sen. Clinton, I did not ask why you are not!
3. Insulting Sen. McCain & his military service is quite different than his political agenda!
4. I too support the War & until your a Gold Star Family I don't expect you to understand my opinion of them being off limits to politician insults!
5. I love all the Political, Fox, Rush, Shaun H., phrases your using. However, your #4-11 comments are merely respected but further homework away from talking points may prove interesting!
a. For example What are Conservatives doing to address the Herion epidemic in Predominantely White Suburbs especially in Ohio & Maine.
b. What about the mass killings by White Americans in Our Communities!
c. God knows we must address the Predominantely White, White Collar Crimes in Our Country that cost hard working Americians Billions each year.
d. Drugs & illegal weapons in Our inner City, surely you don' believe they are brought in by those poor Black & Minorities in their Airplane & built in their factories, or do you?
What I am saying my friend America has problems, still the Greatest Country in The World, but for a Person like Donald Trump to only emphasize in a Presominantely White Community the Minority negative impact is Un-American!
What did Donald Trump do to help the downtrodden & why if he is so concern did he hire illegals to finish his jobs & why if he is thinking about those poor minorities without jobs did he outsource so many?
Finally, yes I am a Bible toting, Jesus thumping 100% God fearing Christian! As such please show me in the Bible where God said Conservatives are The Christian Party of Earth, please. Furthermore:
1. Why are the Evengelicals Only supporting Republicans? For every Liberal that commit sins, I can show a ConServative! Isn't adultry a sin...well Rush, Donald, Newt & the Boys Say Hello!
2. I do not support Abortion, but the law of the land while doing the Christian thing of trying to teach people that killing in any shape or form is not of God. Your anti-abortion great, but what about execution?
3. Bible teaches me to judge yet ye be judged, thus no I do not support the homosexual agenda. I do pray for those that live lifestyle different than taught in the Bible, i.e. Divorce (Donald Trump 3rd wife), Peodephiles, Adulters & the sexually deviant!
4. There were & still are people in Our Country that interpert the Bible to justify Slavery, Jim Crow/Separate but Equal, No Inter-racial dating/marriage & hate! Again my God teaches me to Love Unconditionally & Pray for the lost sheeps without judging.
5. Study of The Book of Revelations will, if your a Christian, place in perspective your views of Christian persecution, Muslim & Jewish Strifes & why the World is As it is today!
Proverbs 3:5-6, I will vote for Sen. Clinton & win or loose, I Belong To God 100% & He Promised , 1 Peter 5:10 thus Amen!